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The bowl of water?


Well-Known Member
Whats that bowl of water (in the totodile house anyway, i don't think it'll be water for all, not in fire bases anyway) doing in the team base?
Whats the point of it, and why does it have a map in it?? :confused:
It doesn't do anything does it?
Thanks! :)


Beginning Trainer
Its just a feature


I stand Alone...
WHAT! Its just a decoration that gets automaticaly put on!


Beginning Trainer
Yes, It is. It might seem like a map but thats `cause its right by the map. Case Closed!


I wanted ketchup!!!
It is just a decoration


Well-Known Member
Huh? Theres a map there? Oh, ok then, i just thought that it was the water with a map in it.... ^_^
Never mind then.


ooo, what's cooking?
it's drinking water ur leader can drink, to make it look more realistice by the game designer...


Well-Known Member
Oh, i thought so.....
Do grass types base's have leaves?
Actually, what about normal and electric bowls too, for meowth and pikachu? Anyone know? :)


Well-Known Member
Meowth has a bowl of water. Meowth actually has what would look like a normal human house with tables and a straw mat and wooden interior. Goes along with the 'your a human' storyline to me honestly.


Team In Flames
The map's on the wall. The game assumes you are looking at the wall so the pot of stuff is not interactive.


herd u liek mudkips?
I just noticed the map yesterday. For Pikachu, it's a bowl of water.