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The Brawly Fanclub, v....what?

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So hot he's on fire.
Approved for reopening by PsiUmbreon!

WELCOME TO BRAWLY-LAND. Or something. I dunno. JOIN UP! We're friendly! AND WE'RE A LITTLE EMPTY.

Some Rules to Wax Your Board by:

1. You bash him and you die.

2. IF YOU DON'T BELONG HERE, go hang yourself if you try to join. These people I speak of know who they are.

3. Post lots! Cause I'm dumber than Brawly is and I forget my clubs are here.

4. Go ahead and PERV AWAY. We'll ALL end up doing it. It comes with the territory.

NEW RULE: In the event I get banned, someone must take care of the club. >__> Adding new members.....stuff like that. Keeping it going :D

Phantom_Bugsy (That's m33!!!!1)
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Lessee... I'll join again. Brawly's like, cool and stuff. And he surfs, too, and teaches his fighting type Pokemon to surf, too.


I have returned!
Can I join Brawly is one of my top 3 favorite gym leaders in Hoenn...*lets out her Meditite*

Citrus Man

Citrus Man AWAY!
I'll join as long as I don't have to be pervy! Brawly owned me till I got a Kirlia. The pain...


So hot he's on fire.
glurdlesplech said:
I'll join as long as I don't have to be pervy! Brawly owned me till I got a Kirlia. The pain...

You don't have to be, but most of us will end up as such. XD


Brawly: can you 'wax my board'?
Morty(stoned): huh?
Brawly: Duuuuuuuuuude.......
Some of P_B's pervyness is rubbing off on me........ can I join

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
I'd like to join. Brawly's one of my favorite Hoenn gym leaders. ^_~


Make a Wish
I'd like to join!

I LUV Brawly ;D :D :D


Staff member
This thread must not die! *Revives*
Since we don't really have a topic, I'll start one. Who do you think Brawly is best paired with? I like BrawlyxSteven. That, and BrawlyxGeorge Washington.
I mean, Steven has to have a better reason for being on Dewford other than rocks.


So hot he's on fire.
I just have to look to your sig for my answer, Chaos. >D

I think he'd go really well with Morty. :x And of course, Caden. :D Morty and Brawly can have an airhead contest. XD

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Brawly x Caden O_O

That's hot.


So hot he's on fire.
Why, yes it is. >D

Awww, poor Brawly. Being pwned by Todd like that D: Oh well. They need to have babies. Redheaded Brawlys plz.




Staff member
You know who else would go great with Brawly? Flannery. J/k. WillxBrawly is very sexay.


<========Ball Squeez
Brawly is so glompable *joins*


just disappear.
OOO CAN I JOIN?!!? Brawly is one of my most FAVORITE gym leaders EVER!!! I think BrawlyxSteven is actually very hawt!
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<========Ball Squeez
Brawly <3's Jimmy and Caden.

Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
Seriously, Brawly's like.... awesome. And HE'S TEH 00BER GAYNEZZZ!!! :D
...wtf happened to your hottieshipping thread? :< It's too hawt to die! D:
Then again, my Krazyshipping one was too and.... D=
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