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The Bug Stops Here! (163)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
The Bug Stops Here!

Heading to Ecruteak City, Ash enters a Bug Catching Contest, while there he meets his old friend Casey from New Bark Town who is also signing up for the contest. Will they catch any decent bug Pokémon or will they come out empty handed?

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Strawberry Milk
This episod eI thought was a good one. Seeing chikorita again was good but when it evloved into bayleef it thought it's voice was bad. But it was nice for asj to give casey the beedrill. I give it a 7/10


oh i love this episode!!cause 1, Casey's Chicorita evolves and 2, it was so cute how Chicorita "danced" to the Electabuzz fight song in the beginning of the episode.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Cool ep! cept why didnt Ash catch Scyther?

and why isnt the weedle on Casey's profile on the main site?


Best Casey episode, especially with the ludicrous Team Electabuzz cheer. Misty swatting the bugs from Togepi was hilarious as well.


Team Awesome
Although I do think that Casey was being a little hard on Chikorita by pushing it so hard, this episode was otherwise great. :) Casey has been one of my favorite recurring characters, and I can relate to her the most. I can't wait for the three Chronicles episodes that she's in. Speaking of which, it's odd that it took until her third special in season eight to bring Beedrill back. :p

I am glad that Ash's Bayleef had a much better voice than Casey's bayleef. Wow, that voice was annoying. I did like the part when Ash fell in the pitfall and said it was another dumb Team Rocket trap, then when he gets caged he says maybe not. :D I also liked when he told Casey that he doesn't speak baseball (even though it went against Casey's first episode).
Misty and bugs = :D
Anyway, it was nice of Ash to give Beedrill away, but IMO he should have kept it


Well-Known Member
Excellent episode it's nice to see Casey again and seeing her Chikorita evolve into a Bayleef. Episodes with bug Pokemon and Misty are always hilarious. Nice to see Ash catch a Beedrill a Pokemon he's had alot of experience with throughout the series, to bad he didn't keep it I always wondered how Ash would fare with a Beedrill on his team but I guess since he has Heracross he doesn't need another bug Pokemon anyway nice to see him give it away to Casey, to bad he never does anything like that for Misty.


I have returned.....
Yeah, Ash gets a Beedrill in that contest but he gives it afterwards to Casey. I see Casey has a Chikorita evolved into a Bayleef. When they met again, she comes with a Meganium, evolved from her Bayleef. Then in a special episode Casey trains a Charizard to be the mascot of her baseball team.

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
I think Ash giving Beedrill to Casey was a really sweet thing to do.

And the reappearance of Chikorita was an added bonus.


Grass Pokemon Expert
I tought it was very nice for Ash to give Casey his Beedrill. It was also good to see her Chikorita evolve into Bayleef. I do think that she was pushing Chikorita a little too hard during the contest, but everything turned out okay. Except I think her Bayleef's voice is annoying. And Misty being afraid of bug pokemon is always funny. I thought it was cute how Chikorita danced to the Electabuzz fight song.