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The Canadian Club

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Yes this was approved.
This club is for all Canadians to join:D
Talk about anything here and stuff...^^;

To many to add.;)

Fellow Canadians,unite!​
Thats all ^^;
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Head AlwaysHeld High
Who approved it? If it's official, I wouldn't mind joining. :)
Exxthus said:
Who approved it? If it's official, I wouldn't mind joining. :)
PsiUmbreon approved it. I forgot to add that^^;
Want to be co-owner?


Head AlwaysHeld High
Oh, why not? I'm already a co-owner elsewhere, so I've got a certain amount of experience in that position. Oh, and I am going to be busy come Monday, due to a club event I'm hosting, so I may miss a few posts. ^^;


Head AlwaysHeld High
Hey, Mew Master, I've seen you in the Games Forum before, I believe. Welcome to the... er, club. It's not particularly popular, as of yet, so it may be a bit much to go as far as to call it a club club.

FYI: I find Ash rather annoying as well.
Exxthus said:
Hey, Mew Master, I've seen you in the Games Forum before, I believe. Welcome to the... er, club. It's not particularly popular, as of yet, so it may be a bit much to go as far as to call it a club club.

FYI: I find Ash rather annoying as well.
I like Ash though
anyways who wants to start a topic? I'm empty


Head AlwaysHeld High
It's his raspy English voice, and the fact that the writers are running out of ways to make him win, so they all seem extremely unlikely victories.

Anyone have Pokemon Emerald here?
OK I'll Be second Co-owner

And I have Pokemon Emerald. Im in the battle Frontier. Keep getting meseed by the leaders though. 0 symobls so far.
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Head AlwaysHeld High
How far are you in the game? Like, Battle Frontier far, or just 7 badges far?
Exxthus said:
Anyone have Pokemon Emerald here?
No but I have red,blue,yellow and silver
I'v got a topic:
What school do you go to?


Head AlwaysHeld High
Camrose Composite High School, in Camrose, Alberta. It's a small, nowhere place by Edmonton that's full of seniors. '~'


But don't you think that is to much info but send me a pm and I will tell you (members only)
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Head AlwaysHeld High
Why is it too much information? Really, not everyone knows about things like that. Just a school name wasn't descriptive for my post, so I went a step further. In any case, we're getting off topic. ;)


Oddish plzkthnxbai
I'll join. I live in Okotoks. My grandparents live in Camrose.

EDIT: be sure to sign up in this thread.
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