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The CD Drama Club

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Lord Mewtwo

Advanced Human
Welcome to the "unofficial" CD Drama Club(Psiumbreon approved). Here you may talk about the anything CD Drama, if you know what it is, and if you don't, then you're still welcome:D. Sorry if this seems a bit unorganized, hopfully things will get better if people join.

Owner: Lord Mewtwo
Co-Owner: Angel-FoX-Cresent

1. Mewtwo's Gardian Demon
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Lord Mewtwo

Advanced Human
Horray, you can be co-captain...err, I mean co-owner.:D(if you want)
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Mewtwo's Guardian Demon

Lord Mewtwo said:
Welcome to the "unofficial" CD Drama Club(Psiumbreon approved). Here you may talk about the anything CD Drama, if you know what it is, and if you don't, then you're still welcome:D. Sorry if this seems a bit unorganized, hopfully things will get better if people join.

Owner: Lord Mewtwo
Co-Owner: Angel-FoX-Cresent

Hey, are you talking about the Japanese "Birth of Mewtwo" CD as an example of a CD drama? I hope I'm right on that. If so, may I join? I did not hear that CD, but I read that it's quite devastating for the people who's emotionally sensitive.

~MGD. ;150;♥

Lord Mewtwo

Advanced Human
You hit the bullseye, dude, course, you may join. I haven't listened to it completely myself, to tell you the truth, but I've read an english version of what it says, and it's very interesting. It didn't make me cry or anything, but...Madam Boss loves her money:p

Mewtwo's Guardian Demon

Lord Mewtwo said:
You hit the bullseye, dude, course, you may join. I haven't listened to it completely myself, to tell you the truth, but I've read an english version of what it says, and it's very interesting. It didn't make me cry or anything, but...Madam Boss loves her money:p

All right, thanks, LM! :) I only read bits and pieces of the English dub on some of the site and my god I was almost in tears. If I was actually listen to "The Birth of Mewtwo", despite my lack of Japanese knowledge, I would cry.

There are two reasons why I will cry.

1: I am an emotionally sensitive female.

2: It feels like that I have a "Destiny Bond" with Mewtwo.

~MGD. ;150;♥

Lord Mewtwo

Advanced Human
Yay, Mewtwo...yeah, Birth of Mewtwo was pretty emotionally drenched. Well, even though we're only 3 people, I'll start our first topic:Who are your favorite CD Drama characters, you can list as many as you like.
Mine are:Miyamoto, Ai, Mewtwo(of course), and Madam Boss

Mewtwo's Guardian Demon

My favourites are Ai and Mewtwo. When I read of Ai and Mewtwo talking to each other, I thought it was too cute! But, when Ai and the the three Pokémon dying, I was just stunned! Like holy sh*t this is a bad one. Leaving Mewtwo all alone, it is way too sad. :(

~MGD. ;150;♥
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