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The celebi rumors on the american version have got to stop!!!

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People are always saying:"If you equip a pokeball to a shadow pkmn and use a
Time flute you get Celebi."I tried it.IT IS NOT TRUE.Dont bother.


I know... legendary rumors are the most annoying bull c*** anywhere, from school to the net... not only is it false advertising, but it gets the gullibles' hopes up so that they spend their lives trying to make it work. (I know, I used to fall for it too...) it has got to stop, not just CELEBI/SEREBII, but ALL hard to get POKeMON. the only way to get them is the legal way, or the cheap-***** way, which isn't looked upon well. *coughgshackingcough*

by the way, ANYONE can fake proof, so don't bother with it just to make people believe what you know is false. besides, movies and pictures only proove that it was planned.

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I'm just here to help people.And you can say crap in my thread ok? ;145;


Protoman.EXE said:
I'm just here to help people.And you can say crap in my thread ok? ;145;
o.0? lol yea i know what you mean tho... like back in the good old days of r/b/l beat the elite for 100x to get Mew or some bull like that


Your point of this is? Come on, we're not even stupid enough to think so anyways. Yet this is Sppf. Some of us might be.


Well-Known Member
You can't stop rumors. People will always believe them. Many of the more experienced people won't, but you still can't stop them. All you need to do is ignore them.


cherry BLOSSOM.
Too true. -__- I know these boys who play Pokémon Colloseum, LeafGreen, FireRed, Sapphire and Ruby.

One of them had Jirachi so I asked how.

He answered "You defeat the Elite Four, 45 times, you then talk to Prof. Birch 3 times, go to Mossdeep, use Surf, Dive anywhere you want and Jirachi will appear when you're about to Dive."

I tried that. It didn't work, well, atleast I leveled up my Pokémon. -__-+

I've also heard that stupid Celebii rumor where if you attach a Pokéball to a Shadow Pokémon while using a Time Flute blah blah blah


lol. my friend said that to get deoxys and jirachi you need to talk to the owner of the mirage isle, then search in his mansion for a meteor, when you find it, talk to it, and you will double battle against jirachi and deoxys, and you can catch it.

Hell, this was the worst rumor that I' ve ever heard about Pokémon.

All Pokemon games have rumors, they won' t stop. I hate them.


Super Gamer
I haven't heard any of these dumb rumors. Some people are just so gullible -_-;


Deoxys Prime

Time will tell.
The idiodic rumor I heard, was that in mossdeep talk to the rocket launch # counter-guy if he says 58 for the number, then you fly into space and catch jirachi and deoxys.


Why?ProtoManEXE88,you were the first friend i made on the forums.


I just cannot STAND false info.I tried a cheat to get some friggin' Mewthree.I
was like 5,so i believed it.Never worked.


Old Coot
Double posting AND bumping an old thread? Not on my watch. >\
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