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The Chao Project


Chao Spriter!
Welcome to the Chao Project!
All of these Chaos are Made by Buizerulad + Combusken1994. Hopefully we will eventually get every Pokemon up here. Post your CC. If for examples you say one of our chao tails are too short, we will change them so they are better.











Boxes Credit to Pocchama and his Brother
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umm C&C
for chao, black outlines are better.
and for pokemon with four legs, i recomend sitting templates.
and you forgot plusle's tail.

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
OK, a bit of C&C for you, I haven't read the other posts so it might have already been said:
-Black outlines seem to make Chao better, IMO.
-Ivysaurs bulb seem too small, it should be bigger as it is nearly Venausaur.
-On Charmander his flame seems a good size but on Charmelion it seems to shrink.
-Not sure but on Charazards wing I think the blue part could do with making it a little longer,
-In the sprite Weaviles crown continues down to around where the ears would go, on yours it looks perched on the head.

I know I was being a bit on the picky side :)D) but since its a Chao project I thought I'd C&C harsher.


Oh, and Meganium looks like it has a massive mouth.

All the others look brilliant except regigigas is a bit flat.
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You're welcome, my favorite are Mimmimoru, Espeon and Umbreon. the 2nd two because of there cute eyes.
they are all fantastic you've done alot more than last time i seen them. My favourite is plusle n haunter lol. but i also like the charizard espeon umbroen aipom combusken and the new grass starter.!:)


Where is the rum?...
*clears throught*AAAAWWWWWW IT'S SOOOO CUUUTE.you could not possibly make them any bettr ^^..the umbreon ones made my heart melc coz they there soo adorible ^^ keep up the good eork;447;


Tastes like chicken!
Some really good chao here. I would say these were the best I have seen, Out of the new lot I like the Blastoise and Sneasel the best.

Well done and Keep up the great work!