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~The Charmander/Bulbasaur/Squirtle Club~

Welcome to the

What is the Club about?

If you love Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle, this is the club for you!

What will we do in this club?
In this club, we will talk about the Kanto starters. We will also have banner contests, sprite contests, and many other contest. We will play games, and many other things aswell!

What positions will there be?
In this club, there will be three co~owners, 3 elite members, 2 club designers, and an unlimited amount of members.


1. No spamming
2. All SPPf rules
3. Be respectful to all members

4. If you are planning to leave the club, notify the owner
5. If you are unable to post for over a week, notify the owner
6. If you want to join, ask politely

7. Even if you aren't a club designer, you may still make banners.
8. There is a striking system below for broken rules
9. Have fun!!!!

Striking System

1st rule broken~warning given
2nd rule broken~1st strike(/) given
3rd rule broken~2nd strike(//) given
4th rule broken~temp ban

1st ban~1 week
2nd ban~2 weeks
3rd ban~ permanent ban

If you post while banned, you will get the next level of banning
If you are given a strike, don't worry, everyone makes mistakes


1. Lucario Lover ;006;
2. DarkLucairo ;003;
3. ashes ;009;

Club designers~
1. squirtle #7 ;007;

Elite members~
1.pokeman4ever ;005;
2.ground tamer ;002;
3.Sakura Kinomoto ;008;

Chaotic Pink ;004;
Enperuto Rulez ;001;
killerjaw01 ;007;
top8inU.S.A. ;004;
PokeTau ;001;
Pete the Unstoppable ;007;
spongeaud ;004;
lucarioso ;001;
latiaswindblast ;007;

What the owner can do

~Start topics
~Verify new members
~Ban members
~give strikes/warnings
~start contests
~make banners

What the co~owners can do

~start topics
~Allow new members
~give strikes/warnings
~compete in contests
~make banners

What Club designers can do

~Ask owner for contest
~Judge contests
~make banners
~Allow new members
~give warnings
~start new topics
~compete in contests

What Elite members can do

~Start new topics
~Allow new members
~give warnings
~compete in contests
~make banners

What members can do

~Start new topics
~Compete in contests
~make banners


First banner~~~~Credit to Charmanderzhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v306/baby_rainbow_draik/startesds.jpg

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Can I join and be co owner 3, please?

SQUIRTLE RULES! and so does charmander!
My MD team is squirtle and charmander. I've always loved the originals and I'm kind of angry about them making a 4th gen. Squirtle has always been my favorite and charmander is just so CUTE! But squirtle is AWSOMEST!!!!!!
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Topic~What Kanto Starter is your favorite?

Mine is Charmander, gotta love him

EDit~ ashes, youre the last co~owner!!
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What Kanto Starter is your favorite?
Totally SQUIRTLE!!!!! Then Charmander, then bulba!

YEAH!! Thanks, I'm almost always on, so I'll post a lot, I think.
Can I join as an elite member? I was CO of the kanto starters fanclub but I guess it died. Charmander rules!!!


Can my little blinkie dud be a Blastoise please? Becasue Warturtle seems out of place amoung the other 3rd evelotions.......

ground tamer

I'll join! Can i be an elite member plz?

My favorite starter of all time is Charmander and its forms. I keep wishing that they would have given Charizard the fire/Dragon combo but o well...

Sakura Kinomoto

Sakura Petals
Could I join and be an elite member?
sure.... your the last elite member!!!!!!!

Should Squirtle be part ice?

Yes, it seems as if it is more ice than water in a way...