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The Classical Music Lovers Club!!!

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John's Knight

Well-Known Member
First of all, this was approved by PsiUmbreon.

Welcome to the Classical Music Lovers Club!!! In here, you can talk about classical music and discuss various musics.
Join and enjoy the Club!!!


--PokeKnight (well, duh!)
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Pachirisu Master
PokeKnight said:
First of all, this was approved by PsiUmbreon.

Welcome to the Classical Music Lovers Club!!! In here, you can talk about classical music and discuss various musics.
Join and enjoy the Club!!!
The first topic will be created when there are some members.

Hey, I'll give it a join!


Pachirisu Master
Bach is mine.. are you in band???
I would join. I never listen to contemporary music. That is why I like classical, baroque, and romantic music.

My favorite composer? I have to say it is Vivaldi and Bach, it is difficult to choose.

John's Knight

Well-Known Member
Yoshi~Castform said:
Bach is mine.. are you in band???

Band? No, in my school there isn't any band (and if i'm correct, there isn't either in the others schools!), but i take some Music classes.

Espeon said:
I would join. I never listen to contemporary music. That is why I like classical, baroque, and romantic music.

My favorite composer? I have to say it is Vivaldi and Bach, it is difficult to choose.

Hum...Vivaldi isn't one of my favourites...

John's Knight

Well-Known Member
Sorry to double post, but i had to...
Well, new topic:
What's your favorite classical music and why?
HUm...i really like Chopin sonates. So it is! Chopin sonates are my favourite classical musics! Why? i love the harmony and the complexity...


Can I join ? I adore Classical music.

As for my favourite composer.....I like Mozart and Beethoven. Who am I kidding I really can't decide !! I love all composers !!!!!!


Pachirisu Master
Hey, I think you Can...
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