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The Clip Show


this is actually a good question... since it's treated as a regular episode in the series, and it has original footage, it'd be kinda odd not to dub it...

O Fortuna

Velut luna.
I highly doubt it. If it is though, I would imagine it would be released as a DVD extra or something rather than put on the television in the mainstream programme run.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
No, for a very obvious reason, and it's not because 4Kids has a knack for changing flashbacks for no apparent reason. I seriously doubt that 4Kids is going to bother to take clips from the previous episodes with the dubbed soundbytes intact. Sure, Japan sends them the footage, but they have to retrieve the past dub snips from their stock unless they want to record them all over again (or do a silent clipshow with original music, God forbid). Honestly, it sounds like a bit of a waste, and 4Kids is the king of laziness, so...


Yeah, ok!
Maybe TVTokyo didn't even send 4kids the tape with the clip show.

Didn't the clip show air right before the Grand Festival in Japan? With the UK airing 3 new episodes a week and rapidly getting close to the Grand Festival, we should find out in a few weeks only.


Frustrated Elf
I don't see any reason why 4Kids wouldn't dub the clip show. Even if they thought they'd have to change the clips used for whatever reason.

If the UK keeps up with its three episodes a week pace, we'll find out on December 12th.


Old Coot
Shining Suikun said:
No, for a very obvious reason, and it's not because 4Kids has a knack for changing flashbacks for no apparent reason. I seriously doubt that 4Kids is going to bother to take clips from the previous episodes with the dubbed soundbytes intact. Sure, Japan sends them the footage, but they have to retrieve the past dub snips from their stock unless they want to record them all over again (or do a silent clipshow with original music, God forbid). Honestly, it sounds like a bit of a waste, and 4Kids is the king of laziness, so...
Who's to say that 4Kids will actually USE original voice footage? Whenever they've had episodes recapping previous ones, they always redubbed it rather than using the same footage. Sometimes even changing the lines (such as in the first and second episodes).

Team Rocket Admin

Well-Known Member
God, they ban GOOD episodes, and dub this crap? It'll probably make it to the dub, and waste a Saturday that could've been a better episode.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
And heck, wasn't one of the banned ones banned by WB and not them?

Anyway, I think the bigger question here is would it be missed? Seriously, unless they do something outstanding or original with them, clip shows tend to be really hated.



If you are yugioh fans, the last episode (episode 144: Looking Back and Moving Ahead ) before the Waking the Dragon's was a clip show and 4kids dubbed that episode, so the Pokemon clip might air also.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
It's no skin off my nose, but I see no reason why they wouldn't dub it. It's an episode, same as any other. Granted, it's the most filler-ish filler since "It's the Southern Islands! Everyone Gather", but that's never stopped 4Kids before.


Old Coot
Team Rocket Admin said:
God, they ban GOOD episodes, and dub this crap? It'll probably make it to the dub, and waste a Saturday that could've been a better episode.

The Legend of Miniryuu - Banned from all of syndication due to the usage of guns against people and firing at children. Never ended up airing at all, nor got a video release. Had the capture of Kentaros never occured, this episode would've been standard filler.

Electric Soldier Porygon - Banned around the world, including Japan. Never given a video release in either country nor is there an edited version in the works. 4Kids is not responsible for the episode being completely banned around the world.

The Cave of Ice - Banned because of Rougela being an important character in the episode and being unable to edit her in every single frame that she appears in. Never given a release on video outside of Japan. Doesn't really matter if it aired or not. It was the typical Jouto filler. A mediocre one.

Your complaints are pointless considering two of those three are filler. The banned episode in Japan = filler. And the Holiday at Aopuruko is just as much filler.


Spider Sceptile
Jesse GS the II said:
"It's the Southern Islands! Everyone Gather", but that's never stopped 4Kids before.
What was the Dub name of the episode, since without the Dub unless it was in Battle Frontier i don't remember. As for the actual topic i would say This Clip Show will air. And at least i know at least Alfonso will be somewhat happy even though he's probably seen the Raw version.


Contaminated KFC
Swellow said:
What was the Dub name of the episode.
"A Way Off Day Off."
...though at least that one had Jessie in a bikini. I mean, is that a redeeming quality or what?

I doubt they'll skip it, but I think they should. That way they could just get on with the series without having to make veiwers sit through stuff they've already seen. The quicker they catch up to the more recent episodes the better, right?
botomon said:
If you are yugioh fans, the last episode (episode 144: Looking Back and Moving Ahead ) before the Waking the Dragon's was a clip show and 4kids dubbed that episode, so the Pokemon clip might air also.
And in the battle city episode "The Rescue" where Kaiba, Yami and Mokuba are in the helicopter going to save Joey and Tea, that whole episode is a clipshop of Marik and Peagus and the Millenium Items. So they dubbed the two yu-gi-oh clip shows why not the Pokemon one?