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The clonging in PkMn Emerald, what pokemon you have cloned and how many times

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Active Member
Ok this is just a random Thread

im bored and im always curious



vicious opportunist
I cloned my Linoone a few times for a nice Pickup team.

I know I want to clone my favorite Pokemon before I send them to D/P.


Active Member
lol man see mine. 11 rayquazas, 6 latias, 5 blaziken, 3 groudon and kyogre lol

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
I have a box full of JAA Celebi.

The rest should be obvious to figure out.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've never cloned any pokemon, and I don't plan on ever bothering to do so.
I just don't need multiple master balls, legendaries, ect., I can get buy without them.



Active Member

oh yeh get 100 succesfull space launches at space centre you can go into space to catch jirachi.

you have to be playing for..hmm 12x100...ALOTA FRICHEN HOURS yeh its once every 12 or 6 hours i think

i think hes lvl 5

im not sure


Well-Known Member
Staff member

oh yeh get 100 succesfull space launches at space centre you can go into space to catch jirachi.

you have to be playing for..hmm 12x100...ALOTA FRICHEN HOURS yeh its once every 12 or 6 hours i think

i think hes lvl 5

im not sure

Umm... I can't believe you don't know this, but the Jirachi thing is false.

It's been proven false long ago, and I've gotten more than 100 launches, and nothing. And the number of launches you have doesn't have to do with how many hours you've played, but how many weeks old your file is. So if you made a file on your game seven weeks ago, seven rockets have been launch.

Mega Trickster I have a box full of JAA Celebi.

The rest should be obvious to figure out.

o__O Woah... you're making me jealous...

Hmm... I ought to clone a bunch of Groudons or Latiases sometime, even though I said previously that I don't need them, just to make my sister mad. ;)



vicious opportunist
I've never cloned any pokemon, and I don't plan on ever bothering to do so.
I just don't need multiple master balls, legendaries, ect., I can get buy without them.


I can see where cloning Masterballs would be handy, and maybe a few rare TMs. Cloning as many Kyogre as you can is pretty pointless though.


oh yeh get 100 succesfull space launches at space centre you can go into space to catch jirachi.

you have to be playing for..hmm 12x100...ALOTA FRICHEN HOURS yeh its once every 12 or 6 hours i think

i think hes lvl 5

im not sure

I don't feel like breaking the news to this guy. Someone else do it.


Active Member
yeh i tyhought it was false..i heard from like sites and ppl at school.. i wasnt entirely sure


Well-Known Member
I have released all my clones so far (apart from items), but I'm going to clone loads of Deoxys and Jirachi to give out at the UK event in Milton Keynes. :)


Well-Known Member
I Cloned my shiny tentacruel a few times
and ho-oh and lugia...all for my cousins


Well-Known Member
i cloned my sudowudo just 2 try.. and my shiny hariyama.. but do the Ev's stay when u clone?

Everything about a clone is exactly the same, so yes.


Sera Kureseria
Argh! CLoning=cheating, in my opinion. ANd if you do it wrong, you lose everything... like I did in Blue cuz I was stupid enough to actually CATCH Missingno... <.< I was in Sixth grade, ok? I was a stupid, stupid Noob. Actually, i still am...


Veteran smartass
i cloned 2pokes to see if it realy works (and to understand how it works)+ a mareep (cos' i wasnt sure that rare c. give 0 evs), and like 5other pokes but erased them again....
but i cloned alot of rare candys, vitamins and some held items (especially deepsea scale/tooth (cause u can get only one with 1 game))

cloning pokes is useless.......why would someone want to clone them? and why the hell would u like too know how many everyone cloned? xDDDDdddd
thats kinda funny


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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