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The Competitive Pokemon Battlers Commitee

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Yes. This is a club solely devoted to the people who play Pokemon competitively. I'll answer a question that someone might end up asking anyway.

What could be considered Competitive Battling?
I'm being very lenient on this.
-Link Battles

The catch is that you have to be familiar with competitive strategies.


In this club we will talk about strategy for competitive playing. We will discuss things like Uber/OU/BL/UU/NU tiers; what belong and what do not. We discuss the best ways to use certain pokemon. You can freely discuss your competitive battling opinions. You can make suggestions. You are totally free to talk about anything and everything competitive. The competitive metagame is a very diverse topic. I was a former netbattler myself. I stopped not too long ago, so I'm familiar with the metagame.


1) No spamming
2) No flaming/trolling
3) Oh, please god, DO NOT double/triple/quad post.
4) Do not go off-topic in this club, if you do please at least post something on-topic.
5) Please, I implore you to be thoughtful and mature on this thread
6) Follow all other Serebii Forums rules.
7) Follow these rules

* Don't be afraid to express your opinions on competitive battling.


My Member List:

* I've set up a system where you sign up and you can post a nickname that you would like to be addressed by on this topic. Just put this nickname in parenthesis.

1) WaterTrainer411 (Nick)


Co-Owner: In my absence they are the owners of this club.
1) Crypted Wolf
2) Fighting Master
3) top8inU.S.A
4) Absol20/20 -- C RANK


Special Members: A little different, if you do certain things for this club, you get a letter recognizing your contribution to the club. Look at bottom of page to find out more.


Members: You get the same right as a Special Battler, but you can't do the job of a co-owner or myself.
1) Neo Mario
2) Suicune619
3) Expert Evan
4) Chaos Corruption
5) Mad Mod
6) Raito Light

*No more Co-Owners.

*Also if you do not post in 3 weeks I will cross out your membership, BUT, you can redeem your membership by either posting here to ask about redeeming your membership or you can PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. If you are a co-owner and don't post for a week, you lose co-ownership


Topic List: (Current topic is underlined)
Best way to deal with Skarmory?
Is your play defensive or offensive?
D/P; Offensive or Defensive?
What do you think was the most influential item in ADV?
Also, what pokemon do you play against that you don't realize owns your whole team?
What pokemon do you think changed the ADV metagame most?
Are there any pokemon on your team that you always have a counter for no matter what?
Most dominant pokemon in ADV?
Pokemon that sweep without a team
What bulky water you use
Pokemon you find annoying
Discuss Milotic
Discuss Suicune


I hope you enjoy this club! Have a great time. ;373; ;376; ;248; ;245; ;350;


* If someone can, please help the club cause by submitting some kind of banner, I'm still awaiting Absol20/20's response to my banner request.

Here is my letter system for being a special member.
A = Artist (Submit banners and other things, preferably by pm)
C = Contributor (Contributes art, articles, links, etc.)
T = Tester (Tests certain game mechanics that people have questions about)

You need to submit one banner to get Artist Rank.
You need to submit 5 Art works to get the Artist-Contributor Rank.
You need to submit one set of links to competitive websites to get Contributor.
You need to submit one article on strategy(written by you) to get Contributor.
You need to test 10 things that people have questions about to get Tester Rank

Now that all this business is done with, I'll say this again: Have a great time at this club!


Links to good websites for BF/Battling/Movesets/etc. Thanks Absol 20/20.

{B]{U]FAQs: Refer to these links to answer your questions!{/U]{/B]

The Pokedex on Serebii.net. It's linked to at the top of the forum, but here it is anyway.
The Official Serebii.net Pokedex

This is the "Game Mechanics" section on Serebii.net. Plenty of useful, basic info.
Game Mechanics

Hold Item Help Thread

This moveset guide by Freakshow should provide some good strategy options.
In-Game Moveset Guide (Renewed)

If you still don't want to clone your TMs, this guide by eldes is an excellent compilation of how to get the TM you want to the pokemon you want.
TM Breeding Guide

Club Banner:

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Can I join? Can I be co-owner?
I'll join. Can I be a Co-Owner too?


Okay, welcome guys. Our first topic. Just write anything you think about competitively when you hear this word.

Earthquake and Rock Slide pops up in my mind.


Okay. Which set for Mence do you use? I like the DD and CB Set.

My favorite is Elemence. It's such a surprise pokemon, it makes a lot of people say WTF.
I'll say it now, even thou I love com. battling, I can't seem to remember any of the names. I'll try my best...

I like using an EQ Salamence(Adamant with Rock Slide, Aerial Ace, Dragon Claw is the one I have now.) . That's why it popped into my head.


Okay.. hmm..

Oh, oops sorry... top8inU.S.A would you like to be a co-owner?

Does anyone know what to make a banner, maybe with a Dragonite, A Tyranitar, a Salamence and a Metagross/

Oh, yeah I'm linking this into my sig.

New topic Question:
What is the best way to deal with Spikes? Which pokemon would you use to deal with a Spiker. The spiker is Skarmory. No forretress/cloyster, just skarmory.

* This is more of a test question to see what you know about competitive play. Anyone who wants to join must answer this question. The people who asked before don't have to.


Oh, I forgot top8inU.S.A, JAA allowed ubers. Obviously why you stated HO-oh. My question was vague, I meant a standard pokemon, of the OU tier. My bad.

Absol 20/20

Seasoned Trainer
Actually, that's quite simple! (yes I'd like to join!) The answer would be, Rapid Spin, Flying-types (Salamence), or (this is my favorite) take the damage and end the battle quickly!

Edit: You're talking about a specific pokemon, aren't you? Well... hmm.

Latios has levitate and it can learn Thunderbolt, so... there you go!
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Perfect answer. You want to be co-owner Absol?

Also, I plan to put competitive battling links on this club.

Some battle frontier links and smogon.com.

Top8inU.S.A, you just have to ask the owner of the club. I'm sure they will let you in.


That means no more co-owners.

top8inU.S.A, quite innovative choice in Charizard. I like using Starmie or Claydol, but Charizard is actually awesome for Skarm/Forry.


I'm pretty sure Ho-Oh is faster. Though for Zard. I recommend a Belly Drum set. Belly Drum when used correctly is extremely destructive.

Scratch that, Zard is faster.


That's good. New topic.

Hmm.. Is your play more offensively oriented or defensively oriented?
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