. Seriously, though, I couldn't help laughing when Misty kicked away the cable.
Jessie has way too big an ego, IMO, needs some serious deflation.
It's a shame Corsola loses its insane personality after this episode. It's still very persistent, but no longer hyperactive. Meh.
The Corsola names were just horrible. I liked the family, though, good character designs.
The 'Living on Corsola Habitats' seemed a little bit like enslavement at first, but the Corsola didn't really seem to mind.
There was some foreshadowing in the episode prior to this one, where Misty was going berserk over a wild Corsola she saw near the Chinchou's home. Interesting, but a bit late.
Misty was almost too eager to catch the thing. It's not like Corsola is the only Water Pokémon in Johto(come to think of it, shouldn't she have tried to catch one of the Chinchou in the epsiode before this?).
Overall rating:
8.4 out of 10
Not really all that interesting, though we get to see a fair bit of the rarely-seen Corsola. Should've been better, considering it's a capture episode.
The 8th Champion