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The Corsola Caper! (215)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
The Corsola Caper!

Heading towards the next Island, Ash & Co. see a floating house thats about to be caught into a Whirlpool. Misty is eager to help and rescues the girl. They find out most of the town is made up with Corsola...Misty is eager to get one. Will She?

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Waterstar Misty

Misty finally gets her cute little Corsola, the entire time Misty kept trying to capture it, but this time Brock was the one who pulled her away, looks like he was getting her back for all those times she pulled him away from girls. :)

Factory Head Noland

I never actually saw this episode, is the Corsola that Misty caught the one standing on the pier in a previous episode when Misty was on the ship?

Waterstar Misty

No, i don't think it is, it could be, but it probaly isn't cuz the Corsola that Misty caught was being taken care by another family on Yellow Rock Isle.

Ororo Munroe

The one Misty caught was the hyper one that kind of annoyed all the other Corsola.


Master Coordinator
I'm happy that Misty got herself a corsola, it's very hyper, but is really strong, a perfect match for Misty.


Team Awesome
I can't help liking Corsola, it's so cute. :) I'm glad Misty finally caught one in this episode, and she finally used her lure ball (I'm still wondering if she and Ash and Brock will ever use the special pokeballs that they haven't used yet). Jessie was also great in this episode. I liked how she put the crown on and how she acted like a queen. LOL The only part I didn't like about the episode was all the silly corsola names, but otherwise the episode was fine.
OMGZ NINJA MISTY, PWN:eek:. Seriously, though, I couldn't help laughing when Misty kicked away the cable.

Jessie has way too big an ego, IMO, needs some serious deflation.

It's a shame Corsola loses its insane personality after this episode. It's still very persistent, but no longer hyperactive. Meh.

The Corsola names were just horrible. I liked the family, though, good character designs.

The 'Living on Corsola Habitats' seemed a little bit like enslavement at first, but the Corsola didn't really seem to mind.

There was some foreshadowing in the episode prior to this one, where Misty was going berserk over a wild Corsola she saw near the Chinchou's home. Interesting, but a bit late.

Misty was almost too eager to catch the thing. It's not like Corsola is the only Water Pokémon in Johto(come to think of it, shouldn't she have tried to catch one of the Chinchou in the epsiode before this?).

Overall rating:
8.4 out of 10

Not really all that interesting, though we get to see a fair bit of the rarely-seen Corsola. Should've been better, considering it's a capture episode.

The 8th Champion
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The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I wonder if Yellow Rock Isle's yellow rocks were rich in Sulfur (therefore making them yellow).

The evil pink thing joins the group and joins the anals of the tiny titans. They made Corsola too good for my taste. I mean, considering it was a weak Pokemon in the games, they made them appear to be the ultimate Pokemon in the anime. Can't we at least be reasonable? Though this is from the same people who have made Water Gun insanely powerful.

Although an entertaining episode, it was the beginning of another bad note for Johto.
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I own the 5th gen
The Corsola names were just horrible.​

I just saw the Japanese version, and if you're curious, I think these are the original names (not 100% positive, though).

Anii (Anny)
Tonii (Tony)
Konii (Cony)
Nanii (Nanny)
Hanii (Honey)

They all seem to be derived from the "Sanii" in Saniigo. BTW, I just HAVE to comment on this...


is it just me, or was that stand packing something else made out of coral? XD
Well, those are a bit better. Shame that the Japanese nicknames are never kept for the dub (Leon > Sparky).


Well-Known Member
Misty uses her Poliwhirl and a Lure Ball to catch Corsola right?


Well-Known Member
Good episode nice to see Misty catch herself a Corsola and add another water Pokemon to her team. I loved the scenes with Brock carting Misty off by the ear it was a nice change of pace to see. I liked Mika's & Andrea's dresses they both looked very pretty in them, one of the few times i've been impressed on how the animators made the side characters look.

pokemon fan 132

Well-Known Member
Quite a good episode.Im glad that Misty finally captured corsola which she wanted to get so much and the whole episode was interesting to watch.

The scenes with Misty kicking the cable and Brock pulling her away were hilarious.Overall this was one of the better episodes.I only wished she used her corsola more during Johto but oh well i cant really complain.Afterall she did used her a lot during Whirl Cup and later in some other episodes.


kiss my greens
Misty finally gets a Corsola! I'm so happy that she got one; it's a good fit for her. I also liked the basis of the episode... building your houses on piles of Corsola... fun, if not danged near unusual. I'd like to try living on one ^_^
Finally - she's captured one! Maybe she might shut up about it for a while!
Brock pulling Misty away was a nice reversal of roles. Also, the idea of living above Corsola nests sounds very familiar to Pacifidlog town - perhaps the games designers thought it a good idea to copy?