Jhen, for being an excellent leader and friend. I've always considered him my second in command in any situation or area, someone who I can always rely on. His activity and presence on the thread and the channel is a part of this clan.
Ninja Dewott, for sticking with me since the early days of BA and making sure his humour and wit are never absent from any of my clans. Probably my best friend that I know solely on these forums and we've had a lot of fun, building teams, battling and talking together.
Soperman, for, again, being here for such a long time and for being such an excellent leader, with a cool and sensible head. A testimony to how these sorts of environments can improve a person in more ways than one. Thanks too for your kind words and advice.
TMS, who, despite the fact he probably won't see this, deserves a mention. He was an excellent leader during his time, always active and always on hand for advice. He was an essential part of this clan.
Magicmonkey who, again although he may not see this, deserves a shoutout for the excellent work he's done for this clan with his leading and battling abilities. Certainly one of those people who helped make a name for the clan.
Zachmac for again being someone who's stuck with me since the early days, and is actually the only person who can say that he's been with me longer than I myself have, since he actually joined BA before me
Anyway, despite periods of inactivity, he's always bounced back ready to give thoughtful help and advice and be a clear head in a heated situation. A true natural leader too.
Usa, someone I will never get used to calling Voice of The Forest. Thanks for sticking with CG throughout the Great Migration and continuously being an active member and brilliant battler, someone whose cores and advice have helped a lot of people.
Rhonder, Jonah and Lodestar, three more old-timers who've always been people who've helped keep the cogs of the clan turning. Thanks a lot for being here (though Jonah not quite all the way), you guys, you're all truly very nice people and an essential part to the clan. Thanks again to all those who have stuck with us through the Great Migration.
Prohawk, who, despite being another who may not see this, deserves a mention for the fantastic work he's done on the Clan Art and the force he's been to the War Team
Tormented for being a fantastic battler and for sticking with us.
"The Ones Who Left" (Sheps, Blues, Spark, Giga etc). Though you may have left us all, you all were a fantastic part of the clan giving it a lot of activity, competition and recognition on the Clan War Stage.
OrbrunnerX and others like him, Prankstar mainly, for again being here, though on and off, since almost the beginning. Orb particularly, it was great to see you getting back to your old active ways
The New Members, particularly SJU Baseball and GrovyleCelebi. I'm sorry you couldn't see this clan as it was, but thanks nonetheless for being here and giving the clan more activity.
And finally to
Kots and Eliteknight, for honouring the clan by allowing it to feature in your Tournaments and Leagues.
There's a lot of shoutouts there, but still, no doubt, I'll have missed some people. Thanks to anyone who's made this clan what it is!