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The Crystalline Guard

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That Guy
Magnoom. A new OU craze.

Magnezone never pulls his weight for me. It's annoying.

Breloom should be the next suspect IMO. It's powerful, versatile, and you have to carry a counter or you will get wiped out (or at the very least with one mon Spored and useless, with another one or two KOd). Granted, it's not the unstoppable force Tornadus-T was. But it's still ridiculous, and was banned from DW OU way back when. It's certainly much more powerful/impactful than Keldeo, that's for sure; therefore it should at least be voted on.
Oh, and with its prime counter now gone, it'll be even more ubiquitous.

This rant has nothing whatsoever to do with my appreciation for Quagsire's awesomeness.

The End Is Near.
This is not spam.
This is just something I felt the need to say.
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Well-Known Member
Breloom should be the next suspect IMO. It's powerful, versatile, and you have to carry a counter or you will get wiped out (or at the very least with one mon Spored and useless, with another one or two KOd). Granted, it's not the unstoppable force Tornadus-T was. But it's still ridiculous, and was banned from DW OU way back when. It's certainly much more powerful/impactful than Keldeo, that's for sure; therefore it should at least be voted on.
Oh, and with its prime counter now gone, it'll be even more ubiquitous.
Agreed. I find that thing too difficult to fight and far too easy to use. Okay, fine, fast flying and psychic types handle it well enough, but it's great sweeping abilities are a little too much when combined with spore.

Or we could have sleep banned. Actually, I'd prefer that, but I suppose that's not happening.


Well-Known Member
Is breloom really /that/ good? I use it quite a bit because it was my favorite pokemon before I even started competitive, but while it's good and all, I never really find it to be as great as everyone makes it out to be .-. maybe I'm just too noob xD


That Guy
Agreed. I find that thing too difficult to fight and far too easy to use. Okay, fine, fast flying and psychic types handle it well enough, but it's great sweeping abilities are a little too much when combined with spore.
Or we could have sleep banned. Actually, I'd prefer that, but I suppose that's not happening.

I would like that as well. That would probably help the game more.

Is breloom really /that/ good? I use it quite a bit because it was my favorite pokemon before I even started competitive, but while it's good and all, I never really find it to be as great as everyone makes it out to be .-. maybe I'm just too noob xD

It was balanced before Technician, but now... ugh.


The One and Only
Well guys, it's been fun, but I'm afraid I'm leaving the clan. It's in ruins now, not nearly as fun as it used to be or as big.

So anyway, I have to say, it's been fun while it lasted. I loved this clan and BA before it, giving me reason to battle and making me so much better than I used to be. It's been a ton of fun, seeing so many friends here. Anyway, here are the major thank yous for the friends still left.

God, it's been great knowing you. You're super friendly, a great battler and great person overall (thanks again for the Dragonite and Politoed, both lvl 100 and going to be used for the upcoming tourney :D). You've taught me quite a bit, and I appreciate the chance at being leader of a clan. I'll miss you, at least for as long as we don't see each other.

I'm going to be honest, I didn't like you at first. You seemed really over-energetic and your lack of grammar irked me(and still does). But I got to know you more (or as much as you can on the internet without ever saying a word) and you're a great guy, and the best battler in the clan right now. Your teams and cores are fun to read and always great, and your random, fickle obsessions are fun and funny to keep track of. Try not to change too much in that respect ;)

You are literally one of my biggest role models. You aren't afraid to bring in new ideas and implement them, however crazy they may be. You are gifted in that sense, and always have this sense of leadership and maturity when you post stuff (although the leadership part may just be because you used to be head of BA and are head of CG). You're also a great battler and story-teller. Unfortunately, despite all this, you sometimes aren't ready to make big commitments, and lose interest in old ideas if you don't implement them immediately, or even if they have been but are kind of old. While this is just pokemon, and I don't know you personally, if you make a commitment, stick to it. I'll miss you a ton.

You've always been hilarious and witty and clever, and not at all in a stupid way. It's been interesting knowing you, even if I haven't really seen you on much or anything. Don't stop having fun in life :D

Don't know you well enough to say much, but you're definitely a nice guy, I know that much. You've had your share of silliness and good ideas, and it's been fun knowing you

You are by far the friendliest person I've met on these forums in the year and a half I've been here. You're super nice, super fun to talk to, and never really get angry at anyone for any reason. You're just cool that way.

I've got to say, you're an interesting case. First you were really cool in BA, then you went to PR, where you decided to take on a massive anti-CG ideology which was really frustrating and made you seem arrogant. Now you're cool again, and just as active as you used to be.

Shout out also to Magicmonkey, BLUES, Prohawk, and Jonah, who have all been close to friends and have helped me become who I am in pokemon today. So thank you.


This may seem abrupt, but this whole message is because at least three, maybe four, of our four leaders have decided it will be time to close. CG has never fully recovered from the Great Migration and it's become more of a club than anything else really. We're not going anywhere anytime soon and none of the leaders really feels like we can do so either.
So long, and thanks for all of the memories.


Eternal God
Wait what?


That Guy
Well guys, it's been fun, but I'm afraid I'm leaving the clan. It's in ruins now, not nearly as fun as it used to be or as big.

So anyway, I have to say, it's been fun while it lasted. I loved this clan and BA before it, giving me reason to battle and making me so much better than I used to be. It's been a ton of fun, seeing so many friends here. Anyway, here are the major thank yous for the friends still left.

I've got to say, you're an interesting case. First you were really cool in BA, then you went to PR, where you decided to take on a massive anti-CG ideology which was really frustrating and made you seem arrogant. Now you're cool again, and just as active as you used to be.


This may seem abrupt, but this whole message is because at least three, maybe four, of our four leaders have decided it will be time to close. CG has never fully recovered from the Great Migration and it's become more of a club than anything else really. We're not going anywhere anytime soon and none of the leaders really feels like we can do so either.
So long, and thanks for all of the memories.

An interesting case. I suppose that it's an accurate moniker...
Frankly, I don't even remember all that much about my time in PR, but I do offer one thing in my defense: all of it - yes, oddly, all - was during a particularly trying time for me IRL. Of course, that doesn't excuse me in any way from my acting like a tool, so I apologize, formally, for that.
Anyway, back to topic.
You've been a good friend to many, including me, over the time I've been on Serebii. It's always good to see familiar faces, and your was a welcome sight when I came to CG.
Farewell. I will miss you too.


Well-Known Member
Well guys, it's been fun, but I'm afraid I'm leaving the clan. It's in ruins now, not nearly as fun as it used to be or as big.
I did not see this coming, but I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised after seeing Jonah leave....

I say it's about time we try to do something to rebuild the clan. Creating the CG was a real pain though, so we need another plan of action this time.

I was just breeding Makuhitas this morning, so I could use one in the tournament. I'll make sure to keep you in mind every time that Hariyama scores a KO.


Well-Known Member
Well guys, it's been fun, but I'm afraid I'm leaving the clan. It's in ruins now, not nearly as fun as it used to be or as big.

So anyway, I have to say, it's been fun while it lasted. I loved this clan and BA before it, giving me reason to battle and making me so much better than I used to be. It's been a ton of fun, seeing so many friends here. Anyway, here are the major thank yous for the friends still left.

God, it's been great knowing you. You're super friendly, a great battler and great person overall (thanks again for the Dragonite and Politoed, both lvl 100 and going to be used for the upcoming tourney :D). You've taught me quite a bit, and I appreciate the chance at being leader of a clan. I'll miss you, at least for as long as we don't see each other.

I'm going to be honest, I didn't like you at first. You seemed really over-energetic and your lack of grammar irked me(and still does). But I got to know you more (or as much as you can on the internet without ever saying a word) and you're a great guy, and the best battler in the clan right now. Your teams and cores are fun to read and always great, and your random, fickle obsessions are fun and funny to keep track of. Try not to change too much in that respect ;)

You are literally one of my biggest role models. You aren't afraid to bring in new ideas and implement them, however crazy they may be. You are gifted in that sense, and always have this sense of leadership and maturity when you post stuff (although the leadership part may just be because you used to be head of BA and are head of CG). You're also a great battler and story-teller. Unfortunately, despite all this, you sometimes aren't ready to make big commitments, and lose interest in old ideas if you don't implement them immediately, or even if they have been but are kind of old. While this is just pokemon, and I don't know you personally, if you make a commitment, stick to it. I'll miss you a ton.

You've always been hilarious and witty and clever, and not at all in a stupid way. It's been interesting knowing you, even if I haven't really seen you on much or anything. Don't stop having fun in life :D

Don't know you well enough to say much, but you're definitely a nice guy, I know that much. You've had your share of silliness and good ideas, and it's been fun knowing you

You are by far the friendliest person I've met on these forums in the year and a half I've been here. You're super nice, super fun to talk to, and never really get angry at anyone for any reason. You're just cool that way.

I've got to say, you're an interesting case. First you were really cool in BA, then you went to PR, where you decided to take on a massive anti-CG ideology which was really frustrating and made you seem arrogant. Now you're cool again, and just as active as you used to be.

Shout out also to Magicmonkey, BLUES, Prohawk, and Jonah, who have all been close to friends and have helped me become who I am in pokemon today. So thank you.


This may seem abrupt, but this whole message is because at least three, maybe four, of our four leaders have decided it will be time to close. CG has never fully recovered from the Great Migration and it's become more of a club than anything else really. We're not going anywhere anytime soon and none of the leaders really feels like we can do so either.
So long, and thanks for all of the memories.

Oh .-. Thanks for the nice comment :D I'll miss seeing you around as well~ Well that is, I'm sure you'll still around on serebii, but I don't explore the other areas of the forum a whole ton, so it might be a bit still... Either way good luck!


Eternal God
Hey guys sorry to do this but i need a clan thats really active and cg isnt cutting it for me your all awesome personal fav jhen bye yall


Random Art Guy
Cya'll Usa and Soper...

Just a heads up that I've given my vote to Psycho for him to close the clan ... so other people can go off to other clans and stuff BUT WAIT!
Had a couple of pms about merging clans so people here would be able to go off to places and get like their rank back and things. Basically hang fire for a lil while longer if that is ok .

BTW if not specified to mods that see this plz dont close .. i dont think i said that


That Guy
I did not see this coming, but I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised after seeing Jonah leave....
I say it's about time we try to do something to rebuild the clan. Creating the CG was a real pain though, so we need another plan of action this time.

I'd like that too, but I'm not sure that it's really an option now.
However, if it IS possible, I'm all for it.

Oh .-. Thanks for the nice comment :D I'll miss seeing you around as well~ Well that is, I'm sure you'll still around on serebii, but I don't explore the other areas of the forum a whole ton, so it might be a bit still... Either way good luck!

^*lives up to his "friendliest person" recognition*^

Hey guys sorry to do this but i need a clan thats really active and cg isnt cutting it for me your all awesome personal fav jhen bye yall

Well, that was well-worded, informative and polite. /sarcasm

Just a heads up that I've given my vote to Psycho for him to close the clan ...

Frankly, I've been feeling much the same. I'm not going to quit, don't worry; I'll be staying with the clan till the end. But it may be time to either close and start afresh with a clean slate (as with the BA to CG transition) or somehow acquire a ton of new members. And I'm not sure that the second option is likely or practical at this point.
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Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm surprised that everyone feels that way, I certainly didn't see it coming xD Well I hope that the CG stays in tact, but if leaders are leaving/voting to close I s'ppose there's not much to be done :[


That Guy
Wow, I'm surprised that everyone feels that way, I certainly didn't see it coming xD Well I hope that the CG stays in tact, but if leaders are leaving/voting to close I s'ppose there's not much to be done :[

My hope is that the Phoenix mentality will return; we may be dying now, but sooner or later we will rise from the ashes better than before.

Psycho Cut

Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

As it has been alluded to over the past few posts, I'm afraid the time has come to close the Crystalline Guard.

This decision has come based of numerous factors, the details of which I'll happily disclose to anyone who asks, but it's mainly due to the clan's lack of revival, my desire to take a hiatus from the world of competitive battling and the shenanigans with having to patch up holes in the leader system. I'm kinda hoping that Ninja Dewott will do as his name applies and ninja this post giving his thoughts on the matter, but all the leaders do agree on the matter. Apologies also, for cutting the War Team Trials short.

Of course, this is not the first time I've had to, with great sadness, say farewell to my clan mates upon the closing of a clan and each time it does bring sadness, though I believe it has been for the best. It's been a great ride, running this clan, and although that ride has been a rollercoaster at times, I feel that we've all benefitted from it and I'll certainly be taking a lot away from it all. So thank you all for sticking with me, and the Crystalline Guard and a special thank you for those who stuck with it through the Great Migration and especially those who have been with me right since the early days of BA.

Of course, there's a few special cases, people who I think deserve a shout-out of their own:

To Jhen, for being an excellent leader and friend. I've always considered him my second in command in any situation or area, someone who I can always rely on. His activity and presence on the thread and the channel is a part of this clan.

To Ninja Dewott, for sticking with me since the early days of BA and making sure his humour and wit are never absent from any of my clans. Probably my best friend that I know solely on these forums and we've had a lot of fun, building teams, battling and talking together.

To Soperman, for, again, being here for such a long time and for being such an excellent leader, with a cool and sensible head. A testimony to how these sorts of environments can improve a person in more ways than one. Thanks too for your kind words and advice.

To TMS, who, despite the fact he probably won't see this, deserves a mention. He was an excellent leader during his time, always active and always on hand for advice. He was an essential part of this clan.

To Magicmonkey who, again although he may not see this, deserves a shoutout for the excellent work he's done for this clan with his leading and battling abilities. Certainly one of those people who helped make a name for the clan.

To Zachmac for again being someone who's stuck with me since the early days, and is actually the only person who can say that he's been with me longer than I myself have, since he actually joined BA before me :p Anyway, despite periods of inactivity, he's always bounced back ready to give thoughtful help and advice and be a clear head in a heated situation. A true natural leader too.

To Usa, someone I will never get used to calling Voice of The Forest. Thanks for sticking with CG throughout the Great Migration and continuously being an active member and brilliant battler, someone whose cores and advice have helped a lot of people.

To Rhonder, Jonah and Lodestar, three more old-timers who've always been people who've helped keep the cogs of the clan turning. Thanks a lot for being here (though Jonah not quite all the way), you guys, you're all truly very nice people and an essential part to the clan. Thanks again to all those who have stuck with us through the Great Migration.

To Prohawk, who, despite being another who may not see this, deserves a mention for the fantastic work he's done on the Clan Art and the force he's been to the War Team

To Tormented for being a fantastic battler and for sticking with us.

To "The Ones Who Left" (Sheps, Blues, Spark, Giga etc). Though you may have left us all, you all were a fantastic part of the clan giving it a lot of activity, competition and recognition on the Clan War Stage.

To OrbrunnerX and others like him, Prankstar mainly, for again being here, though on and off, since almost the beginning. Orb particularly, it was great to see you getting back to your old active ways

To The New Members, particularly SJU Baseball and GrovyleCelebi. I'm sorry you couldn't see this clan as it was, but thanks nonetheless for being here and giving the clan more activity.

And finally to Kots and Eliteknight, for honouring the clan by allowing it to feature in your Tournaments and Leagues.

There's a lot of shoutouts there, but still, no doubt, I'll have missed some people. Thanks to anyone who's made this clan what it is!

Of course, what now?

Well, as for me, I won't be opening a new clan anytime soon. I'll stick around for a while, but ultimately have the intention of taking a hiatus from Competitive Pokémon, at least until the new generation has been released. So, I may be on sparingly, but, after another few weeks, I'll see you all in November!

Finally, we've been lucky enough to have received invitations to join new clans as both Battle Rhythm and Chaos Theory, both ran by ex-CG members, are happy to have us all and are offering higher ranks too. Here's their messages:

Sheps said:
Psycho Cut,

I'm afraid it looks like the guard may be coming to an end now that USA and Soper have taken off. I really would have loved to see it pull through. With that being said, I'd like to personally invite you and your members to my clan, one that is completely owned by former CG members and is run very similarly. There are spots on the war team available, we have some strong members, a good artist, and we try to make all decisions group decisions. I honestly really miss the CG comradery though, so we would love to have you. All members from CG won't have to start from the beginning, we can give anyone from CG a recruitment rank. Please consider this offer and hope to hear from you soon.




I saw Soper left CG. I am proposing a merge into Chaos theory for the CG members they will receive a rank based off what they have. And leaders would receive a high rank as well.

let me know what u think.

Please forward this to Psycho his pm box is full :/



So as a final singing off note, a huge thanks again to everyone who's helped make this clan what it is, I'm sorry I've had to close it but, as I said last time, ~ Memories Are The Only Thing Which Are Truly Eternal ~.

So, thanks again, I hope to be seeing some of you in November!

Psycho Cut ;475;
Welp Guess this is it then. We had a good run though it was fun. Im no good at goodbyes and stuff as my cliche tsundere attitude would suggest haha but uhm yeah adios amigos had a fun time in CG hopefully Ill see some of you around Serebii down the road.


But not the one it needs right now. With that I take my leave. Sayonara!!
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