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the "cursed" poketrainers...


Well-Known Member
i have been playin pokemon for years off and on.. but when i do play i get my party to 100... and i battle ALOT of wild poke.. alll the time.. neone like me n NEVER found a shiny:(


My 1st shiny ever
well, it doesn't matter how much time you've been playing.

It's just luck


Well-Known Member
I cought a black rayquaza and a green zubat in 347 hrs of game play. As you can see I'm not too lucky either.
I got green salamence, shiny koffing, blue gulpin from a friend and a shiny tentacruel from a used sapfire my friend boght.

My emerald is kinda lucky. I cought zubat and rayquaza on it and my friend cought bagon, coffing while he had my emerald. I also seen a shiny farfech'd in battle arena 5 shinys on one game.
Don't sweat it, you'll find one eventually


I am the game
Nintendo shows off at trainer tower!


Furret rocks
You'll be lucky at some point.


Gust of Wind
I know how you feel =|


Fear him!
Yea you'll find one, as long that it isn't a shiny Chansey in the Safari Zone. Never look for shinies in there!

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
I used to be shinyless after a few years of gameplay until I found a wild shiny Golbat on Emerald. Two months later, I caught a shiny Geodude.


Here comes da boom!
I found JYNX in my Gold and hatched to Smoochum(both shiny)
I guess im a so-called 'Cursed' trainer. Played the games avidly since the release of Silver and never seen a shiny yet :(

Walking Contradiction

Feed Us a Fetus
I guess im a so-called 'Cursed' trainer. Played the games avidly since the release of Silver and never seen a shiny yet :(
The exact same thing over here. Since my first game (Silver) all the way to my FireRed, despite hundreds and hundreds of hours spent playing, I still haven't found a shiny.
Same here.I never had much shinies and when I did they were all deleted.I haven't seen one shiny on my Sapphire version and I've played it for 320:00.-.-;


Is feeling happy. :D
Shinies are VERY hard to find. It took me months to find a shiny. I have a shiny Tentacool in Firered.


My 1st shiny ever
i'd be so happy with a shiny larvitar y.y, but the only shiny i've ever had was red gyarados....

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Shine Now!
I found a shiny mewtwo in my LG

I just soft resetted until I got a shiny then I caught it with a master ball.


shove 'er in! ;O
once I got a shiny Mudkip w/o resetting! What luck. I've a shiny Rhydon, Dustox (originally green cascoon) and another shiny Wurmple. I have shiny Zubat, shiny Bulbasaur and that is it. Omg, once I saw a shiny Trapinch but I didn't have any pokeballs to catch it with! LOLZ