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The Demons in Naruto


The Cool One
I'm have a question to all Naruto fans out there, do you know some more demons from naruto, the only ones I know are Kyubii(demon fox) and Shukaku(demon racoon insisde Gaara). Deos anyone of you know some more demons,I know its nine of them sooo I'll wait for comments.


The Cool One
When do they show that??(i havent seen all the episodes so u understand that I dont know)


The Cool One
I remember that in the manga when Zabuza was attacking that group of people(dont remember why) something like a big wolf appeared behind him...
There's the Nibi (Two-tailed Cat inside Yugito, a ninja of the Hidden Cloud)- First appeared in Ch. 312, and the Sanbi (Three-Tailed Turtle that has no vessal)- First appeared in Ch. 317.

The demon by Zabuza was just to make the scene look cooler.

Ralts Master

Knight of White Eye
In theory, iirc, the rest of the beasts are:

four-tailed cockatrice thing
five-tailed dog
six-tailed weasel
seven-tailed badger (not the same as a tanuki, which is what Shukaku is)
eight-tailed serpent

not that it really matters, the tailed beasts do nothing but job to Akatsuki these days anyway...

zonic the hedgehog


I remember when I thought that Yugito would get some development. I must have forgotten that this is Naruto.

At least Kishimoto made her sexy.

Not that being sexy and half-dead ever really helped much, but it was at least something good about Yugito being tossed-aside as a character.
The only other ones that have their names released are the two-tailed cat Nibi (inside Yugito) and the turtle Sanbi (it doesn't have a container).
Even if you have seen all the anime eps, you wouldn't know about the Sanbi and Nibi because it's manga part 2 only (so far).


The Cool One
Does someone have pics of Nibi nd sanbi??