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The Doctor Who Club

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Metarock Sam

This club has been approved by PsiUmbreon.

Hi Guys this is the club for all the Doctor Who fans on SPF

here are the rules
1.Main rules theyre there for a reason (I know this by finding out the hard way >.<)
2.No flaming other members
3.No Cursing
4.no flaming other sci-fi either
5.No rude posts
6. And have a great time.

Members: Metarock Sam (Creator)
Punk-Dude-Danny (Assistant my plus 1 and cheif banner designer)
P-arts (member)
pokefanwantstobattle42 (member
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Master Coordinator
I'm a big Doctor Who fan - especially of the new series. My favourite episode would have to be where a Dalek gets Rose's emotions - seriously awesome.

Metarock Sam

Yeah that ep was great.
We could vote for best ep or doctor or something.
Guess ill join. Mainly because I got asked by Sam. + I have this cool banner I created. A better on heding this way soon, when I can be bothered to get off my ***, stop playing Emerald and watching Stargate SG1 season 4.

Metarock Sam

A nice banner BTw
(I just downloaded Firefox onto my pc man. ITs Gooooood !!!!)


Mush! Mush!
I love it! They're showing all episodes here although I'm convinced ABC is skipping a few! I LOVED the new series! I liked the first one too but gave up after he suddenly changed.
So can I join?

Professor Zaroff

my favorite doctor would have to be the 4th doctor(tom baker)

Professor Zaroff

well i also like pat troughton until he got a spike through him

Metarock Sam

Sure Guys welcome to the club Proffesor Zaroff, Blaziken master and Deoxytwo.
My fave doc would be either Sylvester McCoy Or Tom Baker. Men of mystery.


Mush! Mush!
Tom Baker would be one because he's hilarious on Little Britain. :p I also liked the first one for the new series.

Metarock Sam

yeah tom baker was good but I prefer Sylvester McCoy. I is a dwonright same Christopher Ecclestone didnt stay longer he was Fantastic.

Professor Zaroff

but what do you think of david tennant hes no pat troughton

Metarock Sam

Its tough to say but from the preview on Children in need Id say hes gonna be quite good . Although post-regeneration trauma is getting a little overused in terms of the fact the doctor had it in is 5th, 6th, 8th and now 10th regeneration.
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