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The Door In The House

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Bullet Punch
Right, I am just sick of threads like:

Jo Schmo said:
!?There is a door in the house in mosdeep city1! What is it 4? i want to know.;

To answer it once and for all:

If you have an E-reader, you are able to battle trainers inside there. There is no way to open it without the E-reader. No Strength, Rock Smash or whatever. Period.



Master Breeder
this thread won't help. they'll only find it if they search for it, in which case they'd also find the other 17 kajillion threads that it's answered in, so your posting this is redundant.

also, in emerald it's in a house in sootopolis instead of mossdeep.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Well, it seems you have the same problem as everyone who makes those topics: you didn't read the Emerald and FR/LG threads, which have this information in them. :)

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