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The Edward Elric Club


Well-Known Member
This club was approved by PsiUmbreon.


1 Please follow all forum rules
2 No posting to ask what the topic is. Read the thread and find out.
3 Post pictures, post club questions. ETC.

If I need to add to these I will.

Angela (Sen-chan)

Co Owners
Mimori Kiryu

Free for all - anyone can join except for Satoshi's Girl
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Well-Known Member
Welcome to the club =3

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
EDWARD CLUB!!!!! >>.....<<

I must join! Edward was my favorite FMA character from the first time i saw him....YOU MUST BOW DOWN TO HIS CUTENESS!!!!!

>_< Sorry, I'm overly obsessed when it comes to him.




....I still can't believe that....Angela is obsessed with someone else than Satoshi....O-O


Well-Known Member
No one is cuter than Ed <3


Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
....You amaze me, Angela.....^_~ But I agree, there's alot of hot characters around, but no one matches Edward's cuteness <3



Well-Known Member
I was as surprised at myself when I found myself liking Ed more. XD
But there is just something about him <3


Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
too true....XD I gots a topic!!!

What's your favorite thing about Edward?

I <3 his height and the fact that the shorter he is the more cuddly he is <3


Well-Known Member
What's your favorite thing about Edward?
His personalty. <3

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
I'm going to put a link in my signature now for the club! ^_~


Well-Known Member
Do you want to be co owner?

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Sure....Edward rocks =D *glomps Ed and Angela*


Bloody git
Oh wow I gotta join! I love Nii-san. X3 I have a lotta piccys too... I'm just to lazy to post them right now. XD

Oh, is it ok if I become second co-owner or something please?


Well-Known Member
Kuitsuku said:
Oh wow I gotta join! I love Nii-san. X3 I have a lotta piccys too... I'm just to lazy to post them right now. XD

Oh, is it ok if I become second co-owner or something please?
Sure I can have two =3

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Kuitsuku, I knew you'd be here soon :D


Edward in his all formal clothes = <3


Well-Known Member
I cannot wait to see the movie <3

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
The movie is going to be love <3 for sure.....*glomps Ed again*



Well-Known Member
It sure is. He looks damn good in the pics. <3


Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member

I LOVE Ed. Three words: Hot. As. Hell. And his personality is so damn cool! ;_; He's by far my favorite character in Fullmetal Alchemist. In fact, I think he's one of, if not the cutest anime guy ever. *glomps Ed*

Angela, I thought you were obsessed with Ash. Have you...er...grown out of him or something? o_o



Well-Known Member
^Toto still frightens me, si. She ditched Ashy boy. ;x Most likely not, but she just likes Ed more. I KNOW IT. XD *dundundun*

But, I'll join. <3 Like Toto, (I still like calling you that) ever since I started to watch FMA I just loved little ol' Ed. He's so damn hawt. ~~
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