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~The Elusive~ Kecleon

Does ANYONE have a kecleon, With a 1% get rate whilest you're at level 100 with a friend bow, Its harder to get than, anything else.


Well-Known Member
I don't have one but I wish I do.


Onions? Where??
i got one in my PMD red in my PC

took dosens of tries


Bodybuilder Trainer
So I haven't caught Kecleon but I've smashed lots of those shop keepers down! I'm the level 100 Machamp!


Well-Known Member
Eh, I dont have one.
The first time I stole (which I didnt know what I was doing) they pwned me so bad, I am scared to go near them anymore.


ooo, what's cooking?
me too, no i don have them, i kinda have bad luck in these "lottery games" were luck is an important role. I'm like a black cat. What do u think, my family's lucky number is 13...


sharingan warrior
ive tried but i got killed then again i am only lv 26 with my totodile and cyndaquil


Team In Flames
I don't have one either. I haven't got any pokémon above Lv90 anyway so it would be impossible for me. ^_^;


Lopunny's puns pwn.
I don't have one, either. All my pokemon are Level 100, and I've fought HUNDREDS of Kecleons(while holding a friend bow)... but no luck. -_-"

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
I fought them once, but they only took 1 damage and OHKOed me. I wonder what level they are.


Well-Known Member
They're level 90. I'll be attempting them soon. I have a taste for carnage. XD

Do they only appear on the floor you strike them down at, or do they start spawning everywhere in the dungeon?


Well-Known Member
I didn't know that they had so high a level. I got one the other day with my Lv. 100 Charizard w/ Friend Bow, and I took out a lot of them in some place like Fiery Field. I'm glad I had some Reviver Seeds, because they were powerful. However, after a "Something is Stirring." message and about 75+ Kecleons that can actually do over ten damage to me, I had a Kecleon. The funny thing is that I had plenty of money for every single thing that was in the shop I stole from. I've got too much money.