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The Espada Clan

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Espada Clan

The Espada Clan

This clan is for the strongest battlers only. The clan will compose of 13 and only 13 members. Me as the Leader Aizen, Assistant Leader Gin, Assistant Leader Tosen, Espada #1 Starrk, Espada #2 Baraggan, Espada #3 Harribel, Espada #4 Ulquiorra, Espada #5 Nnoitra, Espada #6 Grimmjow, Espada #7 Zommari, Espada #8 Szayel, Espada #9 Aaroniero, and Espada #0 or #10 Yammy.


Education: Espada means (The 10 Blades).


If you have suspicions about your opponent trade after the battle to make sure all is legit.
Don't cheat or lie! If you do you don't deserve to join this clan at all!
I can switch your ranks at any time if I feel it should be done.

Frequent Questions:

How do you get in the clan? Battle me or another clan member if I approve to see if your worthy.
How do I get in if all 13 spots are filled? You can battle any Espada ranked 7-10 if you post here trying to steal their title.
How do I move up in rank? Battle the rank above you, but approve it's for a rank first.
What's the waiting period if I want to try for a rank again if I currently lost? There's a 1 week waiting period in which you can't battle any of the members for a rank if you lose.
Can I skip the rank above me and fight someone higher? Yes, if your under rank #7 you can always skip numbers in between and battle #7, but no higher. Ex. #9 skipping #8 to fight #7 for their rank.


PokeCenter / Aizen
Assistant Leader:

Assistant Leader:











Espada Clan

Ok Espeon. Hey Chris I know what I'm doing. I think posting for no reason is a bad move. 13 if perfect.


Well-Known Member
I think that you could have the 13 be your best battlers, and have others in training to be the best.
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