Metroid Hunter
Luxendarc is a world that is kept safe by the Crystal Orthodox, which they kept it in balance with the four crystals for years until one very night. Tiz and friends are set on a journey to restore the balance to Luxendarc with Agne's fairy companion Airy. The group sets off going to all four regions, which in meantime listening to Airy that awakening these four crystals fast is the only way to bring peace to the world. Will Tiz and friends bring peace to the world again or bring more chaos?
Come Join the guild that is based from the rpg Bravely Default and the Sequel now Bravely Second!
Our Guild's Moto is Bravery to overcome obstacles,Determination to get it done,and loyalty to what we believe in, so if that is your way you think then come join us!
The Eternian Forces is a guild that is based on having fun with competitive battling and learning new things. We strive to make a great environment for anyone at any competitive level play, and also this guild is a wifi and PS friendly guild so anyone that likes either platform is welcomed to the guild.
We got a skype chat but now we just moved over to discord which its located in my sig :3
We need you to Keep this Guild running strong and we thank you for that come join us!
Main Guild Master FairyWitch
Wecondo12 Harena Region
SilverLanayru Florem Region
Razor Leafeon Eisenburg Region
FairyWitch Eternia Region
Any Region Leader
The Enternian Forces Jobs:
Cloners: none
Trade Shop Sponsors: none
Battle Tutors:
Breeders: Mazzriot,FairyWitch,Skyblue,SilverLanayru,EmiiLava
Guild Tournament Organizer: FairyWitch
Guild Artists: FairyWitch
Guild Index:
Post 2 Herena Region Division
Post 3 Florem Region Division
Post 4Eisenburg Region Division
Post 5 Eternia Region Division
Post 6 War Team
Post 7 Tef Donation Shop/Art Gallery Section
Post 8 CCAT Section
Post 9 Tutoring Program Section
Post 10 Guild Tournament Section
Please Fill out this form to Join the guild thanks
Join the guild date:
will you be active?:
Guild Region (look at the four regions below this post):
1.) Follow all SPPF Rules I can't get that easy enough
2.) do not be rude or insult a member please treat others how you would be treated
3.) No hack pokemon for wifi battles
4.) do not avetise anytime on the fourms please sigs are alright though
5.)Keep the banned list in mind for each teir your playing main OU is on serebii
there isn't a official yet on serebii for 6th gen but 5th gen is close to it just needs some updates
6.) Once you join that is it so make your choice wisely but if you like to leave wait for a certian period before leaving which is located in the guild sections rules.
7.)make sure to contact the leader as well before leaving
8.) do not discuss tef tournament in this thread there is a section for tournaments and if you have any ideas contact the person in charge of the tournament section.
9.) post time to time once a month is required to stay in the guild if you can't contact your leader please
10.) if you have any questions don't hesitate to message one of the leaders
Joining properly earns 30 points
Battling even when lost 10 points
Successful win with a guild member earns 30 points
Winning against a guild leader from another guild 50 points
(I must have a confirmation from the guild leader)
Winning against the Guild Leader of your region earns 100 points
Winning your test battle earns 50 points
winning against a war captain once gets 80 points
(test battles don't count for war team)
Winning a tournament
(tournament section on serebii counts)
first place 50 points
second place 30 points
third place 20 points
Recruiting others to the Guild gains 20 points
Win your War Battle earns 100 points
save the guild from losing the war 150 points
Point Report
[B]Your username:
Shop Point Form
[B]Helping member form
Username help to:
what was it:[/B]
please message me if you want to be a tester must be a rank 3 or higher from your region
I will have some guild jobs if people like to do things for others as well
Please check the tournament threads those are intreasted that is where we do them please don't post in the thread about tournaments
New! Ranks you are tested in you will no longer get the points of the rank you are in so you will have to work your way up a bit harder now to earn the next rank which go for every member that joins.
also if you are new to building teams in xy here is a nice guide provided by Serebii member Mcdanger click here
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