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The Evolution Solution (068)

Mrs. Oreo

Me too. It sucks that despite her owning Shellder, she still couldn't keep Slowbro even though it should've been half hers...

I'm glad that she didn't manage to claim Slowbro however cuz it seemed too strong for her, plus since Shellder was only the tail portion of the pokemon, I feel like professor Westwood was still Slowbro's rightful owner. :3


Well-Known Member
I love this episode! Slowbro is my favorite Pokemon, and James and Jesse talking while their body is covered in the parachute cracks me up.


Meowth fanatic
My favorite part of the episode was that Westwood guy showing Ash & co. pics of him and his ancestors lol. I forgot entirely about Jessie and that Shellder until now.


This episode was great. It really gave Slowbro some spotlight. Not to mention it named about every positive and scientific aspect of Slowbro. Shellder was pretty darn cute too.


Meowth fanatic
As a big fan of the Seafoam Islands, I remember being mad that instead of seeing Articuno in this episode, we got stuck with a Slowpoke and Shellder plot.

Eh, Articuno was being saved for the 2nd movie. Back in Kanto, Legendaries were too exotic to be shown for more than a few seconds, anyway.


As a big fan of the Seafoam Islands, I remember being mad that instead of seeing Articuno in this episode, we got stuck with a Slowpoke and Shellder plot. I liked Professor Westwood's family portraits though.

Freezer was being reserved for the Lugia movie, so I wasn't too surprised by the fact that the Twin Islands lacked a Freezer subplot. Yadon deserved this episode because to be brutally honest, his debut episode on the island of giant Pokemon felt like a cameo. It just wasn't enough to give us a chance to see what Yadon could do.


As a big fan of the Seafoam Islands, I remember being mad that instead of seeing Articuno in this episode, we got stuck with a Slowpoke and Shellder plot. I liked Professor Westwood's family portraits though.

It would've been hard to show Articuno here since the Seafoam Islands got changed into a tropical resort instead of an ice cave system.

Mrs. Oreo

Freezer was being reserved for the Lugia movie, so I wasn't too surprised by the fact that the Twin Islands lacked a Freezer subplot.

I honestly couldn't have imagined Articuno showing up on the Seafoam Islands here and I'm glad that instead we got a simple episode focused on Slowpoke's evolution method. Speaking of which, I loved how the island was so festive unlike in the games.


Speaking of which, I loved how the island was so festive unlike in the games.

The Twin Islands in the anime being tropical was a surprise, but my main gripe is that we only really saw the coastal section of the island here. I would've liked if Satoshi and the others had explored a bit more.


Since Slowpoke was Prof. Westwood's Pokemon and Shellder was Jessie's, isn't it odd that Westwood kept Slowbro without consulting Jessie? It's always bugged me.


Since Slowpoke was Prof. Westwood's Pokemon and Shellder was Jessie's, isn't it odd that Westwood kept Slowbro without consulting Jessie? It's always bugged me.

Under normal circumstances, Professor Nishinomori and Musashi probably would have had to come up with some kind of agreement or compromise regarding the ownership of Yadoran if Musashi wasn't a villain. She didn't seem to mind that she didn't get to keep Shellder anyway, so I don't think it matters that Nishinomori kept Yadoran without consulting Musashi.


I call you honey
So Prof. Westwood programmed the PokeDex, yet he didn't even know why Slowpoke evolves? Seems like he wasn't much of a researcher.


So Prof. Westwood programmed the PokeDex, yet he didn't even know why Slowpoke evolves? Seems like he wasn't much of a researcher.

Nishinomori-kyouju was researching the motives of Yadon's evolutionary method with Shellder. He clearly knew about the process itself, he just wanted to know the meaning of the symbiotic relationship.
So the whole Seafoam Islands bit was a 4Kids change according to Dogasu which makes sense. Professor Westwood was funny since he had delusions of being good looking when he wasn't.