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The Evolution Solution (068)


I admit that at first I didn't catch the whole Binnes/Twin Island location change in the dubbed version myself, although it makes the tropical island setting here look much less random now that I think of it. I thank Dogasu for clearing things up.


Call of Fate
The episode wasn't that interesting. I liked the fact Jessie caught a Shellder, even though she didn't get to keep it. Prof. Westwood V was absent-minded, just like Prof. Elm from Johto.


KyogreThunder said:
Prof. Westwood V was absent-minded, just like Prof. Elm from Johto.

He was worse in my opinion, because while he was attentive, he essentially let Musashi and Kojirou take his Yadon and had no means of fighting back until Yadon evolved.


Immortal Queen
The confusion about whether this episode took place on Seafoam Island or not was more mysterious than the Slowpoke mystery, which if you think about it wasn't even such a big scientific mystery. Like, why did it even matter what Shellder's motivation for clamping onto Slowpoke's tail was? Seemed kinda exaggerated to me...


BTS_fan said:
Like, why did it even matter what Shellder's motivation for clamping onto Slowpoke's tail was? Seemed kinda exaggerated to me...

The professor wanted to present his findings to the scientific community. I think he was just trying to discover something new to impress his colleagues, and the Yadon/Shellder thing was the best mystery he could find that needed solving.
A good beach episode that showed us more of Psyduck's friendly side since he became friends with Slowpoke almost immediately which I guess was because both were so clueless. I thought that Westwood was really interesting since he was almost as funny as Team Rocket and speaking of them I felt so sad when Jessie's new Shellder merged with Slowpoke since it didn't seem fair. At least Slowbro's Mega Punch attack had good animation. 8/10
Shellder is adorable