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The FINAL World Map Thread, Version 2.0

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Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
Well, this is Locke Yggdrasill, opening the final world map thread, 2.0. The Ultimate bulk will be around no longer, rather, he will not be on nearly as much as he used to. thus I'm in charge(he appointed me and The slowpoke, but The Slowpoke has reasons he can't be on as much as well.) I now have two assistants. All I need is two. I have Butchimatic, and I have CRAZY WACKO DUDE. Listen to them They can post decisions about maps, and only I can over ride them. But if they both decline a map, I can't over ride them.

ATTN: There is a new template. Please, use this template!
Here is the template
Template: [IMGSIZE=211x138]http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e200/MLScott/template2.png[/IMGSIZE]
Considering the amount of people who have asked Bulk to tell them how to make maps, he has decided to make you guys a tutorial. Hope it helps.

This tutorial was made by The Ultimate Bulk, and altered by Wacko Jacko and I.

To host an image, go to either Imageshack or Photobucket Then copy the URL into your post.

Well, this is kind of a new addition, seeing as I run this thread now... I guess. The slowpoke's swamped with school, and Castiboy just died(heh, not literally) or something...
-Locke Yggdrasill

Ok, this will be the 3rd time, to my knowledge, that someone has decided to make a world map of fan maps and hopfully this will be the last time. This has been aproved by SapphireDewgong so everything is ready. First the rules.

1) I am making the World Map and no one else.
2) All maps must follow the template used in the Tutorial Template in the first Tutorial.
3) I reserve the right to reject maps.
4) All maps must be open (sea surounding all of the region.) No corners please.
The template is now situated in the top right of the tutorial.
If you like this thread then please don't hesitate to show your aproval by rating it.
5) If you take any maps from this project without my or the creator's consent, A moderator will be informed, and you will perhaps be banned or warned.

And, an update of where we left off in version one will be posted as soon as I get the information done.


-Locke Yggdrasill
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Beginning Trainer
can i put my map on, I'll edit when I'm done
EDIT: Done, sorry about the sea not being there but...
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Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
daksunt, not accepted, seeing as we already have a Sevii map, and there are a few things wrong with it. I.E. route sizes, and such.
Adamski148, not accepted due to... too large, routes are the wrong color, AND the wrong size at some points. you completely disregarded shading for the routes, and there is no water.
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Well-Known Member
at last the second thread is up.


<--- Don't eat me!
My Entry

I would like to enter my Area called "Weirtry". It's my first try at an island thing but I think it turned out pretty good.
Here it is-


*jaws drop*

Everything in the map is perfect, Absol!
You are one of the few people who makes maps like in the games, especially in your first try.
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Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
*jaw drops as well*
Wow, that is almost perfect. But I'll edit it to perfection.
Can I please have the maps with no name at the top, and make sure you take off all remnants from the palette?
EDIT: the water is also the wrong color. but no worries. I'll fix that too.
I'll edit with an update when I finish, and anyone who's map's not on it, plesase post it here. forgive me, please.
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Shining Ninetales
Ahh, this thread is up! Can you show me the map so far? I know it will explode with people in the next couple of days...


........just like (what's her name?) Yoko Ryu's Doll Shop.

I still didn't get my Alphonse doll.

Sorry to go off-topic. On topic, nice map, Pikalax, but you forgot to get rid of the brown on the corners of the towns
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Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
Guys, I'm sorry. Bulk messed up a little, and it's causing us pain. He accidently Jpg'ed the tutorial, and saved over as a PNG. So, I fixed the first map, but pikalax, could I have you redo the water and cities in your map with the new, correct template found in tutorial one?
oh, by the way, here's an update



The Bulk made a last stop at the Pokemon Shadow Forums and created a map of Toka, the game's region.

EDIT: The upper-right map is his. So what do ya think?
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Johto Champion

There's one by me. I think the sea is off a bit, though.
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