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The Fire Brigade! (hand drawn)

Who's your favorite character?

  • Mystic

    Votes: 17 47.2%
  • Ikusa

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Pyro

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Sahara

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chibi me! =3

    Votes: 10 27.8%

  • Total voters


*gets on stage and clears throat* Well, hello to everyone who visted this thread. Yes, it is I, that one girl who can draw. Well I drew a comic for all of you to enjoy. About Mystic the Quilava, Pyro the Charmeleon, and Ikusa the Combusken and their random adventures. It's my first comic I'm posting so...yeah. That's about all I have to say...so...there are free refreshments in the back...and..uh..enjoy the comic. *gets off stage*

lol. Since I'm such an idiot, I started a comic when school's about to start, so don't expect updates that quick. I won't even update if no-one likes it....-.- It also won't be colored, too much work and too little time =/. Well I'll stop blabbering and show you the comic.

Oh btw, Ikusa is a girl, and Mystic and Pyro are guys, k?

(Thanks to Catgirl Sarisa for the title and Citrus Man for a few ideas.)

The Comic:
Pg 1- Teh Beginning
Pg 2- Slicing Trees...
Pg 3- Intro of Sahara
Pg 4- The Not-so-Pretty Woman
Pg 5- Toast
Pg 6- Free Pizza?
Pg 7- Hot Feet
Pg 8- The Awesome Pyro
Pg 9- Napolean Dynamite Clone!
Pg 10- Pyro Can't Swim
Pg 11- What Happens When you Call People Idiots...
Pg 12- Homesick
Pg 13- Mystic's heroic scene
Pg 14- Trapped in an Airplane
Pg 15- Ikusa's Secret
Pg 16- The Hug

Character Art:
Mystic (Revamped!)

Other Stuff:
Thanksgiving Special

Fan Stuff:
Sprite versions of the fire brigade~by Catgirl Sarisa
Different sprite version of Mystic~by Butchimatic
PIZZA!~by: Ho-Roudon
More sprites of the brigade!~also by Ho-Roudon.
(them seperated: Mystic, Pyro, Ikusa, Sahara)
~by Lopmon
Pyro fan art!~by Kidodi-sempai
Mystic!~by Tasumi Returns

Tell me what you think!
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I love it, MF! It's drawn very well. =) Your'e better than me, that's for sure!

I can't wait to see more!


*is being squeezed by CS* Ack, can't....breathe....

Anyways, glad you like it, thanks for the title again. If your lucky I'll draw another page today, most likely not though =/.
*Lets go*

You can do what you like, MF. It's your comic after all. =)

Citrus Man

Citrus Man AWAY!
Hey, why isn't the charmeleon burning things? I thought we agreed he'd be a Pyromaniac! Oh well I like your comic!


<- Kawaii ^^
I love hand drawn comics! Too bad there aren't much in serebii. BUt good try, I hope to see more!


Here's the next page, would've posted it earlier, but my dad stole the computer XD.

Page 2


Thanks, at least some people like it =). Lol, nice time to post, here's the newest page:

Page 3

Last one I'm making today, but don't worry I'll continue tomorrow.


<- Kawaii ^^
Yay! Updates! THe updates were cool! I'll check back tomorrow.
Two more pages since I logged off...Awesome!

Yay, Sahara's in there. You made her look so cute! XD I knew it...she likes Mystic...

Can't wait to see more! =) *gives pie*

Citrus Man

Citrus Man AWAY!
PYRO! PYRO! Burninating the Combusken, burninating the Quilava. Burninating the Numel IN THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES! THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES! And then Pyro comes in the niiiiiiiiiiight!
Yay!Fire Brigade!This comic funny!"Is there any reason your staring at me like that?"<LOL. *Gives memeber of the month award*
Another great comic, MF!

Uh, but can I say one small thing? Can you try not to make Sahara head-over-heels for Mystic in every comic? ^^; In other words, I don't want her to be too flirty with him. I'll tell you about her personality over at the Fire Club.
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Lol, like I said at the club, I wasn't gonna make her a flirt in the next one. XD

Well I got character art for Ikusa and Pyro's is gonna be scanned REAL soon. I'm also gonna make Sahara art later. I might get part 5 done today...

EDIT: Added Pyro artwork and other stuff.
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join my comic contest check out my report or email me and you might go to the top ten and maybe be a prize winner