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The Fire Type Canines!

Which Fire Type Canine is the best?

  • Total voters

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Well, I've had this argument with a friend for a long time... Which is better, Houndoom, Arcanine or Ninetails?

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
I mean in every sense. Movepool, stats and looks. :D I just wanna prove him Houndoom's the best :D


Well-Known Member


Battle Wise, they all win since they all specialize in different categories.

Arcanine: Physical Sweeper
Houndoom: Special Sweeper
Ninetales: Annoyer


Arcanine: Strong
Houndoom: Evil
Ninetales: Beauty

TIE... I choose Rapidash. XD Rapidash > all three IMO.

Canine is synonym for dog right? If it is, why didn't anyone mention Entei? It's more of a dog than ninetales is.
Still, I'd say Houndoom myself as it actually looks the most like a dog and especially it's pre-evo houndour.


Shikamaru Fan!
all i can say is Arcanine its the coolest looking probally comes in second with battling seeing as houndoom has fire and dark traits but houndoom comes in second for me


Staff member
Ninetales isn't a canine -_-



Tails the Bouyzel
Canine is synonym for dog right? If it is, why didn't anyone mention Entei? It's more of a dog than ninetales is.
Still, I'd say Houndoom myself as it actually looks the most like a dog and especially it's pre-evo houndour.

No he's a cat/dog...

Anyway... Houndoom... And Please use english names people, how Am I supposed to know what the heck you mean...

Ninetales isn't a canine -_-


Its a fox, foxes are dogs...


Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Entei is a beast. Not cat. Not dog. Beast.

Foxes are canines. Canine is not a synonym for dog. Its for the family. Its like saying a lion is not a feline cause its not a cat.
Entei is a beast. Not cat. Not dog. Beast.

Foxes are canines. Canine is not a synonym for dog. Its for the family. Its like saying a lion is not a feline cause its not a cat.

The family is Canus, as a dog is a Canus Familiaris.

Foxes aren't Canus as they are Vulpus. Vulpus Vulpus iirc.