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The Forest Newbie



Okay, my fic seems to of been deleted again! Here is the re-write again.

I've edited it abit so i hope you like it

Chapter 1-The start of his journey

He stood there. The evening breeze in his hair. Checking his surroundings. He had been standing their for 1 hour. His patience was starting to snap.

He saw it. Twisting around he jumped at where his pray should have been. It was nowhere near him. He swore loudly and punched thin air.

The green figure he was trying to catch, crept up behind him. It shocked him.

“Oww!” He screamed. Twisting he leaped in the direction of the kick. He timed it perfectly. The creature was trapped under his arm. It cried, trying to break free.

“Got ya,” he said. His voice was filled with excitement.

Now all he needed to do was make it like him. He knew that this was not an easy job. The way he had caught it was not the best way ever.

“Hi, My name is James!”

The creature looked up at him and growled.

James Fisher was a short, blond haired boy. He had Green eyes and was 11 years old, nearly 12. James hair was gelled up everywhere so his hair was extremely spiky. He had just made his first catch in a lonely forest known only as Viridian Forest. James lived in Pewter city and had been dying to start a journey.

The night before, he had seen a lime-green, spiky creature, with rabit ears and a white collar run into the forest with intense speed. He knew he had to get one.

His room was filled with pictures of his favourite bands and pictures of his favourite trainers. His favourite Lt. Surge.

James loved electric pokemon and he needed one to start his quest.

The pokemon he had just caught was a Jolteon, he had looked it up last night. But he was lucky, he hadn’t just got a normal Jolteon. His was a lime-green colour, a shiny.

James had two big problems.

His first was his Jolteon was angry with him, it didn’t like him, he knew why but didn’t know how to fix it.

His second was that since his Jolteon didn’t like him, how would he get it home?

So, James is in the middle of Viridian forest and he has a Jolteon that dislikes him.

So, James is stuck in Viridian forest with a Jolteon that hates him; he is discouraged and has spent many hours thinking of a way to get his Jolteon to come with him

“C’mon, Jolteon” He said

The Lime-green creature Stayed still, the spikes were standing up and he refused to move.

Jolteon growled.

“Hey you!” a voice from a distance shouted


“Yeah you”

This is what James had been dreading. He had a Jolteon that disliked him and didn’t do a thing he wanted. And now a trainer battle!

A figure appeared from behind a tree. He had cap on and a belt with 2 pokeballs on it. The trainer was wearing a Black Jacket with a Navy T-shirt underneath it. He had blue jeans, white trainers and brown hair sticking out of his red and white cap

“Lets battle”


“You’ve got a Pokemon, so fight!

“Fine!” James had a hint of Displeasure in his voice.

“Ratata! GO!”

The trainer chucked his pokeball in the air. Almost as soon as it had landed it opened in a flash of light. A small, purple rat shaped monster came out of the ball.

“Ratat” The Ratata cried.

“Jolteon! GO” James shouted.

To James’ surprise the Jolteon jumped on the battlefield eager to fight

“Ratata! Tackle” The Purple rat started a charge towards the Jolteon

“Jolteon!” James paused “errmm… Kick it!”

Jolteon sat down

“Ha ha ha!” The other trainer laughed. “Your Pokemon doesn’t obey you!”

“It’s not funny”

The Ratata hit its target dead on and the Jolteon rolled back. It got back up again. The Ratata charged again and hit. The same happened again.

James was lucky; his Jolteon didn’t like to lose. The Jolteon started to have sparks come off it. James watched, he didn’t know what was happening. Suddenly the Jolteon moved and the sparks were gone. A second later the Ratata was struck by lightning and fainted.

Jolteon yawned, stretched and lay down. It made it look like it was too easy.

“Ratata, return” the boy said with displeasure. “Now you’ve made me angry! GO! CATERPIE!”

He chucked the ball as hard as he could and in a second a small green worm popped out of the ball. It had a Y shape on its head.

James couldn’t help but laugh.

“You think I’m scared of that!” He laughed.

“You will be” the trainer had taken offense and was trying to regain his pride with toughness. “Caterpie, Tackle”

“Jolteon, ermm, Shock it” James felt stupid. He didn’t know any of his pokemons moves.

Jolteon stayed still and did nothing. It got hit

“Please Jolteon, shock it”

Jolteon was hit again and again

“Please Jolteon” James was crying. He was on his knees and was thumping the ground

“Jolteon turned around and saw it’s new trainer in tears. It realized that its trainer loved it. Jolteon forgave James and turned around and used Thunder shock.

The Caterpie was thrown back. It started Glowing.

“What the?” James was off his knees and wiped away his tears.

“HA HA HA HA. You must be new to the game. My Caterpies evolving. Now I know you’re scared”

James was scared, the trainer told the truth.

Out of the Glowing light came a banana shaped cocoon

James laughed

It opened its eyes
“Metapod” It said in a slightly robotic voice.

“Jolteon, Shock it”

Jolteon used thundershock. Just before it hit the Metapod shined silver. The hit glanced off.

Both James and Jolteon were stunned. The attack didn’t even scratch it

“HA HA HA HA! My Metapod just used harden!" The trainer laughed

Jolteon growled and started racing towards it. The trainer continued laughing. Metapod used harden but it was too soon. Jolteon had planned to run towards it but not attack.

It waited until Metapod had just finished attacking and then – CRACK – Jolteon bit into the Metapod. It let go of the creature.

“No! You big meanie!” The trainer returned its Metapod and ran away.

James ran over too his Jolteon and hugged it. Surprisingly, it didn’t refuse.

James and Jolteon walked back too Pewter city, with the sunset to their west.

So what do you think? I'm sorry there isn't that much description but i only edited it abit. Please reply and tell me what you think. Please don't rate my fic yet because its too early and i havn't got to the good chapters.


um, what happened to my post? cos i remember saying that this was a good idea but you need to make chapter merges better, without conclusions, but now its not here... oh well, as i also said before, you retained a couple of grammatical errors that i noticed, but overall better. still not up to the higher standards of your later chapters, but better than your first posting


Space Skitty

Hoenn Champion
Its a great start, Shiny Jolteon! A few words spelt a little wrong, but its off to a great start. I have already noticed James & Jolteon's personalities, which is great. James is naive but cares a lot about Jolteon, already.

You're doing good so far, keep it up! ^_^


Thanks for your comments, remember, no ratings yet.

Heres chapter two (used to be chapter 3) I've made the win a bit more beleivable and i made Brock much more in caracter. Hope you like it so:

Read, comment and try to enjoy

Chapter 2-The Family Goodbyes

Evening was setting in; James and Jolteon had just got out of Viridian Forest and were walking into Pewter city.

James yawned.

“Pewter City, the place I call home.”

“Jolt” Jolteon said. It voice was quick, soft and a little rushed.

“You speak!” James said in a questioning voice. “Cool! My pokemon speaks!” He was overjoyed. All he had ever heard it do was growl.

James could see the outlines of buildings, but his eyes were fixed on one outline, the Pewter city gym. I was a massive dome. James often walked up to it and peered inside. The entrance was an archway of rocks and the door looked like stone. Inside there was a pebble pathway up to the gym leader, Brock. Along side the pathway were rocks with scrapings on them. It scared James.

“We are going to challenge that gym tomorrow Jolteon, and we are going to win!”

“Jolt” Jolteon said, its voice filled with excitement.

They walked over to James’ house. It was at the entrance to the city. It was two floors big and had a small back garden.

“Hi Mom! Hi Dad!” James shouted into his house.

“Hi honey,” his Mom said.

“Hi son,” said his Dad.

“Mom, Dad, I caught my first Pokemon today!” James had excitement in his voice; he was expecting a nice reply.

“Oh so that’s where you were,” Said his Dad. He had a hint of displeasure in his voice.

“We were worried sick about you,” said his Mom. “But at least your alright.”

“Okay, son, lets see it!”

Jolteon crept through James’ legs and sat down in front of his parents.

They both gasped.

“What’s wrong?” James asked.

“It’s its colour, Jolteons are supposed to be yellow.” His Dad said. “Have you painted this?”

James burst out laughing.

“Okay, we take that as a no.” His Mom said. She was surprised her son had reacted that way.

“Okay, you can put it back in its pokeball now.” Said his Dad.

“Ermm, it doesn’t have one.” James said. His voice had gone quiet. He felt embarrassed.

“Okay, go upstairs and go to bed.” His Dad said. “Its late.”

James went upstairs and went to bed. His Dad was right it was late.

James’ Dad was a tall, brown haired man, he had brown eyes and small glasses framed these. His Mom on the other hand was short and had long, blond hair. She had grey eyes. His parents were nice. James had no brothers of sisters, he was an only child.

The sun arose in the east the next morning. James bedroom window faced this direction so he felt the full blast of sunlight. He got out of bed quickly and put on his favourite clothes. He put on a grey Nike T-shirt and long, blue Billabong shorts. James had some white socks on. He went through to the bathroom and gelled his hair up, then walk back to his room. He woke Jolteon up.

“C’mon Jolteon, today we start our adventure!” James was enthusiastic; this was shown in his voice.


They raced down the stairs and got a small breakfast. He got to the front door of his house and put on his white Nike trainers. These had a few blue stripes on. He did up his laces and opened the door.

“Are you off James?” Questioned his Dad.

“Yes.” James suddenly felt very sad, he was almost about to cry.

“Well you’ll need these.” Said his Mom.

She handed him a Pokedex and five pokeballs. James noticed a tear drop down from his mothers face.

“I’ll phone when I get past each gym, I promise!” James said. He had started walking backwards out of his house.

“We’ll miss you!” Chimed his Mom and Dad. They said it at the exact same time.

“I’ll miss you too!” James said.

“Take care of yourself and your pokemon!”

“I will, take care bye!”


James was off. Him and his jolteon were sprinting towards Pewter cities gym. The closer they got, the bigger it got.

It was a bright summers day. The sun was shining. And James Fisher was attempting to get his first badge.

He charged into Pewter city gym and ran up to Brock.

“I challenge you to a battle!” James said. His voice sounded brave, but inside fear was bubbling up.

“I accept your challenge!”

James stumbled back as he heard Brocks voice. Brock lifted his head. He was wearing a green jacket and an orange shirt underneath. Brock wore some jeans and some white trainers.

“One on one, no switching!”

“Okay, Jolteon go!”

“Jolt!” It jumped forward.

“Why are you choosing that? Oh well. This is going to be easier than I thought!”

“What did you say?” James had anger in his voice, he was itching to go.

“Since this is going to be so easy, GO! GEODUDE!”

Brock threw the ball. There were some flashing lights and a rock appeared. It opened its eyes and widened its arms,

“Geodude.” It said this in a croaky voice.

“Hmm, Jolteon, thunder shock!” Jmes had looked up Jolteons attacks last night, before he switched off his light.

A piece of lightning struck the Geodude. Nothing happened.

“You fool!” Brock laughed. “Just to give you a chance, electric attacks don’t affect my Geodude!”


“Oh no!” James gasped. “Jolteon Double kick!”

Jolteon ran up to Geodude, speading up all the time.

“Geodude, DEFENCE CURL!!!”

Jolteons hit glanced off Geodude. It had curled up in a ball just in time.

“Geodude! Magnitude!”

The Geodude came out of its ball to see s Jolteon ready to attack again. It thumped the grond and Jolteon flew back to its trainer’s feet.

“No! Jolteon!” The pokemon was lying on the ground, it was badly bruised. James looked at the arena in front of him. It had white lines on a soil floor. The walls and ceiling were merged into a dome of rocks.

“Looks, like I win, easily, hope you learn from this!” Brock said.

“No.” James was kneeling down next to his pokemon. He had hatred in his voice.

“Jolt-e-on.” The pokemon had got back on its feet.

“Yes. Jolteon! Double kick! Do it like you did to that Metapod in the forest!”

Jolteon nodded. It knew what it had to do.

“Huh!” Brock said. “When will you learn? Geodude, defence curl!”

James watched intensely as his pokemon did its job. As expected the Geodude curled up into a ball. Jolteon paused just before the pokemon and stood up on its hind legs. Brock stared in disbelief. Geodude came out of its ball to see two feet come crashing down into its face. It fell against the floor and slowly got up.

“You can’t beat me that easily!” Brock said.

“So I can’t, Jolteon, Double kick again!” James said. Pointing his finger at Brocks geodude.

“Geodude punch it when it comes near!” Brock ordered.

The Geodude drew back its fist ready to hit its target. Jolteon was charging towards it at a high speed.

“Get ready…” James said. “NOW!”

Jolteon was inches away from Geodude; the Geodude was swinging its fist when Jolteon ducked and rolled over onto its back. It skimmed across the floor and started kicking. This took Brock and his Geodude by surprise.

Jolteon was under Geodude; it was kicking its thin green legs. The underside of Geodude got hit several times. It groaned in pain and fell to the floor in pain, inches away from Jolteons bottom.

The seconds passed, Brock was staring at his Geodude, wanting it to get up. He was sweating. James clenched his fist; he was also staring at the Geodude. Jolteon was breathing heavily, and was growling, waiting for its opponent to get up.

Geodude stayed still, arms sprawled out, eyes closed, mouth shut, hands spread out.

“YES!” James shouted. “I WIN!”

“No, this did not just happen.” Brock mumbled. “Geodude return.”

James walked up to Brock with Jolteon at his side.

“Well done, you deserve the badge so take it.” Brock handed James the badge.

“Thanks, you fought well”

“I need to be thanking you!” Brock said. James was surprised. “You gave me a good battle and taught me a great technique”

“Thanks Brock!” James said, he was overjoyed. “I hope to battle you again! Farewell!”

“I also hope to battle you again, and farewell, may you enjoy your journey!” Brock replied, he was waving at James.

James walked out of the gym, gazing at his shining, silver new badge.
So what do you think? It won't be that long or descriptive because i've only changed it abit, so some bits were more heavily described than others. Please reveiw, thanks


Nice Chapter I love how already Jolteon and James are getting along. There personalities are already showing. Keep up the good work :)


Wow, i have more readers thanlast time :D Thank you for reading, i'm editing the next chapter now


Ah, better than last time! Keep it up, I love this fic!

FireRed ;386-a;


Thanks, Chapter 3 should be up tomorrow so i hope you like it. as i've said, i'm only editing bits of it because i don't want the storyline being changed dramatically.

Thanks for reading

Space Skitty

Hoenn Champion
That was a great chapter! It shows Jolteon & James' determination to win. James even found out more of Jolteon's attacks. It also shows how much their friendship has improved. Your great at showing personalities! Can't wait for the next chapter!


I havn't edited this much so it is quite short, So...

Read, comment and try to enjoy

Chapter 3-Dark and wet

“Hi Mom, hi Dad, look what I got!” James was talking to his Mom and Dad through the videophone at the Pokemon Centre. He was waiting for his Jolteon to be healed.

“Wow son! You’ve already got your first gym badge!” His Dad said. He was amazed at what his son had done already. “How easy was it?”

“It was actually quite hard.” James said, he was having flashbacks of his Jolteon sprawled against the floor. “I only just won!”

“Well can you stop by at our house before you go.” His Mom said. “You need to collect your backpack, it has everything you need in!”

James hung up. He heard the chimes, his pokemon was healed.

James was standing in the corner of the pokemon centre. In front of him was the phone he had just used, to the right of that was a small, white computer. The monitor was small and was only used for one thing. James turned around. He was standing in the corner. There was yellow floor beneath him. In the centre of the room was a picture of a pokeball. The walls of the pokemon centre were blue and the ceiling was white. At one wall was a gap, this was filled with an elevator, this most probably went to the beds but James wasn’t interested.

He walked over to his Jolteon.

“Hey buddy!” He said. He had a hint of sadness in his voice and he knew it. James didn’t know what upset him, but he tried to cover this up with joy.

“Jolt!” His Jolteon on the other hand was ready to go and beat people up.

They walked out of the pokemon centre and along the street to James’ street. The sun was still shining brightly and it was hurting his eyes.

They got into James’ house and James rushed upstairs. His Jolteon followed. James got out his sunglasses and ran back downstairs. His sunglasses were black and were roughly a rectangular shape. They slightly widened towards the nose. His Mom and Dad were waiting and they gave him his rucksack. His Mom kissed him and his Dad hugged him. This moment was extremely emotional for the family. James wouldn’t come face to face with his parents for along time. He walked away, waving and shouting goodbyes.

His rucksack was a dark blue and it was an O’Neil one. His rucksack was packed with stuff like clean clothes. There was also a torch in there and a sandwich. The one thing James found most surprising was the fact that his Mom and Dad had packed $100. He was thankful because he knew he was going to need it.

James walked up to Mt. Moon. It was massive. The pebble path leading up to Mt. Moon had palm trees either side of it. James was scared. His steps began to quicken until he was running. Within no time he was at the entrance. He slung his bag off his shoulder and placed on his knee. He got out the torch and switched it on. Putting hi bag back on he walked into Mt. Moon.

Water was dripping from the ceiling and splashing on the ground. It was extremely dark and gloomy. James was moving his torch in all directions to see the cave. It had rock walls and unlike Pewter Gym, they were jagged and sharp. The ceiling was the same except it was slimy and wet.

James saw a figure moving. He shone his light at the figure. It was small and brown. It had a circular body with small legs. Its head was massive. It had a massive mouth and small eyes.

“Jolteon! GO!”

Jolteon leap forward onto the soggy cave floor.

“Jolteon! Double kick!” Jolteon kicked the creature a 5 times. It was dazed. “Pokeball, GO!” James threw his pokeball at the creature as hard as he could.

One wiggle. Jolteon growled.

Two wiggles. James gritted his teeth. Staring at it intensely

Snap! The pokemon broke free. Jolteon was quick to move and immediately bit its opponent. Jolteon let go. But Trapinch came back and head-butted Jolteon. Jolteon rolled back but immediately got up and charged at Trapinch. It got knocked back and lay on the floor, perfectly still.

“Pokeball! GO!” James threw his second pokeball at the pokemon he was attempting to capture. The pokemon was shut inside the ball.

One wiggle. Jolteon growled again

Two wiggles. James gritted his teeth.

Three wiggles. James was watching intensly.

Nothing. James walked over to his pokeball.

“YES!” He shouted. “My first pokeball caught pokemon.

He put the pokedex he had next to the ball. The screen lit up.

“YES! I caught a Trapinch!”

“Jolt!” Jolteon was pleased as well. It had another friend to play with now.

They walked on when suddenly, out of nowhere, a shell with a massive tongue attacked Jolteon. Jolteon was knocked back. It stood back up and growled

“Go on Shellder, Ice beam, I want that painted Jolteon!” a voice called out from the shadows. It was female.

“HEY!” James shouted. “That’s my Jolteon and it is NOT painted!”

“Oops! Sorry!” The voice said again. “Shellder! Return.”

The Shellder came disappeared in a flash of light.

A figure appeared into James’ sight. It was a short, red-haired girl. She had a strait face. Her eyes were blue and she was wearing blue jeans, a red top and white trainers. She had a handbag thing strapped around her shoulder. James could see that it contained her pokedex and a few pokeballs. It was pink with dabs of blue on.

“Sorry.” The voice chimed. “I didn’t know it was yours”

“It’s alright.” James said. “If I was in your position, I would of tried to catch it too.

Her hair was tied back and was extremely messy.

“Jessica Barkley.” She said. “Pleased to meet you.”

They shook hands.

“James Fisher.” James said. “Pleased to meet you to!”

They finished shaking hands.

“Do you know which way it is to the next gym city is?” James asked. “I’ve just beat Brock and was wondering were it was.”

“Sure, I come from that city. It’s called Cerulean city. The gym leader there is called Misty. She’s a water type gym leader, you’re Jolteon would rule there. In fact, to show you how sorry I am for trying to catch you’re Jolteon, I’ll take you their!”

“Thanks Jessica.” James said. He was blushing and couldn’t hide it.

“It’s okay, you seem nice enough!” She said. “Oh yeah, and call me Jess, it’s quicker and easier.” She smiled.

Now James was really blushing, and even his Jolteon was starting to blush.

So James and Jolteon set off down the dark and gloomy path, in Mt. Moon. Only now, they have a few new companions. Trapinch, Jess and Jess’ pokemon.
Sorry if its abit short, ii havn't added that much to the origanal. I hope to have the next chapter up by tommorow, dependsa on how many replies i get


Wow! nice job. Much better than the last! Good length and description! Keep it up!

Space Skitty

Hoenn Champion
Great chapter! You described the cave perfectly, & I feel as if I was there. Funny how many people think Jolteon is painted! Can't wait for the next chapter!


Thanks, i didn't think it was that good, i won't start ratings yet because i ahvn't reached where i'm the best yet. Thank you all for reading, i hope you continue to like it.


Okay here is Chapter 4

Read, comment and try to enjoy


“So what pokemon do you have?” asked Jess. “I have a Shellder, a charmander and an Eevee. They all look so cute.”

They all smiled at this, it was the only thing to smile about, the darkness of Mt. Moon was nothing to smile about.

“Well I have a Jolteon.”

“Jolt!” The green pokemon chimed.

“And a Trapinch.” James got out his pokeball and pressed the button at the front of the red and white ball. The Trapinch appeared.

“Trapa!” The pokemon said. It was the first time that it had been let out of the ball since it had been caught. Its voice was low and croaky.

They turned the corner and a white light greeted them. They all shaded their eyes.

“Arrgg!” James screamed. The light stung his eyes. Then he realised two things. The first being that he was about to get to Cerulean city and secondly, “Trapinch return!” It was his first caught pokemon and he really wasn’t used to returning it yet.

James moved his sunglasses onto his eyes. He smiled

“Much better!” Jess looked at him, she smiled.

The last few steps out of Mt. Moon were leaps. Jolteon, James and Jess were eager to get out and so were running.

“There!” Jess pointed to the left. James looked in the direction of Jess’ point. He gaped. In front of him was a massive mass of buildings, most with blue tops. The gym stood out the most. It was a massive, cuboid shaped building. It had a two dimensional Gyarados above the entrance..

They rushed down the slope and into the city. Jess looked at her watch. Four o’clock PM.

“Lets go!” Said James.

“Jolt!” They both set off for the gym.

“You guys, wait!” Jess attempted to stop James and Jolteon but she knew she couldn’t. “Never mind!” She started to run after them.

James and Jolteon burst through the doors, Jess was soon to follow.

“Wow.” A girl at the back of the room said. “A challenger.”

James could only see the outline of her.

“That’s Misty.” Jess said. “She’s the gym leader here, she specialises in water pokemon.”

“Thanks.” James replied. He turned to face Misty, determination on his face. “I do challenge you!” He was nervous but he wasn’t showing it.

They walked up a yellow path. He noticed water either side of it. He walked to the end of the path. The rest of the Gym was water apart from two yellow platforms sitting in the water in front of him and the stage where Misty was standing. She had orange hair. It had a short stub coming off the top right. She was in a pink swimsuit. The walls of the gym were coloured blue like the water and the ceiling was white. At regular intervals on the wall were fish tanks; these had fish ranging from goldfish to clown fish.

“I accept your challenge!” Misty said. Her voice boasted confidence and she obviously thought she was going to win. “Two on two!”

James suddenly felt stupid, he didn’t know what this was and he was too embarrassed to ask.

“GO! Goldeen and Starmie!” She threw two pokeballs in the air. Out of one appeared a fish. This was white with pink patches on it. It had a horn on its head, between its big eyes. These were half closed. Its fins looked delicate and thin. They were frilled and floppy.

Out of the other pokeball came a star-shaped, purple pokemon. It seemed to have two layers. It had a red jewel that was held in position by a yellow star shaped container. James could guess this one was Starmie, so that meant the fish was Goldeen.

James had the rough idea what he had to do now.

“GO, Jolteon and Trapinch!” James threw the ball containing Trapinch at the left platform and Jolteon jumped onto the right platform. Misty was shocked as she saw James’ Jolteon jump on but she was relieved that James had chosen a ground type pokemon to fight. They were weak to water.

“Jolteon, thunder shock! Trapinch err…” James realised the big teeth and thought of something it might know. “Trapinch! Bite!” The orange, bug-like pokemon nodded and waited for the opposing pokemon to come neer.

Meanwhile, Jolteon had sparks coming off it. Suddenly, it shot these sparks at the Starmie. Misty’s Starmie knew what to do and was charging towards Trapinch, fear spread across Trapinch’s face, a spinning tackle was coming closer and closer when suddenly the starmie was struck by Jolteons thunder shock. It had yellow sparks around it and it came sailing into Trapinch’s awaiting jaws.

“NO!” Misty cried. “Goldeen! Use bubble!”

The fish like creature opened its mouth and shot bubbles at Trapinch. Trapinch was digging in at Starmies jewel with its teeth. It was unaware what was happening around it. It was concentrating on cracking Starmies Jewel. Starmie couldn’t do anything, it was trapped. The bubbles struck and Trapinch was forced off the edge of the yellow platform and into the water.

“YES!” Misty cried. “It hit!” She was overjoyed.

On the other side of the pool of water James was feeling more of the blow.
“NO! Trapinch!” James cried. “Urmm, return!” James felt defeated. The first battle his Trapinch had fought in and it had lost. James opened the ball and a light went into the water and fished Trapinch out. He hung his head in shame.

“Ready to give up yet?” Misty laughed. Her rounded head moved and her small lips went into a smirk.

“NO! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!” James was furious. Jess and Jolteon stared at him and then went back to what they were doing.

“James!” Jess called

“WHAT!” James was annoyed and he was defiantly showing it.

Jess paused. “Urmm, I thought you might like to know that if you order your Jolteon to shock the water it will hurt both of Misty’s pokemon.”

James’ temper stopped. He had calmed down. “Thanks. Jolteon, use thunder shock on the water.” James pointed at the water as Jolteon moved into position.

“NO!” Misty cried. “You can’t do that!”

“Just watch me!” James said. His voice was dark and sinister. Jess looked worried, but not as worried as Misty. Jolteon was finishing his attack. Starmie was surfacing.

Jolteon let off its attack. Starmie was caught by the attack and was electrocuted.

“No, Starmie, return.” There was sadness in Misty’s voice. Her favourite pokemon had been knocked out. Golden was flopping around in the water. It was feeling the effect of being eletricuted several times.

“Make it regret fighting it, keep on shocking the water!” James said.

“NO! STOP IT!” James turned. This hadn’t come from who he had thought it would have. “You’ve taken this to far!” Jess said. Urgency was in her voice and she was on the edge of tears.

“She’s right!” Misty said. Instead of her voice being sad and Urgent, it was calm and relaxed. “Goldeen. Return!” She said. “That WAS to far. No pokemon deserves to be tortured that much!” Her voice was now stern. “You don’t deserve the badge but you beat me. So have it!” She threw at him and turned away.

“Weakling!” James muttered to himself as he caught the badge and turned, ready to walk out the gym.

James walked out with a grin on his face, his Jolteon followed and grinned as well. Jess paused, then followed along. Sorrow and pity was on her face.

When they got outside it was nighttime. The stars were shining and it was a full moon.

“Two badges in one day! That’s quite and accomplishment Jolteon!” James said. He had a hint of darkness in his voice.

“Jolt!” The pokemon cheered.

Jess was worried. She had only known him for a few hours of her twelve years of being alive. He had changed a lot since she’d met him.

“Maybe we should go to the pokemon centre to rest up?” She suggested.

“That’s a great idea. Lets go!” James and Jolteon rushed to the Pokemon centre. His voice sounded normal and cheery.

Jess was puzzled. A few seconds ago he was acting strange and evil and now he was back to normal. She chased them to the Pokemon centre.

They had arrived. James was healing his pokemon and asking for a room. Jess stood in the corner watching him. She wanted to know more about the person named James Fisher.

“We’re on the top floor, first on the left.” He said. Jess was strait out of deep thought.

“Okay. I’ll meet you up there!”

James collected his pokemon and marched up the elevator. Jess stood there taking in her surroundings. The floor was blue and had a pokeball image in the centre of the floor. The walls were white and so was the ceiling. She walked upstairs, ready to end a, strange day.
I havn't edited this from the last time, hope you liked it, i should have the next chapter up tomorrow, depends on how many replies i have.


its a pity you didnt edit it Shiny J, you still have some gramatical erors from last time, i hope you edit the kiss at least, i think it was next chapter last time and it just made no sense o.0
anyway, keep it up!


Guardian Groudon

Did notice straight was spelt wrong as "strait." Just a tiny error though. If youre doin it on Word, use Spellcheck.

Space Skitty

Hoenn Champion
A few words misspelt, other than that, a great chapter! James is awful determined to win, maybe too determined. I wonder how he'll act in future gym matches.


Thank you for reveiwing, i'm soooooo pleased that all of you like my fic so much, the next chapter is really good, according to last time my fic was up. Hope you enjoy it, it should be up in less than half an hour.
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