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The Forgotten Pokémon?


Strawberry fields.
The Forgotten Pokémon?

Which Pokémon do you feel is the most forgotten? Personally, I would definitely have to nominate Furret. Furret is not used by many; yes, it doesn't have the greatest stats in the game, and it's shamefully forgotten by a lot of people who prefer to dabble around with the legendary Pokémon.

Please don't say Charizard or Mew simply because they are your favorites, be objective.

Which Pokémon do you feel is the most neglected/forgotten?


Strawberry fields.
Dunsparce is a good choice, although I have seen its cult following at this site. -_-;


Strawberry fields.
Swalot, although of the new generation, is one of the "forgotten ones." I agree one hundred percent.


Well-Known Member
unknown! no one ever talks of it!


Tails the Bouyzel


Strawberry fields.
Snubbull/Granbull were pretty popular after the first Pokémon movie, but have since then declined in popularity.

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Farfetch'd is pretty forgotten! Although a friend of mine uses his, and loves him, yeah, the popular Ch'Ding.


Strawberry fields.
Yanma is another one, but since it has a new evolution coming up, it's bound to gain some renewed popularity in the fourth generation.
Luvdisc. Actually no, I was going to say Luvdisc because of its horribleness, but changed mah mind. Because Luvdisc stinks, everybody knows of it and makes jokes on it. On topic though, most Johto Pokemon are 'forgotten'

~fuzzy out~