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The Forgotten

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Characters belong to either myself, Zephyr Flare aka Sandra or Lady Myuu. And the song lyrics are from 'Every Breath You Take' by Sting. And note, it really is not a love song, apparently.

Rating: Might get R later on for violence, adult situations, etc and so forth. But right now it- oh wait it is bordering PG-13 and R for stuff... Ok folks this is a MATURE fic. You are WARNED

Edit: There, have no idea wtf it only c/p'd half of the chapter, no wonder I thought it was short D: I am stupid for not catching it sooner than I did. OMG MY BRAIN IS SLOW! D:


There are legends. Very, very old legends that go back to the begining of time nearly. And one of them have portrayed humans and pokemon as brothers, in blood and spirit. Many have believed this is because pokemon were domesticated, to help humans survive and advance through the times. To survive disaster and famine.

But… there is more to the tale..

There were orginally, no humans. It was just pokemon. But not just any pokemon, but the mythical beings dubbed gods and legendaries. Aruseus had created the embodiment of time, space, and the trio of gods for will, knowledge and emotion. But he hadn't stopped there. Next had been the four. Purity, Peace, Fate and Love. With their help, Aruseus created Life and Death, and from them, War. And so on and so forth untill the planet was populated by thrity six beings. And for whatever reason, Aruseus left.

But those remaining were lonely. And soon started to create on their own- and since Aruseus never came back to stop them, they continued. Of the first ones created, they included Arcanine, Absol, Lucario, Dragonite, Alakazam and Lapras. Each highly intelligent, caring or filled with compasion or regal loyalty. And each after that differed, either gaining too much of one, or too little. But this didn't matter to the legendary pokemon. They loved all the species they made.

Many, many years passed. Some of the legends had grown bored, and gone to slumber, while others had taken up bickering with others, or simply contented themselves with watching the pokemon. And still years continued to pass by. And an idea struck one of the legendaries. Why not create something else? Something new? Something that didn't look like the rest of the pokemon, nor look like them.

Not many agreed, but enough did to create the first few of the new species. But even though they had tried so hard, each held a trait of their creator. It took several tries before they got it right, not that they shunned the first few trials.

It is thought though, that these special creatures.. no longer exist.

And what, you may ask, was their truely final creation? Why, humans of course.

But this isn't a story about them. Or about the humans. It is about the ones that are never known to exist, or thought to be legends and myths, or if shown in ancient text and drawings, as representations of people that were blessed by the legendary they showed attributes too...

This is the story of the Forgotten.

.: Chapter One :.​

“It's raining. Again." A young woman whined to herself as she moved away from the window. With an annoyed sigh she ran a hand through her hair. With it raining Skitty and Growlithe out there, she couldn't train her little fire or fighting type pokemon. And the three of them had been so looking forward to finally going out. With another annoyed sigh, she called out: “Pixy! Rei!”, knowing there was nothing else to do now aside from recalling her pokemon and going to the ‘pokegym’.

A few seconds after her voice stopped ringing in the air, a reddish furred, lithe vulpine like creature appeared. Four pinkish, curled tails bobbed and wiggled behind it as slightly darker red ears swivled and pointed at the human expectantly, “Vulpix?” The pokemon questioned.

The human shook her head, short brown hair caused to flip this way and that before having a chance to still as she stopped and spoke, “You should be able to hear for yourself Pixy, no going out today either.” The woman confirmed. ‘Pixy’, flatened her ears with a whine before sitting down, knowing what was to come next, but she wouldn't complain. The pokeball kept her dry, safe and warm when it rained and her trainer had to go outside.

“I'm sorry, Pixy.” She said, pulling out a pokeball and with a simple tap to the button on the front of the red and white sphere, it cracked and sent out a beam of energy which struck the Vulpix, encasing her in bright red light before it seemed to condense her form and suck her back into the sphere. Just standing there for a moment, the trainer stared at the pokeball for a few seconds and quietly slipped it into her pocket before going to fetch Rei who was undoubtedly still asleep.

Going through the small apartment, it didn't take her long to locate the second pokemon. She found the sleeping child sized jackel cub curled up on her bed. A small smile came to her lips at the cute sight, and unable to bring herself to wake the small Rioru up, she simply recalled Rei into her pokeball and left.

Minutes later, she found herself walking down a path that was becoming well worn by the trainers of the city that didn't have water loving pokemon. Sheltered under her umbrella, Ryai, for that was her name, was content now to just watch everyone and thing from underneath her small bubble of reality.

Though Ryai's bubble of reality was popped as she and a few other trainers passed store displaying televisions in the window, though they weren't the only people that were near when a breaking news report logo flashed across the screen then cut seconds later, to a woman- naturally stuck in the rain, a flimsy orange poncho the only protection against the rain as she clutched a microphone.

“This just in!” She exclaimed before turning slightly and the camera person zoomed in to whatever she'd been blocking from view, “though I advise any squemish to look away now!” she added at the last second before the fuzzy images started to come into view.

Ryai heard someone throw up, while an older person made this kind of strangled sound and seemed to faint. Ryai.. Ryai herself was paling from fear, or from the sight on the television. Not even she was sure. But it just wasn't everyday that the news reported such grusome activities, or let alone showed it on camera.

“As you can see this Togekiss flock was torn apart, officials don't know by what yet,” the voice droned on but Ryai wasn't listening any longer. There were blood and feathers everywhere. In some places it almost seemed like snow, from how thick the soft down was piled. But the near innocent affect was ruined with the red splatering it, the ground. Everywhere. It was as if they had been ripped apart.

Shaking her head slightly, Ryai snapped herself out of the stupor caused by watching such images, she.. she had to get to the gym. Everything would be fine then. The police would find the person or pokemon that had caused such horror to those poor, poor pokemon.

The rest of the trip to the gym was pretty much uneventful. Ryai got there, signed in, as it was a new percaution now thanks to identity theives. And went on her way to the ‘psyichal‘ training room. It took Ryai a few minutes to get there as it was in the back, then she had to turn the lights on as it was a disused room, due to trainers mostly not owning fighting types.

Blinking her dark sapphire blue eyes a few times as they adjusted to the new source of light, she withdrew the twin crimson and ivory spheres, maximized their size with a single tap to the lock of sorts to the pokeball and tossed them forward. Both spheres arced almost gracefully before striking the polished form and released the pokemon they held into the world. One was Pixy, the Vulpix. Her still four pink tails wagged slightly as she looked around. It wasn't what she really wanted, but being outside the ‘den’ was better than nothing.

Rei blinked as she rubbed her eyes carefully, having just woken up. Looking around with wide red eyes a moment, it only took the cub a moment to realise where she was, even though half asleep. Tiny blue ears twitched as they caught sounds as the long blue tail swung back and forth ever so slightly to counter balance Rei's movements.

The Rioru was as young as the Vulpix, but both knew the routine by now. Motioning to the targets, Ryai let them do their own thing as she went over to find something to sit on. This really wasn't training, persay, this was more like letting them blow off steam rough housing items made for such play.

Seconds trickled into minutes, which ticked away into an hour, and it had been all Ryai could do to not fall asleep in boredom as she sat, awaiting her pokemon to become tired, before finally, Pixy and Rei decided they enough play for today and trotted over to their trainer. With a yip or cry of their name, they alerted Ryai they were ready to go home.

Recalling them with a word of praise for each, Ryai stowed the pokeballs away into a pocket once more and headed out of the room. Footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway, Ryai found herself frowning as she glanced around. ‘Where was everyone?’ she mused silently as she continued down the corridor. But it seemed the only sound she could hear was the beating of her heart and her own breathing.

With each step she took, a feeling of something was wrong crept into her being. Really, were was everyone? There weren't any sounds. And that wasn't right. Wasn't right at all! As she started to get worked into a fit of worry and fear a large crash of thunder almost seemed to roar and tear apart the sky outside. “AIEEE!” Ryai shrieked while almost falling over from her scare. Heart pounding in her ears, it drowned out the small crackle of static she would have heard otherwise.

Closing her eyes, Ryai took a few deep breaths to calm herself down, or atleast keep her heart from bursting out of her chest. After an agonizing eternity, she felt a wee bit calmer and let her eyes open, just as another frightening, thunderous boom tore apart what little peace had befallen Ryai, and amongst her near panicing antics, the power went out. Leaving Ryai in the dark, seemingly alone and afraid. It took Ryai exactly twelve seconds though, to remember she had a fire type pokemon at her bidding, and went to release the Vulpix.

Only after blindly fumbling about for the ball then throwing it- did she realise something was seriously wrong. No pokemon came out. There was no tell-tale sound of the ball cracking open, no flash of red energy or any other colored energy trail of a released pokemon. And no Vulpix.

It was only now that she heard the sound- faintly. Then the static disappeared and was replaced by another sound. Scared, and confused, Ryai glanced up and about. ‘... they put speakers or something up?’ the confused ponder travled through her mind before the sound became louder, and she identified it as a song…

“Every breath you take,
And every move you make,”

Slowly the blood drained from her face.

“Every bond you break, every step you take,
I'll be watching you.”

Flashes of memory hit Ryai, and she felt what little blood left running normally in her body turn cold as her heart forgot how to work. It was Him. The one that sought her out amongst all others. She'd been so foolish and stupid! She had never woken up a few minutes ago! She hadn't woken up at all! She was still asleep in her bed, and.. and she remembered. Ryai was slowly remembering what she had tried so hard to forget for so long.

It was her only protection. And it was being whittled away as she felt it happen. A slight bit of pain signaled hidden feathers beneath her skin, as they fought to get out into the air they were prevented for so long from touching. As the space between her shoulder blades felt on fire, all the way down her spine to the back of her head. He was seeking to dispell the last act of self preservation she'd forced upon herself.

She couldn't let herself be caught! Spinning around, Ryai darted off into the darkness. Fear at being found out outwieghing the fear of the storm that raged outside. And in the back of her mind something itched and nagged for attention. Wanting Ryai to accept she had been the one to cause the storm to flare to life. To thrive. To live. But squashing it down, Ryai continued to run on.

“Every single day,
And every word you say,”

Ryai almost seemed to fly down the darkened corridor before bursting into the lobby. In the back of her mind noting that the singing was getting louder. Less static-like. As if it was chasing after her. But she ignored it, the major part of her mind focused on the task of getting away as she hurtled over the ground and through the doors. Before letting out a shocked shriek at the sight that met her eyes, then let it evolve into a horrified gasp.

Blood... bodies... Only not from the people that lived in the city. Niether belong to the people she met or chatted with ocassionally. This was far different. Far worse. Pain stabbed her forhead as greater flares burned agony into her back. Crying out in terror and pain, she stumbled. Trying to put distance between herself, the singer, and this horrible, horrible memory.

“Every game you play, every night you stay,
I'll be watching you.”

Cupping her hands over her pounding head, Ryai stumbled onwards, sobbing as she tried to still get away. But it seemed almost useless as wings burst out of her back in a shower of blood, flesh and feathers. The scream that tore free from her body left her feeling even weaker than what the wings had done as blood and flesh still dripped from them onto the already covered and stained ground.

Falling onto her hands and knees, vision swimming and her body going numb, the singing started to fade into the distance, as did the horrible memories of the past. And the knowledge of what she was, and what tried to hunt her down. And Ryai fell unconcious into the waiting arms of dreamless, forgetfull slumber.


The soft pitter-patter of rain against glass seemed to be the only sound in the small bedroom of the small apartment. Curled around a sleeping human, a Rioru and Vulpix slept also. But all didn't seem peacefull, as the human twitched, and stirred in slumber. Seemingly just in a bad dream as an arm moved, and a leg almost lashed out in a small kick from under the chansey print quilt.

So fleeting and quick, almost as if it was a shadow, a ripple went through her face, or rather the skin covering her skull and flesh. For a moment, a pattern seemed to imprint, something started to form, before disappearing back into the depths of herself from which it came... or into the corners where other shadows recided.

And in the gloomy, early morning dawn of another rain filled day of the city, Ryai slept on.
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I'm Back!
Lovely Prologue. I don't think it was rushed; I think it works because it retains a dreamy kind of state.

The use of a TV store is interesting and effective, but it confused me for a moment, maybe because when I think "path" I'm not thinking of a shop-front kind of area. A more detailed scan of the walk that Ryai takes might make that clearer.

I'm waiting eagerly for the next installment!

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Prologue and chapter Alecatm but thanks XD and meant by short when I copy/pasted, for some reason it only copy/pasted the prologue and half the chapter XD and sorry about the confusion, looking back I should have put a bit better detailing into the city walk bit of the chapter.

Thanks for the review btw. *throws a cookie*


An Ode to the Fallen
O_O Wow that was really good. I really like how the intro flows and leaves no questions about whats happening! :D


I'm Back!
whoa, alright, second part of chapter one is grippingly creepy. Just enough hints at Him to convey Ryai's fear and keep me wondering what really is goin on...

Good dream sequences = win. I guess it also explains why the TV broadcast was so gory... *shudder*

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Well, I thought it was really good, I am not sure what else to say, good description and all,


Well-Known Member
Nice! You've set forth lots of questions to be answered--a good way to keep people coming back for more. :) Solid writing with just the right amount of description, though there were a few typos here and there.

And note, it really is not a love song, apparently.

I was to understand it was a commentary on the Cold War.

This really wasn't training, persay, this was more like letting them blow off steam rough housing items made for such play.

That term is spelled "per se" and is rarely preceded by a comma since "per" is a preposition (albeit a Latin one).

It looks good so far, Yami Ryu. I'll be interested to see what the deal is with the wings and if they have anything to do with the Forgotten.
Yet this seems oddly familiar in a twisted way. I'll be honest, the ******* sprang to mind first, Mr. former split tail :x Why oh why can I see HIM of all people singing a song, no matter how ****ed up, I have no idea.

I wants more D: Mostly as you rock better with songs melded in better than I do. I made so many complete misreads in this it was funny :3 I was wondering where the hell a Growlithe was till the doi moment, yes yes.


I apologise for not seeing the Togekiss as badly as I should, damn my love for gore moments :(



Sike Saner

Peace to the Mountain
“This just in!” She exclaimed before turning slightly and the camera person zoomed in to whatever she'd been blocking from view, “though I advise any squemish to look away now!”

The moment she said that, I got that distinct, wonderful feeling that something delightfully disturbing was about to be shown…

“As you can see this Togekiss flock was torn apart, officials don't know by what yet,” the voice droned on but Ryai wasn't listening any longer. There were blood and feathers everywhere. In some places it almost seemed like snow, from how thick the soft down was piled. But the near innocent affect was ruined with the red splatering it, the ground. Everywhere. It was as if they had been ripped apart.

And there it is! =D Beautiful. And I love the fallen feathers being compared to snow there, too. ^^

Cupping her hands over her pounding head, Ryai stumbled onwards, sobbing as she tried to still get away. But it seemed almost useless as wings burst out of her back in a shower of blood, flesh and feathers.

COOOOOOL…There’s something wonderfully powerful about the image of erupting wings. ^^

Hell of a great way to start—the lyrics woven into it were an especially nice touch. A.) That’s an effing great song, and B.) The lyrics were a perfect fit for what was going on. Yummm. ^^

And the BLOOD, the CARNAGE! =D Ah, yes…Togekiss, shredded into a mass of bloodstained feathers…wings, exploding out from the back and shoulders of a person…Sweetness. I always love to see stuff like that.

Oh. And I also must say that Rei and Pixy are majorly adorable. ^^