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The Four Stalkers: Holiday Havoc

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Cap D. Blue

I take a shot at writing a "Stalkers" fic now. It's chaptered for every holiday instead of a super-long one-shot. ^^; And written in my POV.

Summary: The adventures of Dylan, Kristell, Chelsea and Stacee from Halloween to Valentine's Day.

Dylan x May (Imagineshipping)
Stacee x Tracey (RhymingNameshipping)
Wesley x Jane (Drawshipping)
Ash x Misty (Pokeshipping)
Kristell x Drew (Coolshipping)
Chelsea x Brendan (Heartshipping)

Disclaimer: I own all the orignal characters, original shipping names and the storyline.

Chapter 1: Halloween Part I

My name’s Dylan. I’m the youngest of the Pokeshipping Quad. We’re called so because we’re the ones responsible for keeping Ash & Misty together, if you get my drift.

Chelsea’s just a few months older than me, and has mood-swings, best put. Stacee’s one year older than me, but very hyper and random. Kristell’s like the leader of the P-shipping Quad. She’s 16, hyper and very friendly.

Myself...I’m sarcastic. I can find light in almost every situation. But, I can usually be found beside May, Pokemon Co-ordinator.
The chaos all started with that one picture. Of course, I didn’t know about it until breakfast. I was currently making eggs when Kristell dashed down the stairs, holding a Polaroid photo in her hand.

“Guess what I found!” she said, waving the picture above her head.

At the table sat Chelsea, Stacee, Tracey and May. Salamence, my smart-aleck of a dragon, was asleep on the floor.

“What?” asked Chelsea.

A grin spread across Kristell’s face as she said, “I found an awesome pic of none other than Pokeshipping!”

The result was, simply put, crazy. Chelsea, Stacee and May all dashed from the table at once, and my food was sent flying.

“Oh my god! I love it!”

“I want it!”

“No, it’s mine! All mine!”

Tracey sweatdropped.

“Girls please. I hope one of you still has their dignity.” I said.

Kristell sneaked back upstairs.

“Hey, where’d...”

“Here I am!” cried Kristell, leaping back into the kitchen.

I shook my head as I started eating. Then...


“ARGH!” My eggs flew off my plate and landed on the wall. “Salamence, you dipstick!” I said.

Laughter echoed through-out the kitchen.

“Bad Salamence!” teased Stacee.

(“Bleh!”) The dragon stuck his tongue out. (“It’s Halloween! What do you want me to do?”)

“Try not to eat all the candy this year.” May said as I snickered. Oh, I forgot to mention this. After we were able to get Ash & Misty back together after an argument, I had invited May to stay with me in Slateport City.

“Good point.” said Chelsea.

“I’m hungry.” said Kristell. She noticed the stack of pancakes on the table. I’m sure she would’ve imagined them in a spotlight and a chorus going, “Awww....”

“Pancakes!” Kristell said, and she began to eat them.

We all knew how much Kristell loved pancakes.

“You’ve never had my dad’s pancakes, have you?” I asked, running a hand through my dark brown hair.

“Nope, but I’ll happy devour them!” came Kristell’s reply. She took another bite of pancakes. “So good!” she said with a sparkle in her eye.

Tracey shook his head. “Hope you save some room for candy later.”

“Candy...” said Chelsea in a zombie-like voice.

Stacee sweatdropped. “Remember to wear your costume.”

“Oh yeah!” said Kristell as she finished her breakfast. “I’ve got a great one to put on later!”

“Oh? What are you going as?” asked May, pouring herself some orange juice.

“Me? None other than the great Misty!”

My mind was off wandering at the time (as it does often), but this got my attention so suddenly I slipped off my chair with a THUD!

Everyone sweatdropped but Kristell, who laughed. “That’s right! I spent months trying to find her outfit and now I’ve got it!” She said, her eyes burning with determination.

“I’m afraid to ask everyone else about their costumes.” I said with a smirk.

“No, don’t worry!”

“Go ahead and ask!”

“I’ll wait.” I said, sweatdropping.

“Whatever you say.”

Of course, being fatally attracted to May, I asked her. “And you? What shall I expect you to be dressed as?” The only reply I got from her was a blush.

“I think I know what!” said Kristell, Stacee and Chelsea all in unison.

“What?” I said, ignoring the fact May punched me in the arm.

“A princess!” came the reply from my three friends. I wondered why Tracey hadn’t said anything lately.

(“BZZT!”) said Salamence.

We all looked at him in surprise.

(“I was peeking in the closet the other day.”) he explained. (“I saw the costume.”)


Kristell sweatdropped as May gave a shy smile.

I recalled Salamence into his Ultra Ball. “Forget it.” I said. “I’ll find out tonight.”

“I can’t wait!” squealed Chelsea. “I’m so excited!”

“Yeah!” agreed Stacee. “House decorations!”

I was reminded of something. “Hey, I got something here.” I showed everyone a LEGO model I had made of my favorite ghost: Boo, of the Mario game series.

“It’s awesome!” complimented Tracey, grabbing it from me and looking at it.

“There’s some creepy stuff in the hall closet.” added May, pointing.

Kristell sweatdropped. “I’m gonna make cake!” She produced a chef’s hat from nowhere and placed it on her head. “Who wants to join me?”

“One thing at a time!” I said. Stacee and Chelsea were placing Halloween decorations in the front hall, Tracey was admiring my model, Kristell was talking about making a cake, and May and I were in the middle of it all!

I walked over to the hall closet and opened it. “What the...?”


I was buried under tons of Halloween decorations. “God...” I said. “Why do you hate me?”

It took a while, but somehow we got everything done. Or so I thought.

I sat on the couch with May while Kristell was looking through a large box. Chelsea, Stacee and Tracey had gone out for the night, leaving us three alone.

“What are you doing?” May asked.

“Putting up party decorations!” she replied cheerfully.

“Who said anything about a party?” I asked.

“Well, duh! What good is Halloween if we’re not going to have a party? I already called up everyone.” She said it as if she had settled the manner. “It’s going to be a costume party.” She stopped for a second. “I need more help.”

I yawned. “I’m taking a nap.” With that, I fell over sideways.

Kristell sighed. “Bella, Jigglypuff, Psyduck! Come on out!”

Ignoring the chatter, I felt something - or someone - climb on top of me. “I swear, May,” I said. “You could just put a blanket on me.”

“I suggest you guys do that somewhere else.” Kristell said. “If you want to sleep, there’s your bedroom since I’m going to make some noise.”

“Do tell.” I replied sourly, as Hercules (my Heracross) grabbed a hammer and began to nail up a banner.

“Yay Hercules thank you!” said Kristell happily to my beetle-like Pokemon.

I rolled my eyes as Hercules grinned.

“Okay everyone let’s get to work! Jiggly and Bella, you handle treats! Psyduck, you help by greeting everyone. Hercules, you work on the lighting while I help with everything else. Is that clear?” said Kristell.

The four Pokemon nodded in agreement.

But the party wouldn’t be complete without my Swampert, Riptide. He popped out of his PokeBall. (“What about me?”) he asked.

“You can...uh...help Psyduck. I’ll be right back to get my costume on!”

“Make sure you can get the dye out!” May said.

“I will!” said Kristell, racing up the stairs.

“ARGH!” I tumbled down the steps as Kristell raced past me. “Oof!” I landed on the floor just as my best friend Wesley came in through the door.

“Have a nice trip?” he asked.

“Shut up.” I said as he helped me up.

Normally having black hair, it seemed Wesley had his hair grow longer and dyed it red-orange.

“Lemme guess.” I said. “Kenshin?”

Wesley nodded. “Where’s your costume?”

“Upstairs.” I replied. “I’ll change in a bit...”

“I’m back!” announced Kristell, coming back downstairs, wearing a yellow tank-top, blue shorts and red converse shoes. She too had dyed her hair red-orange. “Ta-da! What do you think?”

Wesley looked at his own dyed hair. “I fail to see the similarity.”

“Use your imagination!” Kristell urged.

“No use.” I said, shaking my head. “Wes has forgotten about you-know-who. Now if you excuse me, I’m gonna go change.” I ran back upstairs.

“Oh, wait, duh!” said Kristell. “I’m still in my glasses! No wonder!” She stowed them in her pocket.

I slipped and fell down the stairs.

“I still don’t see it.” said Wesley, looking at Kristell blankly.

“Are you that dense?!” shouted Kristell. “Don’t you get it?! I’m Misty!”

“Who?” Wes asked again, scared.

“Think, Wes!” I said, running back upstairs for a third time.

“Misty from Pokemon, darn it!” Kristell screamed.

“Oro...” said Wesley, dazed.

I lept down the stairs, wearing a yellow cape tied around my neck, body armor, and a motorcycle helmet I found. “Ta-da!”

“You better know Misty, or else!” Kristell was saying to Wesley. She then looked at my costume. “Looks good, D-Kun!”

“Thanks.” I said, taking a bow. “Meet my alter-ego, DragonMan!”

“Yeah, your ego’s so big, you need to split it in two!” Wesley said.

I drew the sword strapped across my back. “Wanna try again, Kenshin?”

“Oh, yeah! Let’s not forget my mallet!” Kristell said, showing the object in her hands.

I laughed. “Run, man run!”

“It’s time to make you remember!” Kristell said as she began to chase Wesley around the house.

“Not my day, that this is!” said Wesley with a sweatdrop.

I heard someone come down the stairs. I turned to see who it was and my jaw dropped.

“Remember this is Misty you’re dealing with!” Kristell said, still chasing after Wesley.


I grinned at May’s witch costume, complete with a tall black hat. “I said surprise me. Not drop me dead with your costume!”

May blushed in response.

“As long as you remember...” Kristell was saying to Wesley, now KO’d on the floor. “That was a good workout!” She turned and noticed May. “Wow! You look so kawaii!”

“Thanks.” May said proudly. “Did you invite Misty, too?”

“Yup!” replied Kristell. “I think she’ll be surprised!”

I pointed to the doorway where the real Misty was standing. “Maybe even more than that...”
That's the first part of chapter 1. I'll get the next part up soon, I promise! ^^

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Well-Known Member
lol wow.

This seems interesting. YAY, Brendan~! *heart*

LOL. Now I see why you called it Heartshipping. Omg...I'm slow. XD I didn't even do that on purpose. XD

Hopefully you're not dead by the time this story ends. You fall a lot. XDDDD

-can't wait for teh next chapter-


Is Back!!! For now.
Chelsea’s just a few months older than me, and has mood-swings, best put. Stacee’s one year older than me, but very hyper and random. Kristell’s like the leader of the P-shipping Quad. She’s 16, hyper and very friendly.
“ARGH!” My eggs flew off my plate and landed on the wall. “Salamence, you dipstick!” I said.

Laughter echoed through-out the kitchen.

“Bad Salamence!” teased Stacee.

(“Bleh!”) The dragon stuck his tongue out. (“It’s Halloween! What do you want me to do?”)
Yesh. Silly Salamence more like it....XD


XD at this chapter! That was funny when I chased Wes.

H-Chan: I'm the one who thought of the shipping name since it matches! :D

Overall, too funny. I get so hyper XD *thumbs up*


Well-Known Member
Heh, thanks K-Chan! XD

DM13-Kun: If I can request XD make BRENDAN PLAY THE GUITAR. I would be so happy if you did. :D Oh, and don't worry, I could really have anyone. Besides Brock...XD

Stacee said:



Wow, DM13-kun.. You must be under pressure... And, I've just noticed that you are surrounded by the female population, err..most of the time. XD

Anyway, that was cappucino, with whipped cream on top nice. <3


Anyway, great job. More plz!!!111 lol


Well-Known Member
YAY, thanks! *is eating pie*

*opens up fortune cookie*

"Someone is secretly in love with you."

...DAMMNIT! Why me? >_<

Hopefully it's Brendan. XD;;; *doubtful*

Chelsea’s just a few months older than me, and has mood-swings, best put.

...I feel bipolar. XD


DM13-Kun! said:
Kristell’s like the leader of the P-shipping Quad. She’s 16, hyper and very friendly.

You can call me a leader if you'd like. ^^ I guess I am the oldest and all this time I though Stacee-Chan was the oldest XD

No probs H-Chan! :D


Is Back!!! For now.
MistyMix89 said:
You can call me a leader if you'd like. ^^ I guess I am the oldest and all this time I though Stacee-Chan was the oldest XD
16 next year i am. You'd make a fine leader...i'll just stay at the back like my dancing teacher puts me for the dance...>_> XD
It happens all the time.
But anyways...


^Aw, thankies Stacee-Chan! *hugs again* Big thankies to DM13-Kun too! I guess I do take charge sometimes but I hope in good ways. XD

Actaully big thankies to everyone! =3


^XD! Can't wait for the new chapter! :D
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