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The Fourth Wall

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What 4th wall?


Contaminated KFC
cl@mmysh@z@m! said:
What 4th wall?
Oy vey...

When a character 'breaks the 4th wall', it refers to them making some sort of comment which shows that they are aware of the fact that they're just animated characters/actors in a television show. The 4th wall, iirc, is essentially the TV screen itself. Eh, I'm sure Jesse would be able to provide a more accurate description of the term, but thats the gist of it at least.

I don't recall Ash or any of his posse breaking the 4th wall, but I can recall a few instances where Team Rocket have done so, though I'm to assume most of them are probably dub added.
One that sticks out was Meowth's comment of "Oh right! I forgot, the cartoonist never gave me a nose!" in the episode 'Pokémon Scent-sation"~
One time after getting written on by Jigglypuff, Ash (I think) mentioned something about looking like cartoon characters or something and where was a sound to go with it. I'm sure that was also dub added but it kinda counts.


Super Coordinator
I recall a "Why didn't we use this plan in the first place?" "Because we had 30 minutes to fill!" from Team Rocket once...>.>


Team Rocket used to do it all the time back in the first few seasons...

now they don't seem to do it all that often...


Custom User Title
Devilrose said:
I recall a "Why didn't we use this plan in the first place?" "Because we had 30 minutes to fill!" from Team Rocket once...>.>
"Hypno's Naptime" to be exact.
Himiko said:
The second movie mentioned it being a movie a few times.
Ash[interrputing Team Rocket's motto]: I'll have to catch this on video!

There was also one in the third movie:

Jessie: Sometimes it's better not to ask questions.
Meowth: Hey Jessie, I got a question that's better I shouldn't ask. Do you we're gonna get a bigger part in da next movie?
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Yeah, ok!
Heracross said:
There was also one in the third movie:

Jessie: There are some questions it's better not to ask.
Meowth: I got a question maybe it's better I shouldn't ask. Do you think they'll give us a bigger role in the next novie?

LOL, I remember that. Poor poor, Team Rocket. Little did Meowth know that in each of the following movies they'd get less and less screentime than the previous ones.


Team Awesome
James: We'd like to thank all our fans for their loyalty and support. ("Pikachu's Goodbye")

And don't forget Meowth's "Hi, fans!" to the camera in "Lights Camera Quacktion".


one question about all those 4th wall lines...

were they dub-added or did they appear in the Japanese version? do the Japanese even use the concept of breaking the 4th wall when writing anime/manga?


I remember in the Drake episode that Jessie said something about it being better planned even if she wrote it on script.

There was another time when in the episode where someone is trying to catch the Crystal Onix, Team Rocket (I don't know who, foggy memory and laziness)
said the writers couldn't figure out how they escaped from their own traps.

Oy, that Team Rocket. :D


Contaminated KFC
Brock: "C'mon you guys, we're already running late, its time to start the show!"

From 'The school of Hard Knocks', just before the title card :p

PDL said:
Do the Japanese even use the concept of breaking the 4th wall when writing anime/manga?
Excel Saga. Bobobo BoBo-BoBo. Those shows thrive on demolishing the 4th wall.
You even get that sort of thing in the more serious shows. Erm...ahh, a good example was this one bumper before some Naruto episode iirc. It had Naruto telling the audience that the show was moving to the 'Golden Time' slot on the channel, but then he found out he was half an hour early and left the others to quickly get ready in their changing rooms. Thats not a particulary good example, but its the only one that came to mind ^^;

In any case, its definatly not unheard of and its seen in a crapload of shows. Just not sure about Pokémon as all :p
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Thank you, SPPf! :)
The first few movies chiseled the 4th Wall to bits.
"You think we'll get a bigger part in the next movie?"

I don't remember any such quotes since Lord of the Unown Tower, though.


Custom User Title
I'm sure the one from "Pokémon Scent-sation" was in the original, as Nyasu's expressions and hand gestures fit everything he was saying. The others may or may not have been dub added.


Team Rocket's rockin
Himiko said:
One time after getting written on by Jigglypuff, Ash (I think) mentioned something about looking like cartoon characters or something and where was a sound to go with it. I'm sure that was also dub added but it kinda counts.
That one was from "Beach Blank-Out Blastoise", the episode on the turtle Pokemon island right after the Cinnabar Island two-parter.

In the Team Rocket song that sometimes replaces the motto (I wish they'd play that song again) the song ends with something like:

We want to capture Pikachu, we hope to do it soon
And when we do, we'll be the new stars of this

I had another one, but I forgot it.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Breaking the fourth wall is a cartoon tradition going as far back as the silent cartoons of the 1910s and 1920s, so it's no surprise that it shows up in Japan from time to time. Aside from the given examples, "Pocket Monsters" doesn't have a whole lot of it, but as mentioned above, "Excel Saga" sure does.


Old Coot
Most of them are indeed English dub only. However, the Japanese dub has on the occassion broken the fourth wall a few times. Just not as often as 4Kids has done with the show.
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