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The FR/LG Girl club

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Active Member

*looks around club*

Now I'm not the only one!! Glad to have you back Frankie-chan. And you DA account is really nice as well. *at least I hope it is yours ^^;*

We haven't had a topic in ages. Any suggestions?
Woohoo! Yesh! I'm back. xP

Wait... My DA account..?


...Holy crap. I forgot about that. ._.;
I still need to add something to it.

Uhh... *thinks*
...Once again, I've got nothing. -__-;

Maybe I should draw more Blue fan-art! :D

Ed Phoenix

Pesky Boy
Uhh... *thinks*
...Once again, I've got nothing. -__-;

Maybe I should draw more Blue fan-art! :D

More fanart is always a help. ;)

I have one, Blue's birthday was earlier this month, but whatever.

What would you buy Blue for her birthday?


Well-Known Member

I was gonna reply here, but it was a really long time since someone else posted, so I was unsure. I guess it's okay, though? *shot*

Welcome to the new members that I never welcomed! Haha, have fun here. :D

This place reminds me that I still haven't reviewed the last few chapters of your OldRivalshipping fic, Ed Phoenix. ;_; I should probably go do that after I reply here...especially since SPPf isn't lagging. /betterlatethannever?

What would you buy Blue for her birthday?
I'd take her out shopping so she can buy whatever she wanted. She gets to go shopping, I get to hang out with her - it's a win win situation, no?

Some fanart:
Leaf (or Blue, since we all call her that anyway) and her boyz.
from: http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/barbie_blue0831

Aww, Castform. xD
from: http://nanahoshi.lomo.jp/hoshimi/


Well-Known Member
Yay! We're back from the dead!

Anyway, a few fanart pics:


Both from http://rht.suppa.jp/

And finally:

from http://starpark.nomaki.jp/

What would you buy Blue for her birthday?
baby Meowth, if she's into them... otherwise maybe a nice sundress or something? Buying her a new Cadillac is still out of my budget, sadly:(

Ed Phoenix

Pesky Boy
I also would give her a hug.

And I would tell her I love her.


...That might freak her out though...
So maybe not. ._.;


...I'd probably do the same. -_-;

Except for the "I love you" part. Guess it would be more like a date then. :p

Ed Phoenix

Pesky Boy
I just read the last FR/LG chapter. Blue gets petrified!!! God, I was so ticked off!!!

I know. *sniffles*

Blue why? ;___;
at least she gets to be with Green. ;____;


Well-Known Member
Got some more fanart for y'all!


From http://killings.fc2web.com/13co.html


from http://amamori.sakura.tv/15/top_s.html


From http://kagetuan.sakura.ne.jp

And finally, this page has several pieces of Blue fanart:
(main page is http://sweety.jp/mol/)



Sorry for my recent inactivity everyone. i'll work on updating the list asap. i need my co-owners to give me the names of the new members. Oh, and i might need mew co-owners too.


Active Member
DarkPersian479 that's preeeeeetty~ art. :3

Again, I'm sorry for my inactiveness-ness...
I've been mainly not on due to the slowness on the forums. :/

But I've recently just made a Roleplay account and my character is pretty much a Blue-clone. :DD

I love Blue... <333


Well-Known Member

Ahem... A bit of fanart (linked, embedded pictures are disabled :( )




New question to hopefully spark some life into the club...

What would Blue and Dawn do if they happened upon one another somewhere?

I say they'd have a friendly battle first, then maybe do some shopping or catch a meal together. And also have a nice chat about what's been going on with them.
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So long
^great pics!
What would Blue and Dawn do if they happened upon one another somewhere?
Battle! And then go shopping and eat on a resturant and catch some Pokemon and dance Letkajenkka and talk about things, of course!


They forums, yes have been slow. I've noticed it. (dail up doesnt help the situation.)

Lets see, if Dawn and Blue met, well, i bet they'd battle then sop, and mabye a DDR match?
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Well-Known Member
Only a few more fanart pics this time...

From http://cabin.jp/KAZE/

From http://www.geocities.jp/itijikusou070707/

From http://siroutogureito.web.fc2.com/ndexx.html

New topic:
As some of you may already know, one of the characters announced for Super Smash Bros. Brawl was the male FR/LG trainer. AFAIK, his female counterpart (that would be our beloved Blue) is not available in the game. Your opinions on her exclusion?

Personally, I am outraged at the fact that Nintendo decided to stick only the male character in the game instead of allowing us to choose either the male or female. Even more disappointing is the fact that we will likely never see Blue rendered using the Wii's hardware. If only her outfit was one of the unlockables in PBR...
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