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The FR/LG Girl club

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Well-Known Member
Whoasnap. I thought this thread was dead. I missed posting here, so <3 to whoever revived this place! ;P

What would Blue and Dawn do if they happened upon one another somewhere?
BLUE/DAWN TAG BATTLE. It would be sweet. I don't care who they're up against, as long as they have a tag battle. They'd also go shopping and exchange Kanto and Sinnoh gossip! :D "VOLKNER IS DATING WHO? CANDICE WORE THAT?" "LANCE DID WHAT?" "HOW DID ERICA DO THAT?"

As some of you may already know, one of the characters announced for Super Smash Bros. Brawl was the male FR/LG trainer. AFAIK, his female counterpart (that would be our beloved Blue) is not available in the game. Your opinions on her exclusion?
I'm with you, DarkPersian. I really don't like the FR/LG Male at all, and it was just annoying to hear (and see those screenshots) that he would be in the game. I agree, if you're going to add the male trainer, why not also add the female trainer? There's a reason they added playable female protagonists to the games. It's like our Blue is excluded from EVERYTHING (well, besides the FR/LG game, but of course she's going to be in there lol) except the PokeSpecial manga. D:

A fanart to go with the topic, this is how it should be:
from: http://pokesho.com

swampert55 said:
Sorry for bothering everyone, but I need an anime-like fanart of Leaf for a banner. Any suggestions?

Would this work? =]


Can I join please?


Well-Known Member
Since it's my birthday, I'll give everyone a few gifts- some fanart and a new topic!

From http://sonrisa.hariko.com/

From http://www.bf-web.net/~bvine/

Three girls of Pokemon!
From http://www17.plala.or.jp/jabro2/

New topic (since it is my birthday) :
Suppose it's Blue's birthday. What do you buy her as a gift? What do you do together to celebrate?

I would get her a gift of a baby Pokemon or an egg, whatever Pokemon she really, really wants at the time. Then we would spend the day shopping, or at an amusement park, and end the day with a nice birthday dinner at one of those restaurants where the waiters all sing "Happy Birthday!"


So long
I hope you had a nice birthday.
(sorry for being late)
And nice pics btw.

Suppose it's Blue's birthday. What do you buy her as a gift? What do you do together to celebrate?
As a gift, i would give her a doll of her favorite Pokemon, and an egg, which probably hatches into something she likes.
I would celebrate with her in a calm and quiet place where we are eating cake together.


New Member
may i please join?
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