the club is small ^^
thats ok I like small clubs ^^
thats ok I like small clubs ^^
Sollachan777 said:Wow, i didn't know that there was a club for this. I really love the female character for the FR/GR game too. Can i join, i can draw more fanart of her too.
Here's another one, only there's two other characters there too. It was for xXSaberXx fanfic: Cross of Fates ( In which you all should read, because the main character is the female trainer. Plus it's really awesome too!) But anyway, on with the art. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/21636937/ <=please follow link.
I love her long hair and cute outfit!!PUrEHearT said:oh well im not going to use it anyways... stellar takes too many space already... anyways i thought for a laugh everyone should see this... if you like pikachu sry
to the topic... i like her because she looks cute and her clothes rock... her hair is LONG which i like