Tails the Bouyzel
Yes, Its about time...
We (Me and Gabaito) Need some banners, All we want on the banners are pics of Fuka/Gaba/Gabu with "Join the Fukamaru/Gabaito/Gaburiasu Club!"
So, If you can make one, you'll get the Mew rank.
Banner 1 (By Me)
Banner 2 (By BlazeShadow)
We also need a Mascot, Who should it be?
Fukamaru, Gabaito, or Gaburiasu
I Pick Gabaito... (Bet you saw that coming!)
No bashing Fuka/evos
Don't make your first post "hi can i join"
Don't bash other members
Be nice
If you don't post for a week or don't obay these rules, you will get striked
3 strikes, and your banned for good
Strikes will look like | next to your name, If you see one, please ask me and I will tell you why.
If you get banned, You will be put of the Banned list, yor name will be striked out on the Members list, and get a ;319; Next to your name.
Nintendo_6444 ;444;
BlazeShadow ;445;
LostFreak815 ;445;
DawnOfXatu ;025;
David_Beckham ;025;
Seth_X_of_Fortree ;025;
;444; Only Owner has this rank
;445; Co owners only
;151; Only people who made banners/images/etc for the club
;025; From 0-20 posts
;443; From 20-40 posts
;292; From 40-100 posts
;254; From 100-150 posts
;493; From 150 up
;319; BANNED!
Lets keep it this way!
Which is your fav poke in this line?
~~;444; "Yay! A club for me!!!"
We (Me and Gabaito) Need some banners, All we want on the banners are pics of Fuka/Gaba/Gabu with "Join the Fukamaru/Gabaito/Gaburiasu Club!"
So, If you can make one, you'll get the Mew rank.
Banner 1 (By Me)
Banner 2 (By BlazeShadow)
We also need a Mascot, Who should it be?
Fukamaru, Gabaito, or Gaburiasu
I Pick Gabaito... (Bet you saw that coming!)
No bashing Fuka/evos
Don't make your first post "hi can i join"
Don't bash other members
Be nice
If you don't post for a week or don't obay these rules, you will get striked
3 strikes, and your banned for good
Strikes will look like | next to your name, If you see one, please ask me and I will tell you why.
If you get banned, You will be put of the Banned list, yor name will be striked out on the Members list, and get a ;319; Next to your name.
Nintendo_6444 ;444;
BlazeShadow ;445;
LostFreak815 ;445;
DawnOfXatu ;025;
David_Beckham ;025;
Seth_X_of_Fortree ;025;
;444; Only Owner has this rank
;445; Co owners only
;151; Only people who made banners/images/etc for the club
;025; From 0-20 posts
;443; From 20-40 posts
;292; From 40-100 posts
;254; From 100-150 posts
;493; From 150 up
;319; BANNED!
Lets keep it this way!
Which is your fav poke in this line?
~~;444; "Yay! A club for me!!!"
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