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The Fully Evolved Starters Club V2.0

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Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Well the first one was closed so here I am, bringing this club back to you! Well, to join this club we have five simple rules:
1. Don't Spam.
2. Get Along.
3. Stay on Topic.
4. Be Active.
5. Don't flame and/or bash any other member.

To join you just have to put what your fav fully evolved starter is.
Mine is Dotaitos;389;, followed by Charizard;006;.

Here they are:

1º Gen:

2º Gen:

3º Gen:

4º Gen:

Night Avenger - Dotaitos (Owner)
pokeman4ever -Charizard (Member)
Pamizard - Swampert (Member)
Suicune619 - Enperuto (Member)
~Flareon~ - Blaziken (Member)
TTMP - Enperuto (Member)
flaming blaziken - Blaziken (Member)
o_O - Blastoise (Member)
Vader hater - Swampert (Member)
mew_monster20 - Blastoise (Member)
TotodileCharizard - Meganium (Member)


Well, join and have fun! Credit for the pics to PokemonElite2000!
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May I join??? I like charizard the best.


Queen of Charizards!
Oh can I join. I love all the water fully evolved starters. I name them all after Sonic the Hedgehog
Yeah, sure. :D

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Yes, you may join too! OK I'll ask you guys :D Which would you prefer Sprite banners or Sugimori banners?

EDIT: Sorry pokeman4ever, I'll give the co-owner to the most active and spam-free user in some time :( I'm taking it away, but if you want it back, you should be like I said, active and spam-free!
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Sprite banners are pretty cool...

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace

Sugimori: 1
Sprites: 1

Looks like a tie... I guess we'll have to wait for more members...

EDIT: And, sorry, but no Pamizard, you can't be a co-owner, read my post before yours :D
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Dang. =P Ok, next member that joins gets to pick and the poll closes so we can finally have a banner!

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
OK then, yes you may join Suicune :D So, Sugimori banners, here we go! (Super Mario 64 Music) I'll start the banners right away!

EDIT: I think I'm making the sprite banners =/ Look at the GS sugimori starters:

so devamped compared to these:
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No sprite banners? That's ok, I'm not like some people. *coughelekieaddictcough*

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
I said I was making the Sprite banners :D I just finished them, by types, regions coming soon!

Give credit if used please! :D
Awesome! Now the hard part, current sig or banner...

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Glad you liked them :D Pamizard, gotta ask ypou a question: Qhich is your fav. starter from among the Water types?


Well-Known Member
May i have membership in this club? I love all of the fully evolved starters but mostly the water ones. Although my absolute favourite is Enperuto. ;395;
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