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The funniest fight ever!

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My friend's cousin (I forgot his name) was playing my friend Robert. Both of their teams were around lv70.
Anyway, the fight was an intense one until Robert sent out his Blaziken which took out the rest of Cuz's team until he had one poke left. His last member turned out to be a lv100 Kyogre which destroyed Robert's Blaziken and took out his team until he used his Shedinja. Since Kyogre only knew water/ice moves, Shed couldn't be hurt. It was hilarious seeing a lv67 Shedinja beat a lv100 Kyogre!


Post in the sticky! Cant you see? At the top of the forum! Your story isnt so special to deserve a whole new thread by itself anyway. I dont know how people fight, the team was a lvl70, and suddenly one of them goes cheap and uses a kyogre and a lvl100 too. Surely your friend and his cousin would have checked the pokemon for a fair matchup?


A funny fight I had was that I got screwed by a Raticate with Shadow Ball in the battle pyramid. And I was like, "CHEAP A**! OMG H4X!!!"
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