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The G/S/C Rival Club

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I'm Back
The G/S/C Club Version 2

Hello all, this is the remake of my first Club, The G/S/C Rival Club. Obviously, this Club is dedicated to the greatest Rival to star in a Pokémon game and no one has beaten him. The first Club was closed for some reason and my second Club seems to have died with it. So here are the rules (Which will be updated when this Club is accepted by the Mods):


1. Follow all Serebii Rules.

2. Don't Spam or Flame.

3. Anyone can make a topic.

4. Owner (Me) and Co-Owners (The guy from Pireas and Munchlax 357) can bump this Club to get it back on track.

5. Have fun and post often!




The guy from Pireas
Munchlax 357


Dragon Champion
Neo Mario


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I'm Back
Can i join?

Sure. Anyone can join as long as they like the G/S/C Rival. I'll make you a Co-Owner, unless if you don't want to be one. First topic:

What do you like about the G/S/C Rival?

What I like about the G/S/C Rival is that he is a selfish person, something you'd expect your Rival to be like. However over time, he realises that what he had done in the past was wrong and became nicer, but still despised you in some ways. A true Rival if you ask me.


I'm Back
Rules state that I and Co-Owners can bump a topic. Come on people, I know that there are loads of G/S/C Rival fans.
can i join? everyone says hes Giovannis son and his hair is awesome and i like him cause hes evil >=) his hair is awesome he stole :eek: and IMO was a challenge and hes not nice such as, Hikari, Jun, Brendan, May, etc..which makes him awesome


I'm Back
All new members welcome. I will make the member with the most Posts, become the second Co-Owner, unless if they don't want to be one. Finally some members. Also please answer the question like The guy from Pireas and I have answered.
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