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The game is broke!!


New Member

Ok so i have reached the top of mount faraway and i had beated ho-ho (omg.... i almost got pooned x.x) Ok so i beated him.... AND HE DIDN'T JOIN!!!! AND IT'S A 99.9% CHANSE OF GETTING HIM!!

P.S: It was the first time that i had battle him. X.X

SO.... What's wrong??? Anyone knows.....?
You probably didn't have his Friend Area, or you didn't land the final blow on him.


The 99.9% chance is only for the second time you beat him. The first is impossible because it's part of the story.


I wanted ketchup!!!
You might not have had his friend area and it is possible that he doesnt join


New Member
Hehe.... You guys are fast in replying xD thanks guys....

oh and i beated him with a level 60 tiphlosion and i didn't have friends helping me.... i ONLY HAD the tiphlosion.

But thanks!! Gona kill him again xD

p00nage for OH-HO

Pok'emon Master

Pokemon Master
1.You can't get Ho-oh on your first try.
2.Your team size can only be 2*.
3.You need to buy rainbow peak friend area via wiggulytuff.

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
You can't get Ho-oh on your first try.
You need to have its friend area
Why did you say your game is broke and you don't even know if its broken or not?