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The game is broke!!

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New Member

Ok so i have reached the top of mount faraway and i had beated ho-ho (omg.... i almost got pooned x.x) Ok so i beated him.... AND HE DIDN'T JOIN!!!! AND IT'S A 99.9% CHANSE OF GETTING HIM!!

P.S: It was the first time that i had battle him. X.X

SO.... What's wrong??? Anyone knows.....?


Main screen turn on!
I have one word for you... N0000000000000000000000B!

Baby Mew

1. you either have too many team memebers when you faced him
2. you don't have his friend area rainbow peak



Better then you
You recruit him on the second way up. And when you do make sure you have a body size of two or less.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member

has ANYONE ever thought that nintendo made a typo!111! :eek:

you can only recruit him on your second time going there, and its 90% chance. whats the point of having it 99.9%?

and if you guys are posting just to say he's a noob, then you quallify as a newb and you are spamming.


Scyther FTW <3
You may have just gotten unlucky and gotten the smaller % that means you didn't get him.

Or your partner dealt the last blow (Which happened to me, so I had to scale the dungeon again xD)


Beginning Trainer
Not a glitch, just a misunderstanding.

the legend master

Well-Known Member
stop calling him a noob!
it was just misunderstanding!


Shaymin owns you! xD
I got him in my first time when I scaled Mt. Faraway!!! Without the Freind Bow whuch you get on Floor 30 with a Key and I was level 50-60 I forget so I got lucky!!


Shaymin owns you! xD
well, I dont remember ok!! geez get a grip dude...I should have said I didnt remember than....my bad!!


Obsessive Beader/Mod
What is the MATTER with everyone in this thread? o_O Did we all forget to take our happy pills today or what?

-Answered, closing to prevent more spam
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