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The Gamers Club

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Awaiting October.
could i join and please co own?

pokemon vs other rpgs
Pokemon is great but the FF series is quite close to the top spot..

What is the game you play the most.
right now..
Pokemon FR
Final Fantasy IV
Starfox : Command

What is your favorite video game series?
Pokemon and Final Fantasy rule their the best

How many games do you think you beat?
about 50 idk..


Chibi no Jutsu!!!!
Well, it's the 2nd anniversary of the release of the Nintendo DS! I only know this cause my brother was born on that exact day it came out (which was why I didn't get mine untill Christmas) And the only game I know of that comes out today is Atlus' Yggdra Union. It looks incredibly good too. Wow, we had the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii come out in the last four days! There's bound to be some blackouts soon.


Well, it's the 2nd anniversary of the release of the Nintendo DS! I only know this cause my brother was born on that exact day it came out (which was why I didn't get mine untill Christmas) And the only game I know of that comes out today is Atlus' Yggdra Union. It looks incredibly good too. Wow, we had the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii come out in the last four days! There's bound to be some blackouts soon.
Hah! Today, when I was heading to my math class, I remember seeing a guy at with a PS3. Lucky rich kid. Then again, he WAS a senior who probably had a job and saved for it. xD.


Yeah, welcome Trace!


How many games have you beaten? I think. . .


Team Magma Captain
yes you can join Trace360....the PS3 isnt that good because it doesnt play the PS2 games, and it cost 599.99 thats alot of money to spend on a game.

Whats the point of buying a new system right away? I mean like the Xbox 360 had alot of problems with it when people played it, now it is a great system after they motified it. The PS3 might not be perfect on the first come out, all the game systems had at least one problem with it.

Im not going to get the PS3 intell a year later.

absol 777

hy can i join. how about this topic. whats your favorite horror game. mine is resident evil 4.


It can play PS1 and PS2 games. Check the main site.

Really, the only bad thing about the PS3 is the price. But with such a huge price, it's gotta have stuff to make up for it. Right?

Oh, why bother? This is a Pokemon forum, therefore the members are biased.

EDIT:Yeah, you can join. And I can't answer your question partly because you're just begging for our answers to be RE4 and partly because I've never played any horror games.


Awaiting October.
While we were speaking about the nex gen consoles i will show my point of veiws

1) the 360 is great if your into the games that the console offers i only want it for halo 3 and since the Xbox let me down i feel turned off from getting this console but i'm sure my sister will get it for her birthday.

2) the PS3 it has an amazing price $1000AUD now thats alot and i can't spend so much on a console i'm on a tight budget, But i also don't use my PS2 all that much and their have been some glitches already stated with the console like the fact that it can't play 200 or so preveous games where they promised it would be fully backwards compatable, PS3 ties with the 360 in games they don't offer games i'm to interested in and i don't want to pay $1000 for something i'll rarely play. BTW i'm outraged that sony ditched us here in aussie and didn't give us the console until 2007 thats another reason why i am starting to hate them

3) the Wii it's got a great new concept and is the console i will buy i personally perfer nintendo over the other consoles because i love their games and i have the most fun playing their consoles, I've also played the Wii and i love it which gave me more of a reason to get it for christmas.

so overall it goes Wii>360>PS3
mostly because of availability in australia..
but either way the Wii is the better choice..for me anyway


Team Magma Captain
I dont reall like the Wii that much, i might go for the PS3....It has a motion controller like the Wii, but it is shaped like the PS2 Controller, and wireless too.
I will buy a Wii. It's only around 250$ US!
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