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The Garden (poetry)


New Member
A pebbled path behind the wall,
The pebbles cute overall,
But from not even that close you begin to see,
The jagged edges consistently.

The house itself they cannot understand,
Though some may try and think they’re right.
Others suggest amore accurate note,
To leave it alone,
To not pry and poke.
But no the almighty overrule,
AFterAll ThEy are Right (?)

The wall? Why?
Yes it is there for a reason,
And it is it’s own reason,
In which,
it may not wish to disclose.

The garden itself is far bigger than the house,
But do not try to comprehend the size.
It spreads out further than the walls,
Far further than the city,
The boundaries go on as so does the plants.

What is planted is the gardener’s wishes,
Which some may not like but they do not have to see.

Maybe it would help to just see what is there,
To see a plant as a plant and a chair as a chair?
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Well-Known Member
Hmmm I don't understand that very well??
Can yu explain to me what it means?
"To see a plant as a plant and a chair as a chair" ???


New Member
The whole idea of reading a poem is trying to work out what you think the meaning of the lines are.
There is no right or wrong. I obviously have a meaning for everything I wrote in the poem but it could mean something completely different to you.


Well-Known Member
Yeh but to me it wasn't that sort of poem. I mean some people might totally disagree with me, but it looks like your trying to be clever and trying to make a poem to make you think. It just isn't working for me.