You know, for a while, I had unfairly pegged this as one of my least favorite episodes - and I say "unfairly" because the only time I'd seen it was from the second act onward one morning before school sometime in late 1999. Upon seeing the Japanese version, I've now elevated its status to one of the best of the entire series. The structure, the animation, the acting, all of it was superb. And Musashi trying to perform the Rocket-Dan motto without Kojiru, only for him to cut in in the middle in a half-drained stupor, was absolutely hilarious. But what I love about this one is that there's Japanese culture everywhere - something you never see on the show now that 4Kids' got 'em in a vice. I really wish they'd do another End of Summer Festival episode just as a big ol' "screw-you-this-is-our-show" to 4Kids, because this was excellent.