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The Great Pokemonathon Sign-up

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Leaf Green

The Great Pokemonathon is a race consisting of teams of three pokemon.
There is no limit to how many teams there can be in the race, but each one must have three pokemon on it, and probably a good choice on what pokemon should team up. There will be obstacles, that can only be climbed on or dug under, there also will be rivers to swim or stepstone across. There will also be traps and diversing storms you must pass. The first team to have all three contestants in it to cross the finish line wins. Also, no one said that you couldn't cheat and attack other pokemon in the race! But no flying right over the course and winning. There will be certain points in the race that you can fly at. Same thing applies for teleport. Here is the form to sign up:



Attack: (1-10 amount)

Defense: (1-10 amount)

Speed: (1-10 amount)

Swim: (1-10 amount)

Fly: (1-10 amount)

(You have 30 amount in all to split out however you want for the stats.)



Here is my form:


Name: Dash






Description:Very hasty, agile, and never off task.


Who's on what team will be discussed in the RPG cafe.
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Can you tell me what exactly the plot is then... I don't see one. Your so called 'plot' is just a description of the race. A plot would be about maybe the tradition of the race. Who started it? How are the contestants chosen? Why are they chosen? Do these pokemon just pop up out of nowhere and appear at the race? Maybe they do, but even if they did you would have to give a good reason to why they would. This rp shows potential, but you just need to put more time into this and answer alot more of the questions. Maybe give a history of the race. Its a hard rp to criticize, I've never seen one quite like it, so I do give you some points from my part in originality. Yes, I know this didn't really help, but I like to try. @_@

Leaf Green

The contestants sign up by themselves, but there has to be atleast 2 teams of three contestants in the race. Apparently, Team Rocket has decided to steal pokemon on one part of the course, but no one knows this. If you want to be in this race, you have to be skilled in many different ways, and you must love challenges. Other non-race pokemon will also appear and challenge you to a battle, which wastes time. That one is a tradition, as a test of the attack and defense stats. Contestants from different teams can battle too. One history in the race was that a legendary decided to attack the course, all the teams combined their powers and defeated it, and all won the race together. Apparently, a few of the same events as when that happened are happening again this year.
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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
... that plot could have been edited into your first post .. and it comes off as a poorly written thing done up last minute only because the others told you to get a plot. It also sounds like it was ripped offa Pokemon Dungeon's plot. >.>

I'm not gonna be surprised if this gets closed.

Leaf Green

Ok, close it. I really know nothing of Pokemon Dungeon either, and I didn't know that people didn't consider the race "a plot."


Well if its not a plot then this can't be considered an rpg, and if you had read the rules you would have none that.

Leaf Green

I read the rules, its just that people don't understand the race is the plot!

Just close this thread.


Pokemon: Hitmontop

Name: Hitmontop






Description: Energetic and mischevious. Gets mad easily but likes making friends, hates losing.


Gtg, will probably improve a bit later.


Dude this thread is very old and will go no where. Please dont revive these.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
"it's a race"

That's hardly a plot. Lets take this to Hollywood. What's the plot? It's a race. Oh right. Get out of this office you useless bum, we'll give our money to someone who actually makes an effort with their ideas.
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