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The Green Day Fan Club

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Spartan 117

*this was approved by PsiUmbreon*
Welcome to the Green Day Fan Club. Here, you may discuss the punk pop band and any of there music, likestyle, and more.
You may join, but first name a song of yours you like by them (ex. St. Jimmy or Dookie)
I will need 2 co-owners.
- DS ;249-d;

Co-Owner 1: MOTLY 1

BTW, if you change your name, message me so you can have your membership here renwed.

Dark-San (owner)
MOTLY 1 (co-owner 1)
Aalitichi (co-owner 2)
Wack Jacko (First Member)
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~Blighted Demon~
i was in the old one i have all there cds and know all the words to every song. i like 2000 lightyears away, and when i come around. i wouldnt mind being like co-owner.

whats ur favorite cd, dookie and kerplunk are my favs. there is an american idiot movie that is being filmed next year( got that from mtv trl, and vh1, top 20 countdown) and rumors of a new cd are going around!
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Spartan 117

You are now the co-owner, MOTLY 1. lemme edit my above post...
Ah, when i come around was part of International Superhits, it's a great song. i do admit i haven't heard ever single song, only the CD's Dookie, american Idiot, and International Superhits.


~Blighted Demon~
i highly recomend getting kerplunk it was their second cd that was put out in 91, it might be hard to find tho but it is really good. o and thanks for the co-ownership

Spartan 117

Nah, it's beside minrod at my local wal-mart.
What are some of your favorite CD's by Green Day?
I basically liked most songs that they composed from American Idiot (which is a punk rock opera) and International Superhits.
What member of GD do you best represent? Err....I kinda fall under the category of all three. Mood Swings...heh.


~Blighted Demon~
i like kerplunk, warning, dookie, and nimrod. 1039/smoothed out slappy hours is pretty good too. american idiot ehh its ok. i like billy joe just cuz hes sweet, he can play bass, sing, and play lead gitaur(but i cant spell it lol).


Can I join.
Songs I like by them are: Minority,Boulevard of Broken Dreams and St. Jimmy.

Spartan 117

Yesh, you may be co-owner no. 2, would you?

Tre Cool pwns jAA souls! XP


~Blighted Demon~
sure u can.

btw. did u know mike dirt lived with billy when they wer kids cause his mom wanted to move but he wanted to get the band started? And they had a differnt drummer before tre cool.

Spartan 117

yesh, but they dropped the original drummer after the first CD release and brought in Tre Cool. I will fetch some Biographys on the selected members.
Yesh, Mike and Billie have been friends since ten, which was a few months after Billie's dad died. And Billie uses his real name in the band, unlike Mike Dirnt and Tre Cool.


~Blighted Demon~
yep. they used to be named sweet children. they got green day from one of their songs about smoking pot all day lol the song was on kerplunk


~Blighted Demon~
i think they used too, but who knows or cares lol. i went to see them in april with my chemical romance. it was a really good show but it was all american idiot

Spartan 117

I wanted to go to one so bad, but I am going to see Casting Crowns, so I'll live. i can't listen to their muzak alot because My dad hates foul lyrics on American idiot.


~Blighted Demon~
i dont like american idiot much only jesus of suberbia and st.jimmy. i hate it when all the stupid preppy kids hear one song on the radio and act like they like them cause they are popular.

Spartan 117

It's funny though, in the opera, Homecoming, Tre sings apart. He was a rock and roll girlfriend...and another ex-wi-ife! XD


~Blighted Demon~
Dark-San said:
It's funny though, in the opera, Homecoming, Tre sings apart. He was a rock and roll girlfriend...and another ex-wi-ife! XD
i dont consider american idiot an opera. we need to keep this alive

Spartan 117

I an't double post, and It is what you call a "team effort" And MOTLY1, I am leaving you in charge because I am going on a trip to Washington until Thursday, so C&P the member list and edit your post with a member list as the members increase. And if anyone wants to help advertise, no need to tell us, just do it. Thank you all and try to stay on topic (unlike meh)
- DS ;249-d;

Jesus Of Suburbia

Can I join?? I have all the greenday albums apart from Kerplunk and 3095/Smoothed Out Slappy Hour.
Oh yeah and dookie isnt a song. ( I dont think)

My favourite Greenday song would be Warning

MOTLY 1 said:
i highly recomend getting kerplunk it was their second cd that was put out in 91, it might be hard to find tho but it is really good. o and thanks for the co-ownership
Where did you get yours? I've been looking everywhere.
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