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The Gyms

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Enflamed to the end
Ok heres my idea even though it has the single type gym but hear me out.

You go through the gyms like usual fight the E4 and when you defeat them a Ferry opens up to take you to the land of Hoenn, where you face the old gym leaders from R/S/E and instaid of an E4 you face the champians first you face wallace, then steven, then if your a guy you face may if your a girl you fight brendon and that basically ends off the game with all the powerful battles but like the E4 you can battle them again and again for training.

As for the gyms they cover the types that R/S/E Didnt so no
or water

It will have like

and the last gym has all double types like quagsire,swampert,ludicolo that would cancil out most weaknesses.

Thats my idea


Well-Known Member
I'm still keen for the gyms to be themed by colour... like how Casey in the anime likes yellow pokemon. It'd make them more challenging and just be a refreshing change, to hell with all this strategy and stat-based talk.


Well-Known Member
enflamedsteelix said:
Ok heres my idea even though it has the single type gym but hear me out.

You go through the gyms like usual fight the E4 and when you defeat them a Ferry opens up to take you to the land of Hoenn, where you face the old gym leaders from R/S/E and instaid of an E4 you face the champians first you face wallace, then steven, then if your a guy you face may if your a girl you fight brendon and that basically ends off the game with all the powerful battles but like the E4 you can battle them again and again for training.

Thats my idea

JazzJazz said:
I'm still keen for the gyms to be themed by colour... like how Casey in the anime likes yellow pokemon. It'd make them more challenging and just be a refreshing change, to hell with all this strategy and stat-based talk.
That would make for quite a few surprises, and hopefully encourage strategic team building, so you couldn't just use one Pokemon to take out the entire Gym Leaders roster.
marsuli said:
This was my idea I posted in the Diamond/Pearl "Gameplay Ideas" thread.

Instead gym leaders using certain types, they instead have a battling style. This battling style isn't limited to a certain type like fighting-type or steel-type; any pokemon can be used to fit the style.

gym leaders fighting style with:
- based on attack & special attack
- based on defense & special defense
- high speed
- high accuracy
- constant recovery (rest, leech seed, ingrain)
- inflicting status ailments (confusion, poison, spikes, burn)
- using status boosts (swords dance, baton pass)
- fighting in environment (hail, sandstorm, rain dance, sunny day)

... Now those would be some interesting gym leaders to compete against. A true challenge for all aspiring trainers to become pokemon masters. Plus, with each battle you will learn something about battling that you may not ordinarily think of. And aren't gyms supposed to strengthen a trainer's skill? Now getting a badge actually has significance. It represents something more than just "See, I can beat a trainer that uses one type for all their pokemon."

And same goes the elite 4. They need some strategy that are absolute. Maybe something along the lines of...

elite four use strategy of:
- breeded pokemon to have variety of moves
- best way of using held items (charcoal, leftovers, shoal bell)
- using a pokemon's ability in conjuction with its moves really well
- using hidden power, individual and effort values, and such to their advantage

I would also like to add that the elite four's pokemon may not be the same everytime you fight them. They will have 3 different parties and each time you fight them, one of those 3 parties is randomly used.

With this setup of gym leaders, the player is learning something more than just what type can beat another beat another type of pokemon, which is told in the booklet / instruction manual. It's like an in-game tutorial... but much more fun.

This also gives reason for why trainers inside the gym use the same type of pokemon as the gym leader (and they wonder why they can't beat the gym leader). If the gym leader has a particular battle style, then the gym trainers are currently under the tutelage of the gym leader. They are perfecting that style.

This is, by far, one of the best ideas I have seen in this entire D/P Forum.

Though I must comment, didn't Norman's gym touch on the idea, with Accuracy Room, Speed Room etc.

Having an entire league/gyms based on the quoted poster's ideas would be a really good idea. This allows younger players to actually learn a little strategy for themselves by emulating that of a gym leader.

I mean, how many people were amazed at the White Herb/White Smoke/Overheat combo Flannery used. If gym leaders all had a certain style, then the younger player could emulate that style in different situations until they find a strategy to suit themselves... and before they know it they have a team with Sweepers, Tanks, Sponges etc.

In other words... n00b-Be-Gone!


Well-Known Member
-Koumori- said:
That would make for quite a few surprises, and hopefully encourage strategic team building, so you couldn't just use one Pokemon to take out the entire Gym Leaders roster.

Indeed, having them themed by colour would mean that they could have a whole arsenal of pokemon with different strengths and weaknesses... it'd add some much needed challenge to what are essentially the boss battles of these games.


Well-Known Member
JazzJazz said:
Indeed, having them themed by colour would mean that they could have a whole arsenal of pokemon with different strengths and weaknesses... it'd add some much needed challenge to what are essentially the boss battles of these games.
Definetly - I'm one of the trainers that raises their Pokemon at equal levels, and raises them higher then they should be at various points in the game, but even if I hadn't, I don't see much of a challenge in the Gym Leaders or Elite Four. Flannery was tough, as was Norman, but that was about all I saw. Of course, I'm referencing to the Hoenn League. The Kanto League seemed better to me, and I lean more towards the Elite Four with that comment. Boss Battles in other RPG's are usually much more challenging.


i persona;y would like to see all 3 regions put into the game .. thus giving us 24 gyms and 12 E4 member to fight .. i would personally like to see a new choice of starters.. not fire grass or water.. like Normal , electirc or ice .. somewhere around thoese catorgies .. know what i mean?

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
-Koumori- said:
Definetly - I'm one of the trainers that raises their Pokemon at equal levels, and raises them higher then they should be at various points in the game, but even if I hadn't, I don't see much of a challenge in the Gym Leaders or Elite Four. Flannery was tough, as was Norman, but that was about all I saw. Of course, I'm referencing to the Hoenn League. The Kanto League seemed better to me, and I lean more towards the Elite Four with that comment. Boss Battles in other RPG's are usually much more challenging.

Agreed. Monotype gyms/E4 are way too easy. I got past most of them without taking a hit. Fire gym? High-powered Water. Psychic gym? Hello Ghost. Electric gym? Earthquake rocks.

._. Seriously. We need a better challenge. Colors would be easy to counter. High stats such as Attack and watnot will provide more of a challenge too. It's time to stop catering to the newbies.


Enflamed to the end
Kayko said:
i persona;y would like to see all 3 regions put into the game .. thus giving us 24 gyms and 12 E4 member to fight .. i would personally like to see a new choice of starters.. not fire grass or water.. like Normal , electirc or ice .. somewhere around thoese catorgies .. know what i mean?

first off there are 4 regions kanto, jhoto, hoenn, and this new place

Second I would just settle with hoenn like gold silver and crystal went to kanto, D/P/ *insert 3rd installment here* should go through the new region then head off to hoenn.


If they do stop basing the Gyms and E4 off of a monotype, I do believe that breeding types would be a great alternitive. It'll keep noobs from being able to counter them with just one pokemon.


Dragon Master
Since strategy based gyms seem to be the prefered idea, how about Sunnybeamers, or my particular favourite for 2 on 2, Earthquake toting Dragons.

Actually, some of the leaders already use strategies, such as Tate and Liza, going against their own type and using physical moves, like Earthquake. And then there's Overheat/White Herb and Yawn/Focus Punch. It's there, but we want more.

Things we need to get rid of, are Gyms where a single move can OHKO more than 80% of an opponents team. Or have a single Pokemon wipe clean most Pokemon from the Pokemon League.


Spikeshell Trainer
Gyms, at least in the main story, should remain the same that they have always, obviously keeping the "rechallenge the Leaders" addition from the latter Advance games. Personally, I think the order should go like this, considering that the last leader tends to carry some relatively powerful type and the first couple overpower one type of starter and should fall easily to another.

Bug, Ground, Poison, Ice, Rock, Ghost, Grass, Dark

As for things like "battle strategies" and stuff like that, that should be reserved to alternative paths. Game Freak didn't change the gyms in RSE; they ADDED the Contests, Battle Frontier, etc. There should be a bunch of options to go by to keep the replay value high, rather than alter the gyms to be some sort of super one-stop challenge. Keep in mind that a lot of these games sell to casual players as well, ones who are not as keen on Pokemon as others and therefore can't follow complex strategy. Hence the separation between the gyms and the frontier; everybody gets a piece.

On another note, I'd love to see a game parlor where your Pokemon compete in actual mini-games. It'd be hard to do, and would never happen, but I'd look forward to it.


steel, dark, bug, ghost, ice, grass, ground, poison


as you might have noticed, these are the types that didnt feature in the advanced games, so this is folowing the same pattern as gsc came after rby (except there is no dragon cos having a dragon gym was just crap)

Overheat Hothead

Custom User Title
i like the idea of more gyms but dont go over the top maby 12?? i dont like alot of islands though and i also like the idea about the gyms not based on type that would be cool and ne ways if there are more gyms you have more time to train meaning stronger pokemon meaning they would have a stronger elite 4!! the question is "is that a good thing???"
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Shadow phoenix

i think they need a dark gym here's my idea
1st gym normal/bug
2nd fire/water
3rd fighting/psychic
4th ground/steel
5th flying/electric
6th ghost/dark
7th rock/ice
8th dragon


I think that if they had 16 gyms you should have to travel to Hoenn/Johto/Kanto to get to the last eight. I like the idea of strategy based gyms such as the Flying/Earthquake gym (all flying Pokemon with Earthquake/Magnitude) but I think it should be a mix of elemental, strategy-based, single battle and double battle gyms (the one stated above would be double battle) and the ability to request single/double battles.

Mysteria Pearl

Queen of Mushy-ness!
sam_h12 said:
i know this has probably been posted a few times already, but what do we want the gyms to be? i think there should be five islands - four have four gyms each, and the other will have something special on it, like the final challenge (elite4?). these are the gyms in my mind:

Island1 - downfall island
normal(get it out of the way)

Isalnd2 - greendrop island

Isalnd 3 - Charredoil Island

Island 4 - Mysteria Island
Psychic/Dark (2v2)

:D Mysteria Island. ooh. I like that. It's kinda creepy... the Pokemon there are pretty much what I specialize in :d


As an alternative to a journey to an old region (which would probably be watered down like G/S/C) I think that they should have two sets of 8 gyms, and two E4's. The second set is just optional, and is a lot harder. The first set is the default difficulty the other games have shown us, and are not optional. The only issue I've thought up for this would be leveling, as you would have leveled a lot more if you did the second set too. Any takes on fixing this problem?


Dark Trainer
What I think they should do is still have the type-based gyms and then the normal E4. But then after that open up an area like Hoenn or something where the gyms are more or less techniques, stats, color. I think it would add the orginal touch and a somewhat easy game for newbies. Then after that story is done it would add a harder touch to the game for more experienced players. Also the type gyms should have an anti-type pokemon so you could not just take it out with one type. The elite four should have different teams and you should be able to battle gym leaders over again.
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