Eszett said:
As much as I would fervor non-type-based gyms, I doubt it will happen for two reasons:
- The precedent stipulates that it will remain the same.
- If they do this, they will confuse the children.
Yeah, something that is desirable but still terribly unlikely.
You're right. As unfortunate as it is. But it's still stupid. It's as if we got the same topics in school over and over without advancing into harder, more complex ones. Why Nintendo empecinates in keeping the same, primitive, easy trend is beyond me. Kids should have a rather moderated challenge for once so they can at least improve. As in actually
improving. As it stands, they believe they're oh-so good just because they defeated a sad Monotype Trainer.
A good way to solve this and allow a better, non-Monotype challenge would be by adding the Type Chart in the Booklet, as they did only once in the RBY ones. It'd also make things way more interesting. Instead of knowing a new Pokémon's Type right away, you'd have to test out. And in making it so you'd lose at least once, people would improve. And they could still do the no-skill "Train-your-Starter-'till-the-end" crap that can always be done, so no biggie...
But hey... I bet you knew that already. I should be writing this to Nintendo, not you. XD. It's still frustrating, though...
Your idea would be best. It'd keep a bit of the Monotype tendency, but could allow for a better challenge as well, in bigger and more variated Egg Groups. The idea of a special Egg after the rematch is great as well. Too bad they're just too... not smart to follow actually good ideas to add both a challenge and fresh air in the franchise's staleness...