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The Gyms

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hey, why dont we look Hoenn. These are the islands of Hoenn: Dewford Mossdeep, Sootopolis, Southern Island vs vs vs...

And here are the water type HM's: Surf, Dive , WaterFall, WhirlPool.

You see?

Lots of island means lots of travel and it will make us tired a lot.


Well-Known Member
DragoonS said:
hey, why dont we look Hoenn. These are the islands of Hoenn: Dewford Mossdeep, Sootopolis, Southern Island vs vs vs...

And here are the water type HM's: Surf, Dive , WaterFall, WhirlPool.

You see?

Lots of island means lots of travel and it will make us tired a lot.

I'll take anyone on who says that this isn't the best idea for gyms that we've heard to date... :rolleyes:.


Back after 1 year+
I think it would be cool if the gym leaders focused on hard to beat types(Gligar, Swampert, and Jynx come to mind) and didn't have just one type with them.


Thunder Trainer
i like the non-type based gyms idea since not only will it make the game more challenging but it will make it more fun, but since type based gyms have been used for the past 3 generations unfortunately it might not happen


one love
As much as I would fervor non-type-based gyms, I doubt it will happen for two reasons:

- The precedent stipulates that it will remain the same.
- If they do this, they will confuse the children.

Yeah, something that is desirable but still terribly unlikely.

I would rather see Pokemon be categorized by some other trait rather than type. Breeding group, for instance; you can fight the Indeterminates in the beginning of the game and lead your way up to the Field/Monster/something group. And since they are based on breeding groups, of course these Pokemon will have egg moves, which equates to an actual challenge. You would still win some money and a TM, but it'd probably just be something that you could get elsewhere in the game.

However, these gyms are available for rechallenging. When you beat them the second time around, you get a special egg that of course shares a breeding group with the gym. :D
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Fake Pokemon Basher
First we should have a gym with a leader who uses tough defensive pokemon

like brock, rock and ground types.

Then second, a gym who specialises in attack, fighting

gym 3 should go with sp attck and sp def, maybe some grass types like venasour and ludicolo and w/e new pokemon

and go on like that, so we can have a decent team to beat the elite 4 with


Well-Known Member
Once again Eszett, I love your ideas.

I would also like to have to sets of gyms, maybe? Having six badges to get, then a mini-, or full- Elite Four. Then have another six badges, and another Elite Four. I personally would love that, for the length of the game, because I merely like the travel and gameplay rather than trainer outside of that.
Eszett said:
As much as I would fervor non-type-based gyms, I doubt it will happen for two reasons:

- The precedent stipulates that it will remain the same.
- If they do this, they will confuse the children.

Yeah, something that is desirable but still terribly unlikely.
You're right. As unfortunate as it is. But it's still stupid. It's as if we got the same topics in school over and over without advancing into harder, more complex ones. Why Nintendo empecinates in keeping the same, primitive, easy trend is beyond me. Kids should have a rather moderated challenge for once so they can at least improve. As in actually improving. As it stands, they believe they're oh-so good just because they defeated a sad Monotype Trainer.

A good way to solve this and allow a better, non-Monotype challenge would be by adding the Type Chart in the Booklet, as they did only once in the RBY ones. It'd also make things way more interesting. Instead of knowing a new Pokémon's Type right away, you'd have to test out. And in making it so you'd lose at least once, people would improve. And they could still do the no-skill "Train-your-Starter-'till-the-end" crap that can always be done, so no biggie...

But hey... I bet you knew that already. I should be writing this to Nintendo, not you. XD. It's still frustrating, though...

Your idea would be best. It'd keep a bit of the Monotype tendency, but could allow for a better challenge as well, in bigger and more variated Egg Groups. The idea of a special Egg after the rematch is great as well. Too bad they're just too... not smart to follow actually good ideas to add both a challenge and fresh air in the franchise's staleness... :rolleyes:
just an idea. but what about you can battle in gyms in any order. and depending on the order you chose, the gyms pokemon will be evolved or weak or they caught new ones.


Well-Known Member
I want a few things gym wise from Pokémon Diamond/Pearl.

A good Bug Gym Leader/Team
A good Ghost Gym Leader/Team
The first gym not to be Rock/Ground/Flying
No traps in the Electric Gym
More Trainers around in the gyms near the start of the games

That's all for now PokéGods.
how bout like a battle factory???
your pokemon theam will be taken and you get ten balls and a ditto.
there would be a gym with wild pokemon and you must catch all the pokemon you need. but only of one type. water gym water pokemon will appear etc.


Well-Known Member
Sparking Chinchou said:
how bout like a battle factory???
your pokemon theam will be taken and you get ten balls and a ditto.
there would be a gym with wild pokemon and you must catch all the pokemon you need. but only of one type. water gym water pokemon will appear etc.

I'm not totally sold on your idea, but having a certain challenge after the Pokemon League (if it's in the new games) where the type of pokemon you use is restricted seems like a good idea... reminds me of the Whirlpool Cup from the anime, where only water-types could be used.

Metal Force

my idia :
1- metal gym : leader:mark / pokemon types:rock/ground/steel(only the gym leader has one)
2- NT gym : leader: mat /pokemon types : normal/fire/grass/water
3- SAO gym : leader:lussy /pokemon types : fire/poisen/electric
4- beauty gym : leader:may(not max's sister) /pokemon types: beauty pokemon
5- AC gym : leader :wanda /pokemon types : random all
6- TS gym : leader :masalo /poketypes : water/dragon/grass
7- MN gym : leader :joy & jessie /poketypes :grass/ground/water/flying
8- CCC gym : leader : steven(yes THE steven) /poketypes : steel/rock/ground/dragon/fire/grass/water


Sparking Chinchou said:
just an idea. but what about you can battle in gyms in any order. and depending on the order you chose, the gyms pokemon will be evolved or weak or they caught new ones.
I love this idea. I wish the entire quest was open-ended. The levels of the Pokemon would change as you progress. For example, say there is eight gyms and you can challenge any one you want. Before you earn the first badge, the wild Pokemon are levels 2-7. After you earn the first badge, they move on to 8-13. So on and so forth.


Supreme Overlord
^^I agree solid idea^^

I always like the concept of (I think Crystal) where Blaine's gym was destroyed and you had to go find him. Just you can get sick of seeing actual gyms maybe have one or two you have to find in an abandoned ship or in a cave training. Just sick of walking in, talking to those weird dudes who stand at the very front, going through 6548647858 trainers, and going to the gym leader who says, "AHA, you got this far you must be strong but you shall not defeat me!!! AHAHAHA" *dramatic battle music in the background* we just need some change of pace.
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