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The hardest pokemon to catch?


Well-Known Member
I have never spent so long trying to catch a pokemon, I caught all three legendary dogs in silver version in less time, other than chancey... I got lucky with Latios in Emerald and caught it with MB while swimming shortly after being told a pokemon was spotted on the tv. The past week I have spent 2-3hours trying to catch chancey. AND I still have not caught it.... What pokemon caused you this problem?

Silver Mew

Mew Master
The hardest Pokemon that I tried to catch would be....Mewtwo. It took me 45 minutes to catch it, but it's a good powerhouse on my team.
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Well-Known Member
What did you use your MB on?


My only shiny <3
Mine would probably be Registeel becasue it kept struggling to death... Or feebas... I hate that stupid fish...
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Feebas. At least you know where Chansey is. Though Feebas is easier to catch once found... Well one of those to. Lati@s and Ledgendary Dogs are easy imo.

AJ Flibble

Chansey is the hardest Pokemon to catch... I've only catched one in my entire life... but it had the lucky egg!

What luck.

Anything that's rare and in the safari zone. Took ages to catch my Kangaskhan in Blue. Glad I did though, she was a formidable fighter in my mono-Normal team.

The Thrashmeister

<-- Made of awesome.
Probably the legendary birds in FR/LG. They were really hard for me, for some reason. One HP left, paralyzed....still wouldn't stay in my ultra ball. --;

Chansey and Kangkhaskhan were quite easy for me to catch. I caught both on my first ball throw. o_o
Any of the rare pokemon in the safari zone.

And to me, one of the psychic legendaries in Diamond. It took me 45 minutes, and it KO's itself with Stuggle. I wasted a load of Ultra balls on it, and I didn't even catch it, but I resetted.

Lava Striker

Beginning Trainer
probaly raquaza it keeps using rest and outrage!! It wakes up quickly and when it has low life it gets confused due to fatigue from outrage and kills himself


Long time no see
Well in emerald it was rayquazza, kyogre an groundon. I wanted to save mi master ball for latios/latias. the regis werent that bad!!!! for me
an the safari zone has given me a headache in the past but not as bad as the three legends in emerald.


Trains and such
kyogre and rayquaza were easy.... the regis were kinda harder.. but not registeel... o0o man stupid latias got on my nerves.. took me almost an hour to catch her


Feel my soul
For me, it was Mewtwo in FR/LG. I had used my Masterball on Articuno, so I had to ctach Mewtwo with tons Ultra balls. Mewtwo kept running out of moves, and then kept using Struggle so it would KO itself. D: Then, I just kept throwing Ultra balls turn after turn, and I eventually caught it.


Knight of Oblivion
the hardest to catch for me are feebas (6 hours of life wasted) and chansey (28 hours wasted)


Queen of Charizards!
I think he meant Groudon

When I play Silver, Ho-oh was so hard to catch, it tookl me 10 Ultraballs untill teh last one.