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The Hikozaru/Moukazaru/Goukazaru Fan Club

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Whatcha Say???
Hey Everybody welcome to the Hikozaru/Moukazaru/Goukazaru Fan Club!!

All u have to do to join is to choose ur starter as hikozaru in D/P or are going to start with Him/Her.Or if u just like them.

1. Obey all Sppf Forum rules.

2. Don't flame nor spam.

3. You may ask for help if you get stuck in a part of the game.

4. Do post your Wi-Fi codes here.

5. Please if possible post starter w/attacks,nature,and evs

6. You may start new topics in here if u want

7. You can set up trades and battles here

8. Have Fun and Enjoy!

credit goes to Suicune619

credit Furanki Pkmn Master


pokemon rulez!!!!!
Furanki Pkmn Master

Munchlax 357
li Hikari fan

Check out the upcoming tourny roster on page 2
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Whatcha Say???
Cool then wanna be a Co-Owner if so then could ya make a banner


Whatcha Say???
cool be looking forward to the banner and welcome


Whatcha Say???
Sure u can join wanna be co owner


Whatcha Say???
yes to u both and new and final co owner is furanki


Whatcha Say???
Sweet banner thanks i will put it up in the first post k

pokemon rulez!!!!!

Awesome Dialga!
Sorry for late post,working on a fan-fic.Thanks for letting me be co-owner.
I got a topic:Whats your favorite trait about Hikozaru,Moukazaru,or Goukazaru?

OFF TOPIC-I love your southpark/pokemon banner Furanki Pkmn Master. Did you make that?


Whatcha Say???
Topic:They just look freaken awsome and they r one of the only fire pokes in 4th gen and i love fire

Off Topic:Who likes the banners?Because I know i do

Furanki Pkmn Master

I have the Movie One
Okay we will make sure to pm you.
pokemon rulez!!!!! you will have to look over but for only like 10 minutes gotta do homework.
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Whatcha Say???
Ok members when we get more members I was thinking of having a tourny of the Goukazarus,moukazarus,and hikozarus so wat do ya think yeah or no??
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